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Enhanced polarization, magnetoelectric response and possible bi-multiferroic phase separation in Tb_{1-x}Ho_xMnO_3

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 Added by Shuai Dong
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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A series of manganites Tb1-xHoxMnO3 (0<=x<=0.6) with orthorhombic structure are synthesized and detailed investigations on their multiferroicity are performed. Successive magnetic transitions upon temperature variation are evidenced for all samples, and both the Mn3+ spiral spin ordering and rare-earth spin ordering are suppressed with increasing x. Significant enhancement of both the polarization and magnetoelectric response within 0.2<x<0.4 is observed, which may be ascribed to the competition possibly existing between spiral and E-type spin orders. Theoretical calculation is given based on two eg-orbital double-exchange model, and the result supports the scenario of the multiferroic phase separation.

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A theoretical description of the sequence of magnetic phases in Co3TeO6 is presented. The strongly first-order character of the transition to the commensurate multiferroic ground state, induced by coupled order parameters corresponding to different wavevectors, is related to a large magnetoelastic effect with an exchange energy critically sensitive to the interatomic spacing. The monoclinic magnetic symmetry C2 of the multiferroic phase permits spontaneous polarization and magnetization as well as the linear magnetoelectric effect. The existence of weakly ferromagnetic domains is verified experimentally by second harmonic generation measurements.
108 - L. Seetha Lakshmi 2003
This paper is in continuation of our previous work on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of Ru doped La(0.67)Ca(0.33)MnO(3) compounds (Ref.: L.Seetha Lakshmi, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 257, 195 (2003)). Here we report the results of magnetotransport measurements on La(0.67)Ca(0.33)Mn(1-x)Ru(x)O(3) (0<x< 0.1) compounds in the light of proposed magnetic phase separation.
Magnetic phase transitions in multiferroic bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) induced by magnetic field, epitaxial strain, and composition modification are considered. These transitions from a spatially modulated spin spiral state to a homogenous antiferromagnetic one are accompanied by the release of latent magnetization and a linear magnetoelectric effect that makes BiFeO3-based materials efficient room-temperature single phase multiferroics.
149 - H.X. Yang , H.F. Tian , Y. Zhang 2009
The transmission electron microscopy observations of the charge ordering (CO) which governs the electronic polarization in LuFe2O4-x clearly show the presence of a remarkable phase separation at low temperatures. Two CO ground states are found to adopt the charge modulations of Q1 = (1/3, 1/3, 0) and Q2 = (1/3 + y, 1/3 + y, 3/2), respectively. Our structural study demonstrates that the incommensurately Q2-modulated state is chiefly stable in samples with relatively lower oxygen contents. Data from theoretical simulations of the diffraction suggest that both Q1- and Q2-modulated phases have ferroelectric ordering. The effects of oxygen concentration on the phase separation and electric polarization in this layered system are discussed.
Magnetodielectric materials are characterized by a strong coupling of magnetic and dielectric properties and in rare cases simultaneously exhibit both, magnetic and polar order. Among other multiferroics, TbMnO3 and GdMnO3 reveal a strong magneto-dielectric (ME) coupling and as a consequence fundamentally new spin excitations exist: Electro-active magnons, or electromagnons, i. e. spin waves which can be excited by ac electric fields. Here we show that these excitations appear in the phase with an incommensurate (IC) magnetic structure of the manganese spins. In external magnetic fields this IC structure can be suppressed and the electromagnons are wiped out, thereby inducing considerable changes in the index of refraction from dc up to THz frequencies. Hence, besides adding a new creature to the zoo of fundamental excitations, the refraction index can be tuned by moderate magnetic fields, which allows the design of a new generation of optical switches and optoelectronic devices.
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