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Monte Carlo Simulation to relate primary and final fragments mass and kinetic energy distribution from low energy fission of $^{234}U$

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 Added by Justo Rojas
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The kinetic energy distribution as a function of mass of final fragments (m) from low energy fission of $^{234}U$, measured with the Lohengrin spectrometer by Belhafaf et al. presents a peak around m=108 and another around m = 122. The authors attribute the first peak to the evaporation of a large number of neutrons around the corresponding mass number; and the second peak to the distribution of the primary fragment kinetic energy. Nevertheless, the theoretical calculations related to primary distribution made by Faust et al. do not result in a peak around m = 122. In order to clarify this apparent controversy, we have made a numerical experiment in which the masses and the kinetic energy of final fragments are calculated, assuming an initial distribution of the kinetic energy without peaks on the standard deviation as function of fragment mass. As a result we obtain a pronounced peak on the standard deviation of the kinetic energy distribution around m = 109, a depletion from m = 121 to m = 129, and an small peak around m = 122, which is not as big as the measured by Belhafaf et al. Our simulation also reproduces the experimental results on the yield of the final mass, the average number of emitted neutrons as a function of the provisional mass (calculated from the values of the final kinetic energy of the complementary fragments) and the average value of fragment kinetic energy as a function of the final mass.

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222 - M. Montoya 2007
The mass and kinetic energy distribution of nuclear fragments from thermal neutron induced fission of 235U have been studied using a Monte-Carlo simulation. Besides reproducing the pronounced broadening on the standard deviation of the final fragment kinetic energy distribution $sigma_{e}(m)$ around the mass number m = 109, our simulation also produces a second broadening around m = 125, that is in agreement with the experimental data obtained by Belhafaf et al. These results are consequence of the characteristics of the neutron emission, the variation in the primary fragment mean kinetic energy and the yield as a function of the mass.
The mass and kinetic energy distribution of nuclear fragments from thermal neutron-induced fission of 235U have been studied using a Monte-Carlo simulation. Besides reproducing the pronounced broadening in the standard deviation of the kinetic energy at the final fragment mass number around m = 109, our simulation also produces a second broadening around m = 125. These results are in good agreement with the experimental data obtained by Belhafaf et al. and other results on yield of mass. We conclude that the obtained results are a consequence of the characteristics of the neutron emission, the sharp variation in the primary fragment kinetic energy and mass yield curves. We show that because neutron emission is hazardous to make any conclusion on primary quantities distribution of fragments from experimental results on final quantities distributions.
We study how the excitation energy of the fully accelerated fission fragments is built up. It is stressed that only the intrinsic excitation energy available before scission can be exchanged between the fission fragments to achieve thermal equilibrium. This is in contradiction with most models used to calculate prompt neutron emission where it is assumed that the total excitation energy of the final fragments is shared between the fragments by the condition of equal temperatures. We also study the intrinsic excitation-energy partition according to a level density description with a transition from a constant-temperature regime to a Fermi-gas regime. Complete or partial excitation-energy sorting is found at energies well above the transition energy.
Focused on the generation and evolution of vast complementary pairs of the primary fission fragments at scission moment, Dinuclear and Statistical Model (DSM) is proposed. (1) It is assumed that the fissile nucleus elongates along a symmetric coaxis until it breaks into two primary fission fragments. (2) Every complementary pair of the primary fission fragments is approximatively described as two ellipsoids with large deformation at scission moment. (3) The kinetic energy in every complementary pair of the primary fragments is mainly provided by Coulomb repulsion, which is explicitly expressed through strict six-dimensional integrals. (4) Only three phenomenological coefficients are obtained to globally describe the quadrupole deformation parameters of arbitrary primary fragments both for $^{235}$U($n_{th}, f$) and $^{239}$Pu($n_{th}, f$) reactions, on the basis of the common characteristics of the measured data, such as mass and charge distributions, kinetic energy distributions. In the framework of DSM, the explicit average total kinetic energy distribution $overline{TKE}(A)$ and the average kinetic energy distribution $overline{KE}(A)$ are consistently represented. The theoretical results in this paper agree well with the experimental data. Furthermore, this model is expected as the reliable approach to generally evaluate the corresponding observebles for thermal neutron-induced fission of actinides.
The simultaneous measurement of the isotopic fission-fragment yields and fission-fragment velocities of $^{239}$U has been performed for the first time. The $^{239}$U fissioning system was produced in one-neutron transfer reactions between a $^{238}$U beam at 5.88 MeV/nucleon and a $^{9}$Be target. The combination of inverse kinematics at low energy and the use of the VAMOS++ spectrometer at the GANIL facility allows the isotopic identification of the full fission-fragment distribution and their velocity in the reference frame of the fissioning system. The proton and neutron content of the fragments at scission, their total kinetic and total excitation energy, as well as the neutron multiplicity were determined. Information from the scission point configuration is obtained from these observables and the correlation between them. The role of the octupole-deformed proton and neutron shells in the fission-fragment production is discussed.
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