خلال السنوات القليلة الماضية، يكون عدد مستخدمي الإنترنت العربي والمحتوى العربي عبر الإنترنت في النمو الأسي.تعتبر التعامل مع مجموعات البيانات العربية واستخدام الجمل غير الصريحة للتعبير عن الرأي هي التحديات الرئيسية في مجال معالجة اللغات الطبيعية.وبالتالي، اكتسبت السخرية وتحليل المعنويات اهتماما كبيرا من مجتمع البحث، وخاصة في هذه اللغة.يمكن تطبيق الكشف التلقائي للاستخراج وتحليل المعنويات باستخدام ثلاث نهج، وهي نهج إشراف على الإشراف وغير الخاضع للإشراف والجاذبية.في هذه الورقة، تم استخدام نموذج يعتمد على خوارزمية لتعلم الآلة الإشراف يسمى آلة ناقلات الدعم (SVM) بهذه العملية.تم تقييم النموذج المقترح باستخدام DataSet Arsarcasm-V2.تمت مقارنة أداء النموذج المقترح مع النماذج الأخرى المقدمة إلى تحليل المعنويات والكشف عن السخرية المهمة المشتركة.
Within the last few years, the number of Arabic internet users and Arabic online content is in exponential growth. Dealing with Arabic datasets and the usage of non-explicit sentences to express an opinion are considered to be the major challenges in the field of natural language processing. Hence, sarcasm and sentiment analysis has gained a major interest from the research community, especially in this language. Automatic sarcasm detection and sentiment analysis can be applied using three approaches, namely supervised, unsupervised and hybrid approach. In this paper, a model based on a supervised machine learning algorithm called Support Vector Machine (SVM) has been used for this process. The proposed model has been evaluated using ArSarcasm-v2 dataset. The performance of the proposed model has been compared with other models submitted to sentiment analysis and sarcasm detection shared task.
References used
The introduction of transformer-based language models has been a revolutionary step for natural language processing (NLP) research. These models, such as BERT, GPT and ELECTRA, led to state-of-the-art performance in many NLP tasks. Most of these mode
This paper presents our strategy to tackle the EACL WANLP-2021 Shared Task 2: Sarcasm and Sentiment Detection. One of the subtasks aims at developing a system that identifies whether a given Arabic tweet is sarcastic in nature or not, while the other
Sentiment classification and sarcasm detection attract a lot of attention by the NLP research community. However, solving these two problems in Arabic and on the basis of social network data (i.e., Twitter) is still of lower interest. In this paper w
We describe our submitted system to the 2021 Shared Task on Sarcasm and Sentiment Detection in Arabic (Abu Farha et al., 2021). We tackled both subtasks, namely Sarcasm Detection (Subtask 1) and Sentiment Analysis (Subtask 2). We used state-of-the-ar
We present three methods developed for the Shared Task on Sarcasm and Sentiment Detection in Arabic. We present a baseline that uses character n-gram features. We also propose two more sophisticated methods: a recurrent neural network with a word lev