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Neuro-Symbolic Approaches for Text-Based Policy Learning

النهج العصبية الرمزية لتعلم السياسة القائمة على النص

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Text-Based Games (TBGs) have emerged as important testbeds for reinforcement learning (RL) in the natural language domain. Previous methods using LSTM-based action policies are uninterpretable and often overfit the training games showing poor performance to unseen test games. We present SymboLic Action policy for Textual Environments (SLATE), that learns interpretable action policy rules from symbolic abstractions of textual observations for improved generalization. We outline a method for end-to-end differentiable symbolic rule learning and show that such symbolic policies outperform previous state-of-the-art methods in text-based RL for the coin collector environment from 5-10x fewer training games. Additionally, our method provides human-understandable policy rules that can be readily verified for their logical consistency and can be easily debugged.

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Deep reinforcement learning provides a promising approach for text-based games in studying natural language communication between humans and artificial agents. However, the generalization still remains a big challenge as the agents depend critically on the complexity and variety of training tasks. In this paper, we address this problem by introducing a hierarchical framework built upon the knowledge graph-based RL agent. In the high level, a meta-policy is executed to decompose the whole game into a set of subtasks specified by textual goals, and select one of them based on the KG. Then a sub-policy in the low level is executed to conduct goal-conditioned reinforcement learning. We carry out experiments on games with various difficulty levels and show that the proposed method enjoys favorable generalizability.
While powerful pre-trained language models have improved the fluency of text generation models, semantic adequacy -the ability to generate text that is semantically faithful to the input- remains an unsolved issue. In this paper, we introduce a novel automatic evaluation metric, Entity-Based Semantic Adequacy, which can be used to assess to what extent generation models that verbalise RDF (Resource Description Framework) graphs produce text that contains mentions of the entities occurring in the RDF input. This is important as RDF subject and object entities make up 2/3 of the input. We use our metric to compare 25 models from the WebNLG Shared Tasks and we examine correlation with results from human evaluations of semantic adequacy. We show that while our metric correlates with human evaluation scores, this correlation varies with the specifics of the human evaluation setup. This suggests that in order to measure the entity-based adequacy of generated texts, an automatic metric such as the one proposed here might be more reliable, as less subjective and more focused on correct verbalisation of the input, than human evaluation measures.
In simultaneous machine translation, finding an agent with the optimal action sequence of reads and writes that maintain a high level of translation quality while minimizing the average lag in producing target tokens remains an extremely challenging problem. We propose a novel supervised learning approach for training an agent that can detect the minimum number of reads required for generating each target token by comparing simultaneous translations against full-sentence translations during training to generate oracle action sequences. These oracle sequences can then be used to train a supervised model for action generation at inference time. Our approach provides an alternative to current heuristic methods in simultaneous translation by introducing a new training objective, which is easier to train than previous attempts at training the agent using reinforcement learning techniques for this task. Our experimental results show that our novel training method for action generation produces much higher quality translations while minimizing the average lag in simultaneous translation.
Identifying emotions from text is crucial for a variety of real world tasks. We consider the two largest now-available corpora for emotion classification: GoEmotions, with 58k messages labelled by readers, and Vent, with 33M writer-labelled messages. We design a benchmark and evaluate several feature spaces and learning algorithms, including two simple yet novel models on top of BERT that outperform previous strong baselines on GoEmotions. Through an experiment with human participants, we also analyze the differences between how writers express emotions and how readers perceive them. Our results suggest that emotions expressed by writers are harder to identify than emotions that readers perceive. We share a public web interface for researchers to explore our models.
Deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods often require many trials before convergence, and no direct interpretability of trained policies is provided. In order to achieve fast convergence and interpretability for the policy in RL, we propose a novel RL method for text-based games with a recent neuro-symbolic framework called Logical Neural Network, which can learn symbolic and interpretable rules in their differentiable network. The method is first to extract first-order logical facts from text observation and external word meaning network (ConceptNet), then train a policy in the network with directly interpretable logical operators. Our experimental results show RL training with the proposed method converges significantly faster than other state-of-the-art neuro-symbolic methods in a TextWorld benchmark.

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