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Minimizing Annotation Effort via Max-Volume Spectral Sampling

تقليل جهود التوضيحية عبر أخذ العينات الطيفية بحجم الحد الأقصى

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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We address the annotation data bottleneck for sequence classification. Specifically we ask the question: if one has a budget of N annotations, which samples should we select for annotation? The solution we propose looks for diversity in the selected sample, by maximizing the amount of information that is useful for the learning algorithm, or equivalently by minimizing the redundancy of samples in the selection. This is formulated in the context of spectral learning of recurrent functions for sequence classification. Our method represents unlabeled data in the form of a Hankel matrix, and uses the notion of spectral max-volume to find a compact sub-block from which annotation samples are drawn. Experiments on sequence classification confirm that our spectral sampling strategy is in fact efficient and yields good models.

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Variational autoencoders have been studied as a promising approach to model one-to-many mappings from context to response in chat response generation. However, they often fail to learn proper mappings. One of the reasons for this failure is the discr epancy between a response and a latent variable sampled from an approximated distribution in training. Inappropriately sampled latent variables hinder models from constructing a modulated latent space. As a result, the models stop handling uncertainty in conversations. To resolve that, we propose speculative sampling of latent variables. Our method chooses the most probable one from redundantly sampled latent variables for tying up the variable with a given response. We confirm the efficacy of our method in response generation with massive dialogue data constructed from Twitter posts.

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