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Asymptotic behavior of a nonlocal parabolic problem in Ohmic heating process

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 Added by Yuxiang Li
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is English

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In this paper, we consider the asymptotic behavior of the nonlocal parabolic problem [ u_{t}=Delta u+displaystylefrac{lambda f(u)}{big(int_{Omega}f(u)dxbig)^{p}}, xin Omega, t>0, ] with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition, where $lambda>0, p>0$, $f$ is nonincreasing. It is found that: (a) For $0<pleq1$, $u(x,t)$ is globally bounded and the unique stationary solution is globally asymptotically stable for any $lambda>0$; (b) For $1<p<2$, $u(x,t)$ is globally bounded for any $lambda>0$; (c) For $p=2$, if $0<lambda<2|partialOmega|^2$, then $u(x,t)$ is globally bounded, if $lambda=2|partialOmega|^2$, there is no stationary solution and $u(x,t)$ is a global solution and $u(x,t)toinfty$ as $ttoinfty$ for all $xinOmega$, if $lambda>2|partialOmega|^2$, there is no stationary solution and $u(x,t)$ blows up in finite time for all $xinOmega$; (d) For $p>2$, there exists a $lambda^*>0$ such that for $lambda>lambda^*$, or for $0<lambdaleqlambda^*$ and $u_0(x)$ sufficiently large, $u(x,t)$ blows up in finite time. Moreover, some formal asymptotic estimates for the behavior of $u(x,t)$ as it blows up are obtained for $pgeq2$.

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