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Modeling Graph Structure via Relative Position for Text Generation from Knowledge Graphs

هيكل الرسم البياني النمذجة عن طريق الوضع النسبي لجنة النص من الرسوم البيانية المعرفة

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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We present Graformer, a novel Transformer-based encoder-decoder architecture for graph-to-text generation. With our novel graph self-attention, the encoding of a node relies on all nodes in the input graph - not only direct neighbors - facilitating the detection of global patterns. We represent the relation between two nodes as the length of the shortest path between them. Graformer learns to weight these node-node relations differently for different attention heads, thus virtually learning differently connected views of the input graph. We evaluate Graformer on two popular graph-to-text generation benchmarks, AGENDA and WebNLG, where it achieves strong performance while using many fewer parameters than other approaches.

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Abstractive conversation summarization has received much attention recently. However, these generated summaries often suffer from insufficient, redundant, or incorrect content, largely due to the unstructured and complex characteristics of human-huma n interactions. To this end, we propose to explicitly model the rich structures in conversations for more precise and accurate conversation summarization, by first incorporating discourse relations between utterances and action triples (who-doing-what'') in utterances through structured graphs to better encode conversations, and then designing a multi-granularity decoder to generate summaries by combining all levels of information. Experiments show that our proposed models outperform state-of-the-art methods and generalize well in other domains in terms of both automatic evaluations and human judgments. We have publicly released our code at
The design of expressive representations of entities and relations in a knowledge graph is an important endeavor. While many of the existing approaches have primarily focused on learning from relational patterns and structural information, the intrin sic complexity of KG entities has been more or less overlooked. More concretely, we hypothesize KG entities may be more complex than we think, i.e., an entity may wear many hats and relational triplets may form due to more than a single reason. To this end, this paper proposes to learn disentangled representations of KG entities - a new method that disentangles the inner latent properties of KG entities. Our disentangled process operates at the graph level and a neighborhood mechanism is leveraged to disentangle the hidden properties of each entity. This disentangled representation learning approach is model agnostic and compatible with canonical KG embedding approaches. We conduct extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets, equipping a variety of models (DistMult, SimplE, and QuatE) with our proposed disentangling mechanism. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach substantially improves performance on key metrics.
Knowledge graphs (KGs) are widely used to store and access information about entities and their relationships. Given a query, the task of entity retrieval from a KG aims at presenting a ranked list of entities relevant to the query. Lately, an increa sing number of models for entity retrieval have shown a significant improvement over traditional methods. These models, however, were developed for English KGs. In this work, we build on one such system, named KEWER, to propose SERAG (Semantic Entity Retrieval from Arabic knowledge Graphs). Like KEWER, SERAG uses random walks to generate entity embeddings. DBpedia-Entity v2 is considered the standard test collection for entity retrieval. We discuss the challenges of using it for non-English languages in general and Arabic in particular. We provide an Arabic version of this standard collection, and use it to evaluate SERAG. SERAG is shown to significantly outperform the popular BM25 model thanks to its multi-hop reasoning.
Pre-trained models like Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), have recently made a big leap forward in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. However, there are still some shortcomings in the Masked Language Modeling (MLM) task performed by these models. In this paper, we first introduce a multi-graph including different types of relations between words. Then, we propose Multi-Graph augmented BERT (MG-BERT) model that is based on BERT. MG-BERT embeds tokens while taking advantage of a static multi-graph containing global word co-occurrences in the text corpus beside global real-world facts about words in knowledge graphs. The proposed model also employs a dynamic sentence graph to capture local context effectively. Experimental results demonstrate that our model can considerably enhance the performance in the MLM task.
Most of the existing Knowledge-based Question Answering (KBQA) methods first learn to map the given question to a query graph, and then convert the graph to an executable query to find the answer. The query graph is typically expanded progressively f rom the topic entity based on a sequence prediction model. In this paper, we propose a new solution to query graph generation that works in the opposite manner: we start with the entire knowledge base and gradually shrink it to the desired query graph. This approach improves both the efficiency and the accuracy of query graph generation, especially for complex multi-hop questions. Experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on ComplexWebQuestion (CWQ) dataset.

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