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From back to the roots into the gated woods: Deep learning for NLP

من العودة إلى الجذور في الغابة البوصل: التعلم العميق ل NLP

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Deep neural networks have revolutionized many fields, including Natural Language Processing. This paper outlines teaching materials for an introductory lecture on deep learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP). The main submitted material covers a summer school lecture on encoder-decoder models. Complementary to this is a set of jupyter notebook slides from earlier teaching, on which parts of the lecture were based on. The main goal of this teaching material is to provide an overview of neural network approaches to natural language processing, while linking modern concepts back to the roots showing traditional essential counterparts. The lecture departs from count-based statistical methods and spans up to gated recurrent networks and attention, which is ubiquitous in today's NLP.

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Deep neural language models such as BERT have enabled substantial recent advances in many natural language processing tasks. However, due to the effort and computational cost involved in their pre-training, such models are typically introduced only f or a small number of high-resource languages such as English. While multilingual models covering large numbers of languages are available, recent work suggests monolingual training can produce better models, and our understanding of the tradeoffs between mono- and multilingual training is incomplete. In this paper, we introduce a simple, fully automated pipeline for creating language-specific BERT models from Wikipedia data and introduce 42 new such models, most for languages up to now lacking dedicated deep neural language models. We assess the merits of these models using cloze tests and the state-of-the-art UDify parser on Universal Dependencies data, contrasting performance with results using the multilingual BERT (mBERT) model. We find that the newly introduced WikiBERT models outperform mBERT in cloze tests for nearly all languages, and that UDify using WikiBERT models outperforms the parser using mBERT on average, with the language-specific models showing substantially improved performance for some languages, yet limited improvement or a decrease in performance for others. All of the methods and models introduced in this work are available under open licenses from
We consider the task of linking social media accounts that belong to the same author in an automated fashion on the basis of the content and meta-data of the corresponding document streams. We focus on learning an embedding that maps variable-sized s amples of user activity--ranging from single posts to entire months of activity--to a vector space, where samples by the same author map to nearby points. Our approach does not require human-annotated data for training purposes, which allows us to leverage large amounts of social media content. The proposed model outperforms several competitive baselines under a novel evaluation framework modeled after established recognition benchmarks in other domains. Our method achieves high linking accuracy, even with small samples from accounts not seen at training time, a prerequisite for practical applications of the proposed linking framework.
Concept normalization of clinical texts to standard medical classifications and ontologies is a task with high importance for healthcare and medical research. We attempt to solve this problem through automatic SNOMED CT encoding, where SNOMED CT is o ne of the most widely used and comprehensive clinical term ontologies. Applying basic Deep Learning models, however, leads to undesirable results due to the unbalanced nature of the data and the extreme number of classes. We propose a classification procedure that features a multiple-step workflow consisting of label clustering, multi-cluster classification, and clusters-to-labels mapping. For multi-cluster classification, BioBERT is fine-tuned over our custom dataset. The clusters-to-labels mapping is carried out by a one-vs-all classifier (SVC) applied to every single cluster. We also present the steps for automatic dataset generation of textual descriptions annotated with SNOMED CT codes based on public data and linked open data. In order to cope with the problem that our dataset is highly unbalanced, some data augmentation methods are applied. The results from the conducted experiments show high accuracy and reliability of our approach for prediction of SNOMED CT codes relevant to a clinical text.
Active learning has been shown to reduce annotation requirements for numerous natural language processing tasks, including semantic role labeling (SRL). SRL involves labeling argument spans for potentially multiple predicates in a sentence, which mak es it challenging to aggregate the numerous decisions into a single score for determining new instances to annotate. In this paper, we apply two ways of aggregating scores across multiple predicates in order to choose query sentences with two methods of estimating model certainty: using the neural network's outputs and using dropout-based Bayesian Active Learning by Disagreement. We compare these methods with three passive baselines --- random sentence selection, random whole-document selection, and selecting sentences with the most predicates --- and analyse the effect these strategies have on the learning curve with respect to reducing the number of annotated sentences and predicates to achieve high performance.
The exponential growth of the internet and social media in the past decade gave way to the increase in dissemination of false or misleading information. Since the 2016 US presidential election, the term fake news'' became increasingly popular and thi s phenomenon has received more attention. In the past years several fact-checking agencies were created, but due to the great number of daily posts on social media, manual checking is insufficient. Currently, there is a pressing need for automatic fake news detection tools, either to assist manual fact-checkers or to operate as standalone tools. There are several projects underway on this topic, but most of them focus on English. This research-in-progress paper discusses the employment of deep learning methods, and the development of a tool, for detecting false news in Portuguese. As a first step we shall compare well-established architectures that were tested in other languages and analyse their performance on our Portuguese data. Based on the preliminary results of these classifiers, we shall choose a deep learning model or combine several deep learning models which hold promise to enhance the performance of our fake news detection system.

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