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The state of Auditing government in Syria and the possibility of adopting standards GAO as local Auditing government criteria "A field study on the branches of the Central Agency for Financial Control in Syria"

واقع المراجعة الحكومية في سورية و إمكانية اعتماد معايير المراجعة الحكومية GAO كمعايير محلية "دراسة ميدانية على فروع الجهاز المركزي للرقابة المالية في سورية"

1343   2   51   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research assessment of the reality of the work of inspectors of the Central Agency for Financial Control in Syria and study the possibility of adopting auditing standards governmental GAO issued by the General Accounting Office, criteria government review in Syria, from the standpoint of the inspectors working in the Central Agency for Financial Control, in order that touched on a presentation of the most important auditing standards governmental particular standards issued by the GAO, also addressed the regulatory bodies Syrian government, and the stages of development and the mechanism of action of inspectors of the Central Agency for Financial Control, and then assess the work of these devices based on interviews and field with the inspectors while they perform their work, and therefore stand at the most important obstacles and the difficulties which they suffer, in order to verify the possibility of the application of these standards has been designed list of identification include a set of phrases and a set of proposals for the conduct of the review process in the device from the reality of auditing standards governmental GAO, to be through an opinion poll research sample, which were represented by 140 inspectors working in the three provinces Syria. The study showed the desire of the sample to change the reality of auditing government now, in many ways, both in terms of rehabilitation scientific and practical believe in terms of independence from the executive branch as well as the desire to carry out the audit in an orderly and planned previously and this in turn provides a suitable ground for the adoption of governmental auditing standards.

References used
القاضي, حسين, ودحدوح, حسين, مراجعة الحسابات, جامعة دمشق 1998-1999
TAYLOR, D.H; GIEZEN, C.W, Auditing integrated concepts and procedures, USA, 1991
rate research

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This paper seeks to assess the extent to which the auditing profession in Syria depends on risk assessment. This study starts by analyzing the importance of the risk approach and its implications for contemporary auditing. The study intends to exam ine to what extent, if at all, the Syrian auditing profession takes the assessment of auditing risk factor into consideration and the correlation, if any, between risk and other related factors such as business risk, assessment risk, and control risk. To this end, the researcher designs a questionnaire and sends it to 100 auditors through the Association of Syrian Certified Accountants. 51 questionnaires are properly filled. To analyze data, SPSS package has been used. The results have clearly confirmed the hypothesis that the auditing profession in Syria does not depend on risk assessment.
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This study aimed to evaluate the budget applied in the government hospitals in Latakia, and research into the possibility of the application of (Activity-Based Budgeting). To achieve the objectives of the study are designed questionnaire include qu estions related to various aspects of the existing budget, and the availability of administrative, financial, technical and environmental potential. Where the questionnaire was distributed on the financial and administrative department in the Directorate of Health staff in addition to the six staff of government hospitals in the province. The study concluded that the most important set of results, that the budget applied in hospitals do not meet the requirements, and that there are many obstacles and problems facing the possibility of applying the (Activity-Based Budgeting) in hospitals under study. Based on the findings the researcher recommended the need for appropriate infrastructure to create for the application of (Activity-Based Budgeting) to activate the use of modern technology, and provide sufficient resources as well as create the necessary political, economic and legal conditions for the application of (Activity-Based Budgeting) to take advantage of their advantages in cost management and exploitation of resources.
This research aims to define doubt indicators that help auditors in Syria to know the existence of significant doubt about the ability of an entity to continue as a going concern, and how much these indicators are close to the indicators defiend in the international standards auditing No 570. And know the additional auditing procedures that are followed by auditors in Syria in case of the existence of any events or circumstances that influence the going concern , and how much these procedures are close to the indicators defined in the international standards auditing No 570. This study concluded that existence of frequent financial losses and the increase of current liabilities over current assets are considered the most important indicators that help auditors working in auditing company under study in evaluating going concern.
The aim of this study was to investigate the role played by audit committees to improve the quality of the external audit, and for that it has the researcher to divide the study into three chapters included the first chapter the concept and the origi ns and elements of the audit committee in general, and then eat in the second quarter the most important aspects of the special audit committee of and domestic point of view, as the law including in particular the Syrian Resolution No. 31 for the year 2008, while in the third chapter researcher reviewed the role of the audit committee in the process of external audit. To achieve the goal of the research, was designed form questionnaire includes a number of parameters have been employed to deal with every hypothesis of hypotheses, where the number of questionnaires, missed calls 78, where results showed the presence of the role of audit committees in improving the external audit, .particularly in relation to the effectiveness of the Commission review.
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