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The Palatini formalism for higher-curvature gravity theories

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 Added by Bert Janssen
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is English

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We compare the metric and the Palatini formalism to obtain the Einstein equations in the presence of higher-order curvature corrections that consist of contractions of the Riemann tensor, but not of its derivatives. We find that in general the two formalisms are not equivalent and that the set of solutions of the Palatini equations is a non-trivial subset of the solutions of the metric equations. However we also argue that for Lovelock gravities, the equivalence of the two formalism holds completely and give an explanation of why it holds precisely for these theories.

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Following the method of Buchbinder and Lyahovich, we carry out a canonical formalism for a higher-curvature gravity in which the Lagrangian density ${cal L}$ is given in terms of a function of the salar curvature $R$ as ${cal L}=sqrt{-det g_{mu u}}f(R)$. The local Hamiltonian is obtained by a canonical transformation which interchanges a pair of the generalized coordinate and its canonical momentum coming from the higher derivative of the metric.
A new systematic approach extending the notion of frames to the Palatini scalar-tensor theories of gravity in various dimensions n>2 is proposed. We impose frame transformation induced by the group action which includes almost-geodesic and conformal transformations. We characterize theories invariant with respect to these transformations dividing them up into solution-equivalent subclasses (group orbits). To this end, invariant characteristics have been introduced. Unlike in the metric case, it turns out that the dimension four admitting the largest transformation group is rather special for such theories. The formalism provides new frames that incorporate non-metricity. The case of Palatini F(R)-gravity is considered in more detail.
$f(R)$ gravity, capable of driving the late-time acceleration of the universe, is emerging as a promising alternative to dark energy. Various $f(R)$ gravity models have been intensively tested against probes of the expansion history, including type Ia supernovae (SNIa), the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO). In this paper we propose to use the statistical lens sample from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Lens Search Data Release 3 (SQLS DR3) to constrain $f(R)$ gravity models. This sample can probe the expansion history up to $zsim2.2$, higher than what probed by current SNIa and BAO data. We adopt a typical parameterization of the form $f(R)=R-alpha H^2_0(-frac{R}{H^2_0})^beta$ with $alpha$ and $beta$ constants. For $beta=0$ ($Lambda$CDM), we obtain the best-fit value of the parameter $alpha=-4.193$, for which the 95% confidence interval that is [-4.633, -3.754]. This best-fit value of $alpha$ corresponds to the matter density parameter $Omega_{m0}=0.301$, consistent with constraints from other probes. Allowing $beta$ to be free, the best-fit parameters are $(alpha, beta)=(-3.777, 0.06195)$. Consequently, we give $Omega_{m0}=0.285$ and the deceleration parameter $q_0=-0.544$. At the 95% confidence level, $alpha$ and $beta$ are constrained to [-4.67, -2.89] and [-0.078, 0.202] respectively. Clearly, given the currently limited sample size, we can only constrain $beta$ within the accuracy of $Deltabetasim 0.1$ and thus can not distinguish between $Lambda$CDM and $f(R)$ gravity with high significance, and actually, the former lies in the 68% confidence contour. We expect that the extension of the SQLS DR3 lens sample to the SDSS DR5 and SDSS-II will make constraints on the model more stringent.
We investigate cosmological perturbations of scalar-tensor theories in Palatini formalism. First we introduce an action where the Ricci scalar is conformally coupled to a function of a scalar field and its kinetic term and there is also a k-essence term consisting of the scalar and its kinetic term. This action has three frames that are equivalent to one another: the original Jordan frame, the Einstein frame where the metric is redefined, and the Riemann frame where the connection is redefined. For the first time in the literature, we calculate the quadratic action and the sound speed of scalar and tensor perturbations in three different frames and show explicitly that they coincide. Furthermore, we show that for such action the sound speed of gravitational waves is unity. Thus, this model serves as dark energy as well as an inflaton even though the presence of the dependence of the kinetic term of a scalar field in the non-minimal coupling, different from the case in metric formalism. We then proceed to construct the L3 action called Galileon terms in Palatini formalism and compute its perturbations. We found that there are essentially 10 different(inequivalent) definitions in Palatini formalism for a given Galileon term in metric formalism. We also see that,in general, the L3 terms have a ghost due to Ostrogradsky instability and the sound speed of gravitational waves could potentially deviate from unity, in sharp contrast with the case of metric formalism. Interestingly, once we eliminate such a ghost, the sound speed of gravitational waves also becomes unity. Thus, the ghost-free L3 terms in Palatini formalism can still serve as dark energy as well as an inflaton, like the case in metric formalism.
We give analytical arguments and demonstrate numerically the existence of black hole solutions of the $4D$ Effective Superstring Action in the presence of Gauss-Bonnet quadratic curvature terms. The solutions possess non-trivial dilaton hair. The hair, however, is of ``secondary type, in the sense that the dilaton charge is expressed in terms of the black hole mass. Our solutions are not covered by the assumptions of existing proofs of the ``no-hair theorem. We also find some alternative solutions with singular metric behaviour, but finite energy. The absence of naked singularities in this system is pointed out.
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