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Text2Mol: Cross-Modal Molecule Retrieval with Natural Language Queries

Text2mol: استرجاع الجزيء عبر الوسائط مع استفسارات اللغة الطبيعية

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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We propose a new task, Text2Mol, to retrieve molecules using natural language descriptions as queries. Natural language and molecules encode information in very different ways, which leads to the exciting but challenging problem of integrating these two very different modalities. Although some work has been done on text-based retrieval and structure-based retrieval, this new task requires integrating molecules and natural language more directly. Moreover, this can be viewed as an especially challenging cross-lingual retrieval problem by considering the molecules as a language with a very unique grammar. We construct a paired dataset of molecules and their corresponding text descriptions, which we use to learn an aligned common semantic embedding space for retrieval. We extend this to create a cross-modal attention-based model for explainability and reranking by interpreting the attentions as association rules. We also employ an ensemble approach to integrate our different architectures, which significantly improves results from 0.372 to 0.499 MRR. This new multimodal approach opens a new perspective on solving problems in chemistry literature understanding and molecular machine learning.

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Recent advances in using retrieval components over external knowledge sources have shown impressive results for a variety of downstream tasks in natural language processing. Here, we explore the use of unstructured external knowledge sources of image s and their corresponding captions for improving visual question answering (VQA). First, we train a novel alignment model for embedding images and captions in the same space, which achieves substantial improvement in performance on image-caption retrieval w.r.t. similar methods. Second, we show that retrieval-augmented multi-modal transformers using the trained alignment model improve results on VQA over strong baselines. We further conduct extensive experiments to establish the promise of this approach, and examine novel applications for inference time such as hot-swapping indices.
Aspect terms extraction (ATE) and aspect sentiment classification (ASC) are two fundamental and fine-grained sub-tasks in aspect-level sentiment analysis (ALSA). In the textual analysis, joint extracting both aspect terms and sentiment polarities has been drawn much attention due to the better applications than individual sub-task. However, in the multi-modal scenario, the existing studies are limited to handle each sub-task independently, which fails to model the innate connection between the above two objectives and ignores the better applications. Therefore, in this paper, we are the first to jointly perform multi-modal ATE (MATE) and multi-modal ASC (MASC), and we propose a multi-modal joint learning approach with auxiliary cross-modal relation detection for multi-modal aspect-level sentiment analysis (MALSA). Specifically, we first build an auxiliary text-image relation detection module to control the proper exploitation of visual information. Second, we adopt the hierarchical framework to bridge the multi-modal connection between MATE and MASC, as well as separately visual guiding for each sub module. Finally, we can obtain all aspect-level sentiment polarities dependent on the jointly extracted specific aspects. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our approach against the joint textual approaches, pipeline and collapsed multi-modal approaches.
Recent pretrained vision-language models have achieved impressive performance on cross-modal retrieval tasks in English. Their success, however, heavily depends on the availability of many annotated image-caption datasets for pretraining, where the t exts are not necessarily in English. Although we can utilize machine translation (MT) tools to translate non-English text to English, the performance still largely relies on MT's quality and may suffer from high latency problems in real-world applications. This paper proposes a new approach to learn cross-lingual cross-modal representations for matching images and their relevant captions in multiple languages. We seamlessly combine cross-lingual pretraining objectives and cross-modal pretraining objectives in a unified framework to learn image and text in a joint embedding space from available English image-caption data, monolingual and parallel corpus. We show that our approach achieves SOTA performance in retrieval tasks on two multimodal multilingual image caption benchmarks: Multi30k with German captions and MSCOCO with Japanese captions.
This article explores the potential for Natural Language Processing (NLP) to enable a more effective, prevention focused and less confrontational policing model that has hitherto been too resource consuming to implement at scale. Problem-Oriented Pol icing (POP) is a potential replacement, at least in part, for traditional policing which adopts a reactive approach, relying heavily on the criminal justice system. By contrast, POP seeks to prevent crime by manipulating the underlying conditions that allow crimes to be committed. Identifying these underlying conditions requires a detailed understanding of crime events - tacit knowledge that is often held by police officers but which can be challenging to derive from structured police data. One potential source of insight exists in unstructured free text data commonly collected by police for the purposes of investigation or administration. Yet police agencies do not typically have the skills or resources to analyse these data at scale. In this article we argue that NLP offers the potential to unlock these unstructured data and by doing so allow police to implement more POP initiatives. However we caution that using NLP models without adequate knowledge may either allow or perpetuate bias within the data potentially leading to unfavourable outcomes.
Vision language navigation is the task that requires an agent to navigate through a 3D environment based on natural language instructions. One key challenge in this task is to ground instructions with the current visual information that the agent per ceives. Most of the existing work employs soft attention over individual words to locate the instruction required for the next action. However, different words have different functions in a sentence (e.g., modifiers convey attributes, verbs convey actions). Syntax information like dependencies and phrase structures can aid the agent to locate important parts of the instruction. Hence, in this paper, we propose a navigation agent that utilizes syntax information derived from a dependency tree to enhance alignment between the instruction and the current visual scenes. Empirically, our agent outperforms the baseline model that does not use syntax information on the Room-to-Room dataset, especially in the unseen environment. Besides, our agent achieves the new state-of-the-art on Room-Across-Room dataset, which contains instructions in 3 languages (English, Hindi, and Telugu). We also show that our agent is better at aligning instructions with the current visual information via qualitative visualizations.

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