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Birefringence and dispersion of cylindrically polarized modes in nanobore photonic crystal fiber

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 Added by Tijmen Euser
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We demonstrate experimentally and theoretically that a nanoscale hollow channel placed centrally in the solid glass core of a photonic crystal fiber strongly enhances the cylindrical birefringence (the modal index difference between radially and azimuthally polarized modes). Furthermore, it causes a large split in group velocity and group velocity dispersion. We show analytically that all three parameters can be varied over a wide range by tuning the diameters of the nanobore and the core.

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Higher-order modes up to LP$_{33}$ are controllably excited in water-filled kagom{e}- and bandgap-style hollow-core photonic crystal fibers (HC-PCF). A spatial light modulator is used to create amplitude and phase distributions that closely match those of the fiber modes, resulting in typical launch efficiencies of 10-20% into the liquid-filled core. Modes, excited across the visible wavelength range, closely resemble those observed in air-filled kagom{e} HC-PCF and match numerical simulations. Mode indices are obtained by launching plane-waves at specific angles onto the fiber input-face and comparing the resulting intensity pattern to that of a particular mode. These results provide a framework for spatially-resolved sensing in HC-PCF microreactors and fiber-based optical manipulation.
This article offers an extensive survey of results obtained using hybrid photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) which constitute one of the most active research fields in contemporary fiber optics. The ability to integrate novel and functional materials in solid- and hollow-core PCFs through various post-processing methods has enabled new directions towards understanding fundamental linear and nonlinear phenomena as well as novel application aspects, within the fields of optoelectronics, material and laser science, remote sensing and spectroscopy. Here the recent progress in the field of hybrid PCFs is reviewed from scientific and technological perspectives, focusing on how different fluids, solids and gases can significantly extend the functionality of PCFs. In the first part of this review we discuss the most important efforts by research groups around the globe to develop tunable linear and nonlinear fiber-optic devices using PCFs infiltrated with various liquids, glasses, semiconductors and metals. The second part is concentrated on the most recent and state-of-the-art advances in the field of gas-filled hollow-core PCFs. Extreme ultrafast gas-based nonlinear optics towards light generation in the extreme wavelength regions of vacuum ultraviolet (VUV), pulse propagation and compression dynamics in both atomic and molecular gases, and novel soliton - plasma interactions are reviewed. A discussion of future prospects and directions is also included.
Elastically bent single-crystal Laue case diffraction crystals provide interesting new opportunities for imaging and spectroscopy applications. The diffraction properties are well understood, however, the ability to easily model the diffracted beams hinders assessment of the focal, phase and energy dispersive properties needed for many applications. This work begins to collect the elements needed to ray trace diffracted beams within bent Laue crystals for the purpose of incorporation into other powerful ray tracing applications such as SHADOW. Specifically, we address the condition in a bent Laue crystal where a cylindrically bent Laue crystal will focus all the polychromatic diffracted beams at a single location when a specific asymmetry angle condition is met for a target x-ray energy - the so-called magic condition. The focal size of the beam can be minimized, but this condition also results in excellent energy-dispersive properties. The conceptual and mathematical aspects of this interesting focusing and energy dispersive phenomenon is discussed.
Photonic components based on structured metallic elements show great potential for device applications where field enhancement and confinement of the radiation on a subwavelength scale is required. In this paper we report a detailed study of a prototypical metallo-dielectric photonic structure, where features well known in the world of dielectric photonic crystals, like band gaps and defect modes, are exported to the metallic counterpart, with interesting applications to infrared science and technology, as for instance in quantum well infrared photodetectors, narrow-band spectral filters, and tailorable thermal emitters.
We perform phase-sensitive near-field scanning optical microscopy on photonic-crystal waveguides. The observed intricate field patterns are analyzed by spatial Fourier transformations, revealing several guided TE- and TM-like modes. Using the reconstruction algorithm proposed by Ha, et al. (Opt. Lett. 34 (2009)), we decompose the measured two-dimensional field pattern in a superposition of propagating Bloch modes. This opens new possibilities to study specific modes in near-field measurements. We apply the method to study the transverse behavior of a guided TE-like mode, where the mode extends deeper in the surrounding photonic crystal when the band edge is approached.
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