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Dynamical instability in kicked Bose-Einstein condensates: Bogoliubov resonances

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 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Bose-Einstein condensates subject to short pulses (`kicks) from standing waves of light represent a nonlinear analogue of the well-known chaos paradigm, the quantum kicked rotor. Previous studies of the onset of dynamical instability (ie exponential proliferation of non-condensate particles) suggested that the transition to instability might be associated with a transition to chaos. Here we conclude instead that instability is due to resonant driving of Bogoliubov modes. We investigate the excitation of Bogoliubov modes for both the quantum kicked rotor (QKR) and a variant, the double kicked rotor (QKR-2). We present an analytical model, valid in the limit of weak impulses which correctly gives the scaling properties of the resonances and yields good agreement with mean-field numerics.

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159 - Hadrien Kurkjian 2017
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