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A Computational Framework for Slang Generation

إطار حسابي للتوليد العام العام

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Abstract Slang is a common type of informal language, but its flexible nature and paucity of data resources present challenges for existing natural language systems. We take an initial step toward machine generation of slang by developing a framework that models the speaker's word choice in slang context. Our framework encodes novel slang meaning by relating the conventional and slang senses of a word while incorporating syntactic and contextual knowledge in slang usage. We construct the framework using a combination of probabilistic inference and neural contrastive learning. We perform rigorous evaluations on three slang dictionaries and show that our approach not only outperforms state-of-the-art language models, but also better predicts the historical emergence of slang word usages from 1960s to 2000s. We interpret the proposed models and find that the contrastively learned semantic space is sensitive to the similarities between slang and conventional senses of words. Our work creates opportunities for the automated generation and interpretation of informal language.

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In this paper we study pejorative language, an under-explored topic in computational linguistics. Unlike existing models of offensive language and hate speech, pejorative language manifests itself primarily at the lexical level, and describes a word that is used with a negative connotation, making it different from offensive language or other more studied categories. Pejorativity is also context-dependent: the same word can be used with or without pejorative connotations, thus pejorativity detection is essentially a problem similar to word sense disambiguation. We leverage online dictionaries to build a multilingual lexicon of pejorative terms for English, Spanish, Italian, and Romanian. We additionally release a dataset of tweets annotated for pejorative use. Based on these resources, we present an analysis of the usage and occurrence of pejorative words in social media, and present an attempt to automatically disambiguate pejorative usage in our dataset.
Neural conversation models have shown great potentials towards generating fluent and informative responses by introducing external background knowledge. Nevertheless, it is laborious to construct such knowledge-grounded dialogues, and existing models usually perform poorly when transfer to new domains with limited training samples. Therefore, building a knowledge-grounded dialogue system under the low-resource setting is a still crucial issue. In this paper, we propose a novel three-stage learning framework based on weakly supervised learning which benefits from large scale ungrounded dialogues and unstructured knowledge base. To better cooperate with this framework, we devise a variant of Transformer with decoupled decoder which facilitates the disentangled learning of response generation and knowledge incorporation. Evaluation results on two benchmarks indicate that our approach can outperform other state-of-the-art methods with less training data, and even in zero-resource scenario, our approach still performs well.
تنطلق فكرة هذه الأطروحة بموضوعاتها المختلفة من مشكلات يعاني منها القانون الدولي العام تتجسد بالآتي : 1) الواقع المعاصر لمنظومة القانون الدولي العام وما يتعرض له من انتقادات وتشكيك في جدواه وخاصة في العقدين الأخيرين. 2) إسناد الثغرات التي يبديها أد اء القانون الدولي العام إلى اختلال جسيم في قواعده وضعف فعالية آلياته ، دون ملاحظة حدة التحولات التي باتت تفرض نفسها على جميع مناحي الحياة البشرية بما فيها العلاقات الدولية ، الأمر الذي انعكس بدوره على أداء القانون الدولي العام وفضاءاته التي يتحرك فيها ، دونما أن تحظى قواعده بأي فرصة لمراجعة جادة أو تعديل جوهري لمسايرة هذا الواقع الجديد . 3) طرح توجه جديد لدراسة وتحليل أداء القانون الدولي العام بفروعه المختلفة انطلاقاً من فهم حقيقي وعميق لواقعه المعاصر ، فهم يلحظ التحولات الحادة التي باتت تشهدها الساحة الدولية ، وخاصة بعدما شهده العالم من ثورة هائلة في تقنيات وسائل الاتصال ونقل المعلومات ، تعززت معها ظاهرة قديمة متجددة هي ظاهرة العولمة التي باتت تشكل عصب الحركة الرئيس لمختلف مناحي النشاط البشري السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية والعسكرية ، وأصبحت تفرض بتداعياتها على تلك الميادين واقعاً دولياً جديداً يختلف بشكل جذري عن ذلك الواقع الذي كان يعيشه العالم في النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين ، ونجاح مثل هذا الطرح سيعطي القانون الدولي فرصة لمراجعة جادة سواء فيما يتصل ببنيانه الموضوعي أم التنظيمي ، وبما يكفل تحسين أدائه واستدراك الثغرات التي يبديها تطبيقه مستقبلاً في مختلف ميادين العلاقات الدولية .
aimed at identifying the auditor of the joint stock company, and the statement of the concept, conditions, rights and obligations of the auditor, and the problem of the study was the effectiveness of the auditor of the joint stock company, and the st udy was divided into two requirements of the first requirement - the concept and conditions of the auditor of the public shareholding company, and the second demand the rights and obligations of the auditor of the public shareholding company, and to achieve the objective of the study was used the analytical approach, and the study indicated the effectiveness of the auditor through monitoring and informing him of the records of companies and preparing the budget and statement Profits and losses.
We describe a Plug-and-Play controllable language generation framework, Plug-and-Blend, that allows a human user to input multiple control codes (topics). In the context of automated story generation, this allows a human user lose or fine grained con trol of the topics that will appear in the generated story, and can even allow for overlapping, blended topics. We show that our framework, working with different generation models, controls the generation towards given continuous-weighted control codes while keeping the generated sentences fluent, demonstrating strong blending capability.

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