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Geometrical Aspects of Lie Groups Representations and Their Optical Applications

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 Added by Simoni Alberto
 Publication date 2001
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In this paper we present a new procedure to obtain unitary and irreducible representations of Lie groups starting from the cotangent bundle of the group (the cotangent group). We discuss some applications of the construction in quantum-optics problems.

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168 - Jiaqi Huang 2020
Symmetry lies at the heart of todays theoretical study of particle physics. Our manuscript is a tutorial introducing foundational mathematics for understanding physical symmetries. We start from basic group theory and representation theory. We then introduce Lie Groups and Lie Algebra and their properties. We next discuss with detail two important Lie Groups in physics Special Unitary and Lorentz Group, with an emphasis on their applications to particle physics. Finally, we introduce field theory and its version of the Noether Theorem. We believe that the materials cover here will prepare undergraduates for future studies in mathematical physics.
150 - P.G.L. Leacn , M.C. Nucci 2008
Mathematical modeling should present a consistent description of physical phenomena. We illustrate an inconsistency with two Hamiltonians -- the standard Hamiltonian and an example found in Goldstein -- for the simple harmonic oscillator and its quantisation. Both descriptions are rich in Lie point symmetries and so one can calculate many Jacobi Last Multipliers and therefore Lagrangians. The Last Multiplier provides the route to the resolution of this problem and indicates that the great debate about the quantisation of dissipative systems should never have occurred.
The roles of Lie groups in Feynmans path integrals in non-relativistic quantum mechanics are discussed. Dynamical as well as geometrical symmetries are found useful for path integral quantization. Two examples having the symmetry of a non-compact Lie group are considered. The first is the free quantum motion of a particle on a space of constant negative curvature. The system has a group SO(d,1) associated with the geometrical structure, to which the technique of harmonic analysis on a homogeneous space is applied. As an example of a system having a non-compact dynamical symmetry, the d-dimensional harmonic oscillator is chosen, which has the non-compact dynamical group SU(1,1) besides its geometrical symmetry SO(d). The radial path integral is seen as a convolution of the matrix functions of a compact group element of SU(1,1) on the continuous basis.
The connection between contextuality and graph theory has led to many developments in the field. In particular, the sets of probability distributions in many contextuality scenarios can be described using well known convex sets from graph theory, leading to a beautiful geometric characterization of such sets. This geometry can also be explored in the definition of contextuality quantifiers based on geometric distances, which is important for the resource theory of contextuality, developed after the recognition of contextuality as a potential resource for quantum computation. In this paper we review the geometric aspects of contextuality and use it to define several quantifiers, which have the advantage of being applicable to the exclusivity approach to contextuality, where previously defined quantifiers do not fit.
Images encode both the state of the world and its content. The former is useful for tasks such as planning and control, and the latter for classification. The automatic extraction of this information is challenging because of the high-dimensionality and entangled encoding inherent to the image representation. This article introduces two theoretical approaches aimed at the resolution of these challenges. The approaches allow for the interpolation and extrapolation of images from an image sequence by joint estimation of the image representation and the generators of the sequence dynamics. In the first approach, the image representations are learned using probabilistic PCA cite{tipping1999probabilistic}. The linear-Gaussian conditional distributions allow for a closed form analytical description of the latent distributions but assumes the underlying image manifold is a linear subspace. In the second approach, the image representations are learned using probabilistic nonlinear PCA which relieves the linear manifold assumption at the cost of requiring a variational approximation of the latent distributions. In both approaches, the underlying dynamics of the image sequence are modelled explicitly to disentangle them from the image representations. The dynamics themselves are modelled with Lie group structure which enforces the desirable properties of smoothness and composability of inter-image transformations.
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