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Reconsidering the Past: Optimizing Hidden States in Language Models

إعادة النظر في الماضي: تحسين الدول المخفية في نماذج اللغة

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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We present Hidden-State Optimization (HSO), a gradient-based method for improving the performance of transformer language models at inference time. Similar to dynamic evaluation (Krause et al., 2018), HSO computes the gradient of the log-probability the language model assigns to an evaluation text, but uses it to update the cached hidden states rather than the model parameters. We test HSO with pretrained Transformer-XL and GPT-2 language models, finding improvement on the WikiText-103 and PG-19 datasets in terms of perplexity, especially when evaluating a model outside of its training distribution. We also demonstrate downstream applicability by showing gains in the recently developed prompt-based few-shot evaluation setting, again with no extra parameters or training data.

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An abundance of methodological work aims to detect hateful and racist language in text. However, these tools are hampered by problems like low annotator agreement and remain largely disconnected from theoretical work on race and racism in the social sciences. Using annotations of 5188 tweets from 291 annotators, we investigate how annotator perceptions of racism in tweets vary by annotator racial identity and two text features of the tweets: relevant keywords and latent topics identified through structural topic modeling. We provide a descriptive summary of our data and estimate a series of generalized linear models to determine if annotator racial identity and our 12 latent topics, alone or in combination, explain the way racial sentiment was annotated, net of relevant annotator characteristics and tweet features. Our results show that White and non-White annotators exhibit significant differences in ratings when reading tweets with high prevalence of particular, racially-charged topics. We conclude by suggesting how future methodological work can draw on our results and further incorporate social science theory into analyses.
Recent progress in language modeling has been driven not only by advances in neural architectures, but also through hardware and optimization improvements. In this paper, we revisit the neural probabilistic language model (NPLM) of Bengio et al. (200 3), which simply concatenates word embeddings within a fixed window and passes the result through a feed-forward network to predict the next word. When scaled up to modern hardware, this model (despite its many limitations) performs much better than expected on word-level language model benchmarks. Our analysis reveals that the NPLM achieves lower perplexity than a baseline Transformer with short input contexts but struggles to handle long-term dependencies. Inspired by this result, we modify the Transformer by replacing its first self-attention layer with the NPLM's local concatenation layer, which results in small but consistent perplexity decreases across three word-level language modeling datasets.
Paraphrase generation has benefited extensively from recent progress in the designing of training objectives and model architectures. However, previous explorations have largely focused on supervised methods, which require a large amount of labeled d ata that is costly to collect. To address this drawback, we adopt a transfer learning approach and propose a training pipeline that enables pre-trained language models to generate high-quality paraphrases in an unsupervised setting. Our recipe consists of task-adaptation, self-supervision, and a novel decoding algorithm named Dynamic Blocking (DB). To enforce a surface form dissimilar from the input, whenever the language model emits a token contained in the source sequence, DB prevents the model from outputting the subsequent source token for the next generation step. We show with automatic and human evaluations that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on both the Quora Question Pair (QQP) and the ParaNMT datasets and is robust to domain shift between the two datasets of distinct distributions. We also demonstrate that our model transfers to paraphrasing in other languages without any additional finetuning.
The factual knowledge acquired during pre-training and stored in the parameters of Language Models (LMs) can be useful in downstream tasks (e.g., question answering or textual inference). However, some facts can be incorrectly induced or become obsol ete over time. We present KnowledgeEditor, a method which can be used to edit this knowledge and, thus, fix bugs' or unexpected predictions without the need for expensive re-training or fine-tuning. Besides being computationally efficient, KnowledgeEditordoes not require any modifications in LM pre-training (e.g., the use of meta-learning). In our approach, we train a hyper-network with constrained optimization to modify a fact without affecting the rest of the knowledge; the trained hyper-network is then used to predict the weight update at test time. We show KnowledgeEditor's efficacy with two popular architectures and knowledge-intensive tasks: i) a BERT model fine-tuned for fact-checking, and ii) a sequence-to-sequence BART model for question answering. With our method, changing a prediction on the specific wording of a query tends to result in a consistent change in predictions also for its paraphrases. We show that this can be further encouraged by exploiting (e.g., automatically-generated) paraphrases during training. Interestingly, our hyper-network can be regarded as a probe' revealing which components need to be changed to manipulate factual knowledge; our analysis shows that the updates tend to be concentrated on a small subset of components. Source code available at
Paraphrases refer to texts that convey the same meaning with different expression forms. Pivot-based methods, also known as the round-trip translation, have shown promising results in generating high-quality paraphrases. However, existing pivot-based methods all rely on language as the pivot, where large-scale, high-quality parallel bilingual texts are required. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of using semantic and syntactic representations as the pivot for paraphrase generation. Concretely, we transform a sentence into a variety of different semantic or syntactic representations (including AMR, UD, and latent semantic representation), and then decode the sentence back from the semantic representations. We further explore a pretraining-based approach to compress the pipeline process into an end-to-end framework. We conduct experiments comparing different approaches with different kinds of pivots. Experimental results show that taking AMR as pivot can obtain paraphrases with better quality than taking language as the pivot. The end-to-end framework can reduce semantic shift when language is used as the pivot. Besides, several unsupervised pivot-based methods can generate paraphrases with similar quality as the supervised sequence-to-sequence model, which indicates that parallel data of paraphrases may not be necessary for paraphrase generation.

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