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Do Encoder Representations of Generative Dialogue Models have sufficient summary of the Information about the task ?

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Predicting the next utterance in dialogue is contingent on encoding of users' input text to generate appropriate and relevant response in data-driven approaches. Although the semantic and syntactic quality of the language generated is evaluated, more often than not, the encoded representation of input is not evaluated. As the representation of the encoder is essential for predicting the appropriate response, evaluation of encoder representation is a challenging yet important problem. In this work, we showcase evaluating the text generated through human or automatic metrics is not sufficient to appropriately evaluate soundness of the language understanding of dialogue models and, to that end, propose a set of probe tasks to evaluate encoder representation of different language encoders commonly used in dialogue models. From experiments, we observe that some of the probe tasks are easier and some are harder for even sophisticated model architectures to learn. And, through experiments we observe that RNN based architectures have lower performance on automatic metrics on text generation than transformer model but perform better than the transformer model on the probe tasks indicating that RNNs might preserve task information better than the Transformers.

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Neural models trained for next utterance generation in dialogue task learn to mimic the n-gram sequences in the training set with training objectives like negative log-likelihood (NLL) or cross-entropy. Such commonly used training objectives do not f oster generating alternate responses to a context. But, the effects of minimizing an alternate training objective that fosters a model to generate alternate response and score it on semantic similarity has not been well studied. We hypothesize that a language generation model can improve on its diversity by learning to generate alternate text during training and minimizing a semantic loss as an auxiliary objective. We explore this idea on two different sized data sets on the task of next utterance generation in goal oriented dialogues. We make two observations (1) minimizing a semantic objective improved diversity in responses in the smaller data set (Frames) but only as-good-as minimizing the NLL in the larger data set (MultiWoZ) (2) large language model embeddings can be more useful as a semantic loss objective than as initialization for token embeddings.
Encoder-decoder models have been commonly used for many tasks such as machine translation and response generation. As previous research reported, these models suffer from generating redundant repetition. In this research, we propose a new mechanism f or encoder-decoder models that estimates the semantic difference of a source sentence before and after being fed into the encoder-decoder model to capture the consistency between two sides. This mechanism helps reduce repeatedly generated tokens for a variety of tasks. Evaluation results on publicly available machine translation and response generation datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal.
Dialogue-based relation extraction (RE) aims to extract relation(s) between two arguments that appear in a dialogue. Because dialogues have the characteristics of high personal pronoun occurrences and low information density, and since most relationa l facts in dialogues are not supported by any single sentence, dialogue-based relation extraction requires a comprehensive understanding of dialogue. In this paper, we propose the TUrn COntext awaRE Graph Convolutional Network (TUCORE-GCN) modeled by paying attention to the way people understand dialogues. In addition, we propose a novel approach which treats the task of emotion recognition in conversations (ERC) as a dialogue-based RE. Experiments on a dialogue-based RE dataset and three ERC datasets demonstrate that our model is very effective in various dialogue-based natural language understanding tasks. In these experiments, TUCORE-GCN outperforms the state-of-the-art models on most of the benchmark datasets. Our code is available at
The success of large-scale contextual language models has attracted great interest in probing what is encoded in their representations. In this work, we consider a new question: to what extent contextual representations of concrete nouns are aligned with corresponding visual representations? We design a probing model that evaluates how effective are text-only representations in distinguishing between matching and non-matching visual representations. Our findings show that language representations alone provide a strong signal for retrieving image patches from the correct object categories. Moreover, they are effective in retrieving specific instances of image patches; textual context plays an important role in this process. Visually grounded language models slightly outperform text-only language models in instance retrieval, but greatly under-perform humans. We hope our analyses inspire future research in understanding and improving the visual capabilities of language models.
In transfer learning, it is imperative to achieve strong alignment between a pre-trained model and a downstream task. Prior work has done this by proposing task-specific pre-training objectives, which sacrifices the inherent scalability of the transf er learning paradigm. We instead achieve strong alignment by simultaneously modifying both the pre-trained model and the formulation of the downstream task, which is more efficient and preserves the scalability of transfer learning. We present GenSF (Generative Slot Filling), which leverages a generative pre-trained open-domain dialog model for slot filling. GenSF (1) adapts the pre-trained model by incorporating inductive biases about the task and (2) adapts the downstream task by reformulating slot filling to better leverage the pre-trained model's capabilities. GenSF achieves state-of-the-art results on two slot filling datasets with strong gains in few-shot and zero-shot settings. We achieve a 9 F1 score improvement in zero-shot slot filling. This highlights the value of strong alignment between the pre-trained model and the downstream task.

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