على الرغم من أن معالجة اللغة الطبيعية هي في صميم العديد من الأدوات التي يستخدمها الشباب في حياتهم اليومية، فإن المناهج الدراسية الثانوية (في إيطاليا) لا تشمل أي تعليم لغوي حسابي. هذا الافتقار إلى التعرض يجعل استخدام هذه الأدوات أقل مسؤولية مما قد يكون، ويجري اختيار اللغويات الحسابية كدرجة جامعية غير مرجحة. لرفع الوعي والفضول والاهتمام على المدى الطويل في الشباب، قمنا بتطوير ورشة عمل تفاعلية مصممة لتوضيح المبادئ الأساسية ل NLP واللغويات الحسابية للطلاب الإيطاليين في المدارس الثانوية الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 13 و 18 عاما. تأخذ ورشة العمل شكل لعبة تلعب فيها المشاركون دور الآلات التي تحتاج إلى حل بعض المشاكل الأكثر شيوعا وجوه الكمبيوتر في فهم اللغة: من التعرف على الصوت إلى سلاسل Markov إلى تحليل النحوي. يسترشد المشاركون من خلال ورشة العمل بمساعدة المعلمين، الذين يقدمون الأنشطة وشرح المفاهيم الأساسية من اللغويات الحسابية. تم تقديم ورشة العمل في العديد من المنافذ في إيطاليا بين عامي 2019 و 2020، كلاهما وجها لوجه وعلى الإنترنت.
Although Natural Language Processing is at the core of many tools young people use in their everyday life, high school curricula (in Italy) do not include any computational linguistics education. This lack of exposure makes the use of such tools less responsible than it could be, and makes choosing computational linguistics as a university degree unlikely. To raise awareness, curiosity, and longer-term interest in young people, we have developed an interactive workshop designed to illustrate the basic principles of NLP and computational linguistics to high school Italian students aged between 13 and 18 years. The workshop takes the form of a game in which participants play the role of machines needing to solve some of the most common problems a computer faces in understanding language: from voice recognition to Markov chains to syntactic parsing. Participants are guided through the workshop with the help of instructors, who present the activities and explain core concepts from computational linguistics. The workshop was presented at numerous outlets in Italy between 2019 and 2020, both face-to-face and online.
References used
This report describes the course Evaluation of NLP Systems, taught for Computational Linguistics undergraduate students during the winter semester 20/21 at the University of Potsdam, Germany. It was a discussion-based seminar that covered different a
We present a set of assignments for a graduate-level NLP course. Assignments are designed to be interactive, easily gradable, and to give students hands-on experience with several key types of structure (sequences, tags, parse trees, and logical form
We describe work in progress for training a humanoid robot to produce iconic arm and head gestures as part of task-oriented dialogue interaction. This involves the development and use of a multimodal dialog manager for non-experts to quickly program'
NLP's sphere of influence went much beyond computer science research and the development of software applications in the past decade. We see people using NLP methods in a range of academic disciplines from Asian Studies to Clinical Oncology. We also
In this article, we show and discuss our experience in applying the flipped classroom method for teaching Conditional Random Fields in a Natural Language Processing course. We present the activities that we developed together with their relationship