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دور لجان المراجعة في الحد من ممارسات المحاسبة الإبداعية (دراسة ميدانية)

3568   8   112   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2009
  fields Accounting
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Oriol Amt, John Blake and Olivers: The Ethics of creative Accounting: Some Spanish Evidence, Journal of Economic Latetature classification, April 2000, p.6–7
Balaciu, Diana: Is Creative Accounting A form of manipulation University of Oradeor, Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance Accounting, Journal accredited CNCSIS-Category B+, Tom xvII, 2008 – volume III, p. 936
Jameson, M., A practical guide to creative accounting. Kogan Page, London. 1988, p20
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The aim of this study was to investigate the role played by audit committees to improve the quality of the external audit, and for that it has the researcher to divide the study into three chapters included the first chapter the concept and the origi ns and elements of the audit committee in general, and then eat in the second quarter the most important aspects of the special audit committee of and domestic point of view, as the law including in particular the Syrian Resolution No. 31 for the year 2008, while in the third chapter researcher reviewed the role of the audit committee in the process of external audit. To achieve the goal of the research, was designed form questionnaire includes a number of parameters have been employed to deal with every hypothesis of hypotheses, where the number of questionnaires, missed calls 78, where results showed the presence of the role of audit committees in improving the external audit, .particularly in relation to the effectiveness of the Commission review.
After the collapse of major international companies, the attention has been increased to provide appropriate mechanisms to reduce the causes of these collapses. Some of these causes were related to fraud in financial reporting. One of the used mec hanisms is the audit committee which plays the role of supervisor in the companies. The objective of this research is to study the role of audit committees in reducing fraud in the Syrian public companies, and to achieve this goal, the researcher has prepared questionnaire which has been distributed to some members of audit committees in the Syrian public companies and some external auditors, the questionnaire has included audit committees’ characteristics and their tasks which would reduce fraud. The researcher has found that audit committees’ characteristics and their tasks reduce fraud according to the research samples.
The study aims to determine the level of the relationship between creative accounting techniques applied in shareholding corporations and their motivation through a field study that was undertaken on the auditors of shareholding companies. To achie ve the objective of this study, a questionnaire was designed as a tool to collect data from the population of the study which is composed of auditors appointed by the Ministry of Finance, and authorized to audit shareholding companies. The questionnaire was distributed to 300 out of 493 auditors. 125 questionnaires were returned, and 115 questionnaires were suitable for analysis.. The study showed difference in estimation of external auditor of the degree of application of Syrian companies for creative accounting techniques in preparing financial statements due to scientific qualification, the certificate of professional accounting, and accounting specialization. And a stronger relationship appeared between the influence technique on the items of the financial position statement and the motivation to achieve specific figures of profit, and the relationship between political costs avoidance and the technique of influence on income statement got the second highest on the level of power. Correlation results between management techniques and their motivation showed that to achieve a certain motive, management might follow more than one technique, they may apply, for example, a technique that influence the items of statement of financial position, statement of cash flows, off-balance sheet financing, in order to achieve specific figures of profit.
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على دور مجالس الإدارة في الشركات الأردنية في تعزيزها لفاعلية لجان التدقيق. و ذلك من خلال معرفة مدى استجابة أعضاء مجلس الإدارة لتوصيات لجان التدقيق المتعلقة في بالمجالات الآتية: التدقيق الخارجي، و نظام الرقابة الداخلية، و إ عداد القوائم المالية. لتحقيق هدف الدراسة تم توزيع استبانات على أعضاء مجالس الإدارة يمثلون ( 65 ) شركة مساهمة، و كان مجموع الاستبانات التي استردت بعد توزيعها على أعضاء مجالس الإدارة و بشكل صالح لتحقيق أغراض هذه الدراسة ( 113 ) استبانة. و استخدم الإحصاء الوصفي و اختبار (ت) لفحص بيانات الدراسة و اختبار فرضياتها. و من أهم النتائج التي توصلت إليها الدراسة أن مجالس الإدارة تعزز من فاعلية لجان التدقيق بدرجة متوسطة في المجالات كّلها: التدقيق الخارجي، و نظام الرقابة الداخلية، و إعداد القوائم المالية. و كما أظهرت النتائج ما نسبته ( 61.1 %) من أعضاء مجالس الإدارة يفتقرون للخبرات في الشؤون المالية و المحاسبية. و قد قدمت الدراسة بعض التوصيات في ضوء النتائج التي تم التوصل إليها.
This research examines the impact of stakeholders’ pressures on the environmental management accounting (EMA) adoption level. Drawing from the stakeholders theory, the research seeks to identify the extent to which stakeholders’ pressures (governme nt, customers, labor unions, and local community) influences EMA adoption level among manufacturing companies in Syria. Hypotheses were constructed for there is a positive relationship between the stakeholders’ pressures and EMA adoption level. A total of 62 managers working in 20 Syrian manufacturing companies participated in the survey. stakeholders’ pressures was tested against the EMA adoption level via simple regression analysis, correlation, and frequency rate. The findings indicated that there is a positive relationship between the government, customers pressures and the EMA adoption level. In addition, there is no relationship between the labor unions, local community pressures and the EMA adoption level. The findings were discussed, and some recommendations and suggestions were provided.
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