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Spontaneous emission of non-dispersive Rydberg wave packets

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 Added by Dominique Delande
 Publication date 1998
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Non dispersive electronic Rydberg wave packets may be created in atoms illuminated by a microwave field of circular polarization. We discuss the spontaneous emission from such states and show that the elastic incoherent component (occuring at the frequency of the driving field) dominates the spectrum in the semiclassical limit, contrary to earlier predictions. We calculate the frequencies of single photon emissions and the associated rates in the harmonic approximation, i.e. when the wave packet has approximately a Gaussian shape. The results agree well with exact quantum mechanical calculations, which validates the analytical approach.

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139 - Hao He , Cheng Guo , Meng Xiao 2021
Space-time wave packets can propagate invariantly in free space with arbitrary group velocity thanks to the spatio-temporal correlation. Here it is proved that the space-time wave packets are stable in dispersive media as well and free from the spread in time caused by material dispersion. Furthermore, the law of anomalous refraction for space-time wave packets is generalized to the weakly dispersive situation. These results reveal new potential of space-time wave packets for the applications in real dispersive media.
162 - Walter Hahn , Boris V. Fine 2011
We consider multiple collisions of quantum wave packets in one dimension. The system under investigation consists of an impenetrable wall and of two hard-core particles with very different masses. The lighter particle bounces between the heavier one and the wall. Both particles are initially represented by narrow Gaussian wave packets. A complete analytical solution of this problem is presented on the basis of a new method. The idea of the method is to decompose the two-particle wave function into a continuous superposition of terms (channels), such that the multiple collisions within each channel do not lead to subsequent entanglement between the two particles. For each channel, the time evolution of the two-particle wave function is completely determined by the motion of the corresponding classical point-like particles; therefore the whole quantum problem is reduced to a classical calculation. The calculation based on the above method reveals the following unexpected result: The entanglement between the two particles first increases with time due to the collisions, but then it begins to decrease, disappearing completely when the light particle becomes too slow to catch up with the heavy one.
We demonstrate control over the localization of high-lying Rydberg wave packets in argon atoms with phase-locked orthogonally polarized two-color (OTC) laser fields. With a reaction microscope, we measured ionization signals of high-lying Rydberg states induced by a weak dc field and black-body radiation as a function of the relative phase between the two-color fields. We find that the dc-field ionization yields of high-lying Rydberg argon atoms oscillate with the relative two-color phase with a period of $2pi$ while the photoionization signal by black-body radiation shows a period of $pi$. These observations are a clear signature of the asymmetric localization of electrons recaptured into high-lying Rydberg states after conclusion of the laser pulse and are supported by a semiclassical simulation of argon-OTC laser interaction. Our findings thus open an effective pathway to control the localization of high-lying Rydberg wave packets.
The classical and quantum representations of thermal equilibrium are strikingly different, even for free, non-interacting particles. While the first involves particles with well-defined positions and momenta, the second usually involves energy eigenstates that are delocalized over a confining volume. In this paper, we derive convex decompositions of the density operator for non-interacting, non-relativistic particles in thermal equilibrium that allow for a connection between these two descriptions. Associated with each element of the decomposition of the N-particle thermal state is an N-body wave function, described as a set of wave packets; the distribution of the average positions and momenta of the wave packets can be linked to the classical description of thermal equilibrium, while the different amplitudes in the wave function capture the statistics relevant for fermions or bosons.
The problems of cavity atom optics in the presence of an external strong coherent field are formulated as the problems of potential scattering of doubly-dressed atomic wave packets. Two types of potentials produced by various multiphoton Raman processes in a high-finesse cavity are examined. As an application the deflection of dressed atomic wave by a cavity mode is investigated. New momentum distribution of the atoms is derived that depends from the parameters of coherent field as well as photon states in the cavity.
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