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Personal Recommendation via Modified Collaborative Filtering

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 Added by Tao Zhou
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In this paper, we propose a novel method to compute the similarity between congeneric nodes in bipartite networks. Different from the standard Person correlation, we take into account the influence of nodes degree. Substituting this new definition of similarity for the standard Person correlation, we propose a modified collaborative filtering (MCF). Based on a benchmark database, we demonstrate the great improvement of algorithmic accuracy for both user-based MCF and object-based MCF.

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133 - Jie Ren , Tao Zhou , 2008
Recommender systems are significant to help people deal with the world of information explosion and overload. In this Letter, we develop a general framework named self-consistent refinement and implement it be embedding two representative recommendation algorithms: similarity-based and spectrum-based methods. Numerical simulations on a benchmark data set demonstrate that the present method converges fast and can provide quite better performance than the standard methods.
139 - Duo Sun , Tao Zhou , Jian-Guo Liu 2009
In this Brief Report, we propose a new index of user similarity, namely the transferring similarity, which involves all high-order similarities between users. Accordingly, we design a modified collaborative filtering algorithm, which provides remarkably higher accurate predictions than the standard collaborative filtering. More interestingly, we find that the algorithmic performance will approach its optimal value when the parameter, contained in the definition of transferring similarity, gets close to its critical value, before which the series expansion of transferring similarity is convergent and after which it is divergent. Our study is complementary to the one reported in [E. A. Leicht, P. Holme, and M. E. J. Newman, Phys. Rev. E {bf 73} 026120 (2006)], and is relevant to the missing link prediction problem.
Heat conduction process has recently found its application in personalized recommendation [T. Zhou emph{et al.}, PNAS 107, 4511 (2010)], which is of high diversity but low accuracy. By decreasing the temperatures of small-degree objects, we present an improved algorithm, called biased heat conduction (BHC), which could simultaneously enhance the accuracy and diversity. Extensive experimental analyses demonstrate that the accuracy on MovieLens, Netflix and Delicious datasets could be improved by 43.5%, 55.4% and 19.2% compared with the standard heat conduction algorithm, and the diversity is also increased or approximately unchanged. Further statistical analyses suggest that the present algorithm could simultaneously identify users mainstream and special tastes, resulting in better performance than the standard heat conduction algorithm. This work provides a creditable way for highly efficient information filtering.
The item cold-start problem seriously limits the recommendation performance of Collaborative Filtering (CF) methods when new items have either none or very little interactions. To solve this issue, many modern Internet applications propose to predict a new items interaction from the possessing contents. However, it is difficult to design and learn a map between the items interaction history and the corresponding contents. In this paper, we apply the Wasserstein distance to address the item cold-start problem. Given item content information, we can calculate the similarity between the interacted items and cold-start ones, so that a users preference on cold-start items can be inferred by minimizing the Wasserstein distance between the distributions over these two types of items. We further adopt the idea of CF and propose Wasserstein CF (WCF) to improve the recommendation performance on cold-start items. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of WCF over state-of-the-art approaches.
With increasing and extensive use of electronic health records, clinicians are often under time pressure when they need to retrieve important information efficiently among large amounts of patients health records in clinics. While a search function can be a useful alternative to browsing through a patients record, it is cumbersome for clinicians to search repeatedly for the same or similar information on similar patients. Under such circumstances, there is a critical need to build effective recommender systems that can generate accurate search term recommendations for clinicians. In this manuscript, we developed a hybrid collaborative filtering model using patients encounter and search term information to recommend the next search terms for clinicians to retrieve important information fast in clinics. For each patient, the model will recommend terms that either have high co-occurrence frequencies with his/her most recent ICD codes or are highly relevant to the most recent search terms on this patient. We have conducted comprehensive experiments to evaluate the proposed model, and the experimental results demonstrate that our model can outperform all the state-of-the-art baseline methods for top-N search term recommendation on different datasets.
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