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We show that the degeneracy parameter of a trapped Bose gas can be changed adiabatically in a reversible way, both in the Boltzmann regime and in the degenerate Bose regime. We have performed measurements on spin-polarized atomic hydrogen in the Boltzmann regime demonstrating reversible changes of the degeneracy parameter (phase-space density) by more than a factor of two. This result is in perfect agreement with theory. By extending our theoretical analysis to the quantum degenerate regime we predict that, starting close enough to the Bose-Einstein phase transition, one can cross the transition by an adiabatic change of the trap shape.
A quantum gas of ultracold polar molecules, with long-range and anisotropic interactions, would not only enable explorations of a large class of many-body physics phenomena, but could also be used for quantum information processing. We report on the creation of an ultracold dense gas of 40K87Rb polar molecules. Using a single step of STIRAP (STImulated Raman Adiabatic Passage) via two-frequency laser irradiation, we coherently transfer extremely weakly bound KRb molecules to the rovibrational ground state of either the triplet or the singlet electronic ground molecular potential. The polar molecular gas has a peak density of 10^12 cm^-3, and an expansion-determined translational temperature of 350 nK. The polar molecules have a permanent electric dipole moment, which we measure via Stark spectroscopy to be 0.052(2) Debye for the triplet rovibrational ground state and 0.566(17) Debye for the singlet rovibrational ground state. (1 Debye= 3.336*10^-30 C m)
We experimentally study the energy-temperature relationship of a harmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate by transferring a known quantity of energy to the condensate and measuring the resulting temperature change. We consider two methods of heat transfer, the first using a free expansion under gravity and the second using an optical standing wave to diffract the atoms in the potential. We investigate the effect of interactions on the thermodynamics and compare our results to various finite temperature theories.
Following the experimental observation of bright matter-wave solitons [L. Khaykovich et al., Science v. 296, 1290 (2002); K. E. Strecker et al., Nature (London) v. 417, 150 (2002)], we develop a semi-phenomenological theory for soliton thermodynamics and find the condensation temperature. Under a modified thermodynamic limit, the condensate occupation at the critical temperature undergoes a sudden jump to a nonzero value, indicating a discontinuous phase transition. Treating the condensation as a diffusion over a barrier shows that the condensation time is exponentially long as one approaches the thermodynamic limit, and the longest near the critical temperature.
We study experimentally and numerically the equilibrium density profiles of a trapped two-dimensional $^{87}$Rb Bose gas, and investigate the equation of state of the homogeneous system using the local density approximation. We find a clear discrepancy between in-situ measurements and Quantum Monte Carlo simulations, which we attribute to a non-linear variation of the optical density of the atomic cloud with its spatial density. However, good agreement between experiment and theory is recovered for the density profiles measured after time-of-flight, taking advantage of their self-similarity in a two-dimensional expansion.
We provide a comprehensive theoretical framework for describing the dynamics of a single trapped ion interacting with a neutral buffer gas, thus extending our previous studies on buffer-gas cooling of ions beyond the critical mass ratio [B. Holtkemeier et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 233003 (2016)]. By transforming the collisional processes into a frame, where the ions micromotion is assigned to the buffer gas atoms, our model allows one to investigate the influence of non-homogeneous buffer gas configurations as well as higher multipole orders of the radio-frequency trap in great detail. Depending on the neutral-to-ion mass ratio, three regimes of sympathetic cooling are identified which are characterized by the form of the ions energy distribution in equilibrium. We provide analytic expressions and numerical simulations of the ions energy distribution, spatial profile and cooling rates for these different regimes. Based on these findings, a method for actively decreasing the ions energy by reducing the spatial expansion of the buffer gas arises (Forced Sympathetic Cooling).