تمت دراسة صخور المعقّد الأفيوليتي (الصخور فوق الأساسية: دونيت -
بيريدوتيت – و هارزبرجيت، و الرسوبية: الراديولاريت) في الكنيسات –مفتاح الكومة (الطرف
الغربي للنهر الكبير الشمالي) من خلال جمع العينست الحقلية و رفع المقاطع اللازمة.
قدمت هذه الدراسة و صفا بتروغرافيا و فلزيا مفصلاً للصخور المتكشفة في منطقة الدراسة
حددت فيه تراكيب الصخور، مراحل الفساد المتعددة، و أشارت لوجود تراكيز هامة من
أكاسيد الحديد و المنغنيز.
In this work we studied the Syrian Ophiolite complex rocks.
like (ultrabasic: Dunite ,Peridotite- Hartzbergate) and the sedimentary
rocks like Radiolarite,that at the west end of ALKABER AL SHIMALI
river, by collecting field samples and mapping of geological section.
This study gave us a detailed Petrographic and metallic describe of
rocks in the study area, in this study see the installation of rocks and
multiple stages of transformation of metals ,and indicated the presence
of iron and manganese oxides.
References used
PARROT (J.F.) 1977: Assemblage ophiolititque du baer- Bassit el termes effusifs du volcano-sed mentaire Tra. Et Doc. De l O. S.T.O.M. (These) 333 p
Gassim A.K.,Jungwirth J.;Reporton geological Survey carried outinthe Nahr el kabir-Ash-shemali depression,Damascus,1969
KAZMIN(V.G) 1962: Structure of the North-East Mediterranean and conditions of Origin of the ophiolite formation in the North-East and adjacent territories Thesis in Russian –Abstract In English: 18p. Doc. Biblo. Est. Geology Damas. Multigr
This paper Presents a Petrographic and geologic study of basaltic
rocks in( Hrbet AL-Sindian). which is part of the Diaeremes to the
plosirelacune Qardah district .In study, We identify the type of
Cretaceous and Neogene basalt rock in the studied
Field study of the basalt rocks indicate in Jaubet-AL Dilbe that casts basalt in the
field consist of tuffit, pyroclastic Sometimes consist of porphyric coarsebasalt with lava
structure and brescia of tufa ,which contain a lot of surrounding rocks
Study of the general characteristics of Fractures in the central part of
the AL-Kabir AL- Shimali river basin showed the presence of
several main groups of Fractures with directions NE-SW _ NNESSW,
NW-SE , E-W.and showed increased fracture rate in
This study deals with spatial and temporal distributions of organic and inorganic
phosphorus in sedimentary columns from Al-Kabir Al-Shimaliand Al-Hussain estuaries,
during the period March 2013- February 2014.
Organic phosphorus concentrations ra
This is a study of free groundwater level changes through time, and the level of its being affected by natural and artificial factors, which allows evaluating general water situation of the aquifer. This study shows that groundwater system in the stu