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Time evolution of radial wave packets built from the eigenstates of Dirac equation for a hydrogenic systems is considered. Radial wave packets are constructed from the states of different $n$ quantum number and the same lowest angular momentum. In general they exhibit a kind of breathing motion with dispersion and (partial) revivals. Calculations show that for some particular preparations of the wave packet one can observe interesting effects in spin motion, coming from inherent entanglement of spin and orbital degrees of freedom. These effects manifest themselves through some oscillations in the mean values of spin operators and through changes of spatial probability density carried by upper and lower components of the wave function. It is also shown that the characteristic time scale of predicted effects (called $T_{mathrm{ls}}$) is for radial wave packets much smaller than in other cases, reaching values comparable to (or even less than) the time scale for the wave packet revival.
Localization of relativistic particles have been of great research interests over many decades. We investigate the time evolution of the Gaussian wave packets governed by the one dimensional Dirac equation. For the free Dirac equation, we obtain the evolution profiles analytically in many approximation regimes, and numerical simulations consistent with other numerical schemes. Interesting behaviors such as Zitterbewegung and Klein paradox are exhibited. In particular, the dispersion rate as a function of mass is calculated, and it yields an interesting result that super-massive and massless particles both exhibit no dispersion in free space. For the Dirac equation with random potential or mass, we employ the Chebyshev polynomials expansion of the propagator operator to numerically investigate the probability profiles of the displacement distribution when the potential or mass is uniformly distributed. We observe that the widths of the Gaussian wave packets decrease approximately with the power law of order $o(s^{- u})$ with $frac{1}{2}< u<1$ as the randomness strength $s$ increases. This suggests an onset of localization, but it is weaker than Anderson localization.
We analyze the entanglement distribution and the two-qubit residual entanglement in multipartite systems. For a composite system consisting of two cavities interacting with independent reservoirs, it is revealed that the entanglement evolution is restricted by an entanglement monogamy relation derived here. Moreover, it is found that the initial cavity-cavity entanglement evolves completely to the genuine four-partite cavities-reservoirs entanglement in the time interval between the sudden death of cavity-cavity entanglement and the birth of reservoir-reservoir entanglement. In addition, we also address the relationship between the genuine block-block entanglement form and qubit-block form in the interval.
Most quantum system with short-ranged interactions show a fast decay of entanglement with the distance. In this Letter, we focus on the peculiarity of some systems to distribute entanglement between distant parties. Even in realistic models, like the spin-1 Heisenberg chain, sizable entanglement is present between arbitrarily distant particles. We show that long distance entanglement appears for values of the microscopic parameters which do not coincide with known quantum critical points, hence signaling a transition detected only by genuine quantum correlations.
Space-time wave packets are propagation-invariant pulsed beams that travel in free space without diffraction or dispersion by virtue of tight correlations introduced into their spatio-temporal spectrum. Such correlations constitute an embodiment of classical entanglement between continuous degrees of freedom. Using a measure of classical entanglement based on the Schmidt number of the field, we demonstrate theoretically and experimentally that the degree of classical entanglement determines the diffraction-free propagation distance of ST wave packets. Reduction in the degree of classical entanglement manifests itself in an increased uncertainty in the measured spatio-temporal spectral correlations.
We explore spin-orbit thermal entanglement in rare-earth ions, based on a witness obtained from mean energies. The entanglement temperature $T_{E}$, below which entanglement emerges, is found to be thousands of kelvin above room temperature for all light rare earths. This demonstrate the robustness to environmental fluctuations of entanglement between internal degrees of freedom of a single ion.