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Light quark masses and pseudoscalar decay constants from Nf=2 Lattice QCD with twisted mass fermions

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 Added by Vittorio Lubicz
 Publication date 2007
and research's language is English

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We present the results of a lattice QCD calculation of the average up-down and strange quark masses and of the light meson pseudoscalar decay constants with Nf=2 dynamical fermions. The simulation is carried out at a single value of the lattice spacing with the twisted mass fermionic action at maximal twist, which guarantees automatic O(a)-improvement of the physical quantities. Quark masses are renormalized by implementing the non-perturbative RI-MOM renormalization procedure. Our results for the light quark masses are m_ud^{msbar}(2 GeV)= 3.85 +- 0.12 +- 0.40 MeV, m_s^{msbar}(2 GeV) = 105 +- 3 +- 9 MeV and m_s/m_ud = 27.3 +- 0.3 +- 1.2. We also obtain fK = 161.7 +- 1.2 +- 3.1 MeV and the ratio fK/fpi=1.227 +- 0.009 +- 0.024. From this ratio, by using the experimental determination of Gamma(K-> mu nu (gamma))/Gamma(pi -> mu nu (gamma)) and the average value of |Vud| from nuclear beta decays, we obtain |Vus|=0.2192(5)(45), in agreement with the determination from Kl3 decays and the unitarity constraint.

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We present the results of a lattice QCD calculation of the pseudoscalar meson decay constants fpi, fK, fD and fDs, performed with Nf=2 dynamical fermions. The simulation is carried out with the tree-level improved Symanzik gauge action and with the twisted mass fermionic action at maximal twist. We have considered for the final analysis three values of the lattice spacing, a~0.10 fm, 0.09 fm and 0.07 fm, with pion masses down to mpi~270 MeV. Our results for the light meson decay constants are fK=158.1(2.4) MeV and fK/fpi=1.210(18). From the latter ratio, by using the experimental determination of Gamma(K-->mu nu_mu (gamma))/ Gamma(pi--> mu nu_mu (gamma)) and the average value of |Vud| from nuclear beta decays, we obtain |Vus|=0.2222(34), in good agreement with the determination from semileptonic Kl3 decays and the unitarity constraint. For the D and Ds meson decay constants we obtain fD=197(9) MeV, fDs=244(8) MeV and fDs/fD=1.24(3). Our result for fD is in good agreement with the CLEO experimental measurement. For fDs our determination is smaller than the PDG 2008 experimental average but in agreement with a recent improved measurement by CLEO at the 1.4 sigma level.
We present the results of a lattice QCD calculation of the pseudoscalar meson decay constants f_K, f_D and f_Ds, performed with N_f=2 dynamical fermions. The simulation is carried out with the tree-level improved Symanzik gauge action and with the twisted mass fermionic action at maximal twist. With respect to our previous study (0709.4574 [hep-lat]), here we have analysed data at three values of the lattice spacing (a=0.10 fm, 0.09 fm, 0.07 fm) and performed the continuum limit, and we have included at a=0.09 fm data with a lighter quark mass (m_pi = 260 MeV) and a larger volume (L = 2.7 fm), thus having at each lattice spacing L >= 2.4 fm and m_pi*L >= 3.6. Our result for the kaon decay constant is f_K=(157.5 +- 0.8|_{stat.} +- 3.3|_{syst.}) MeV and for the ratio f_K/f_pi=1.205 +- 0.006|_{stat.} +- 0.025|_{syst.}, in good agreement with the other N_f=2 and N_f=2+1 lattice calculations. For the D and D_s meson decay constants we obtain f_D=(205 +- 7|_{stat.} +- 7|_{syst.}) MeV, in good agreement with the CLEO-c experimental measurement and with other recent N_f=2 and N_f=2+1 lattice calculations, and f_{Ds}=(248 +- 3|_{stat.} +- 8|_{syst.}) MeV that, instead, is 2.3 sigma below the CLEO-c/BABAR experimental average, confirming the present tension between lattice calculations and experimental measurements.
We present a lattice QCD calculation of the up, down, strange and charm quark masses performed using the gauge configurations produced by the European Twisted Mass Collaboration with Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 dynamical quarks, which include in the sea, besides two light mass degenerate quarks, also the strange and charm quarks with masses close to their physical values. The simulations are based on a unitary setup for the two light quarks and on a mixed action approach for the strange and charm quarks. The analysis uses data at three values of the lattice spacing and pion masses in the range 210 - 450 MeV, allowing for accurate continuum limit and controlled chiral extrapolation. The quark mass renormalization is carried out non-perturbatively using the RI-MOM method. The results for the quark masses converted to the bar{MS} scheme are: mud(2 GeV) = 3.70(17) MeV, ms(2 GeV) = 99.6(4.3) MeV and mc(mc) = 1.348(46) GeV. We obtain also the quark mass ratios ms/mud = 26.66(32) and mc/ms = 11.62(16). By studying the mass splitting between the neutral and charged kaons and using available lattice results for the electromagnetic contributions, we evaluate mu/md = 0.470(56), leading to mu = 2.36(24) MeV and md = 5.03(26) MeV.
We compute the leptonic decay constants $f_{D^+}$, $f_{D_s}$, and $f_{K^+}$, and the quark-mass ratios $m_c/m_s$ and $m_s/m_l$ in unquenched lattice QCD using the experimentally determined value of $f_{pi^+}$ for normalization. We use the MILC highly improved staggered quark (HISQ) ensembles with four dynamical quark flavors---up, down, strange, and charm---and with both physical and unphysical values of the light sea-quark masses. The use of physical pions removes the need for a chiral extrapolation, thereby eliminating a significant source of uncertainty in previous calculations. Four different lattice spacings ranging from $aapprox 0.06$ fm to $0.15$ fm are included in the analysis to control the extrapolation to the continuum limit. Our primary results are $f_{D^+} = 212.6(0.4)({}^{+1.0}_{-1.2}) mathrm{MeV}$, $f_{D_s} = 249.0(0.3)({}^{+1.1}_{-1.5}) mathrm{MeV}$, and $f_{D_s}/f_{D^+} = 1.1712(10)({}^{+29}_{-32})$, where the errors are statistical and total systematic, respectively. The errors on our results for the charm decay constants and their ratio are approximately two to four times smaller than those of the most precise previous lattice calculations. We also obtain $f_{K^+}/f_{pi^+} = 1.1956(10)({}^{+26}_{-18})$, updating our previous result, and determine the quark-mass ratios $m_s/m_l = 27.35(5)({}^{+10}_{-7})$ and $m_c/m_s = 11.747(19)({}^{+59}_{-43})$. When combined with experimental measurements of the decay rates, our results lead to precise determinations of the CKM matrix elements $|V_{us}| = 0.22487(51) (29)(20)(5)$, $|V_{cd}|=0.217(1) (5)(1)$ and $|V_{cs}|= 1.010(5)(18)(6)$, where the errors are from this calculation of the decay constants, the uncertainty in the experimental decay rates, structure-dependent electromagnetic corrections, and, in the case of $|V_{us}|$, the uncertainty in $|V_{ud}|$, respectively.
We present a preliminary study of the pion, kaon and D-meson masses and decay constants in isosymmetric QCD, as well as a preliminary result for the light-quark renormalized mass. The analysis is based on the gauge ensembles produced by ETMC with $N_f=2+1+1$ flavours of Wilson-clover twisted mass quarks, spanning a range of lattice spacings from $sim0.10$ to $0.07$ fm and include configurations at the physical pion point on lattices with linear size up to $L~sim~5.6$~fm
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