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This paper deals with order identification for nested models in the i.i.d. framework. We study the asymptotic efficiency of two generalized likelihood ratio tests of the order. They are based on two estimators which are proved to be strongly consistent. A version of Steins lemma yields an optimal underestimation error exponent. The lemma also implies that the overestimation error exponent is necessarily trivial. Our tests admit nontrivial underestimation error exponents. The optimal underestimation error exponent is achieved in some situations. The overestimation error can decay exponentially with respect to a positive power of the number of observations. These results are proved under mild assumptions by relating the underestimation (resp. overestimation) error to large (resp. moderate) deviations of the log-likelihood process. In particular, it is not necessary that the classical Cram{e}r condition be satisfied; namely, the $log$-densities are not required to admit every exponential moment. Three benchmark examples with specific difficulties (location mixture of normal distributions, abrupt changes and various regressions) are detailed so as to illustrate the generality of our results.
Recently, the well known Liu estimator (Liu, 1993) is attracted researchers attention in regression parameter estimation for an ill conditioned linear model. It is also argued that imposing sub-space hypothesis restriction on parameters improves estimation by shrinking toward non-sample information. Chang (2015) proposed the almost unbiased Liu estimator (AULE) in the binary logistic regression. In this article, some improved unbiased Liu type estimators, namely, restricted AULE, preliminary test AULE, Stein-type shrinkage AULE and its positive part for estimating the regression parameters in the binary logistic regression model are proposed based on the work Chang (2015). The performances of the newly defined estimators are analysed through some numerical results. A real data example is also provided to support the findings.
This article studies global testing of the slope function in functional linear regression model in the framework of reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We propose a new testing statistic based on smoothness regularization estimators. The asymptotic distribution of the testing statistic is established under null hypothesis. It is shown that the null asymptotic distribution is determined jointly by the reproducing kernel and the covariance function. Our theoretical analysis shows that the proposed testing is consistent over a class of smooth local alternatives. Despite the generality of the method of regularization, we show the procedure is easily implementable. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the empirical advantages over the competing methods.
In a multiple testing framework, we propose a method that identifies the interval with the highest estimated false discovery rate of P-values and rejects the corresponding null hypotheses. Unlike the Benjamini-Hochberg method, which does the same but over intervals with an endpoint at the origin, the new procedure `scans all intervals. In parallel with citep*{storey2004strong}, we show that this scan procedure provides strong control of asymptotic false discovery rate. In addition, we investigate its asymptotic false non-discovery rate, deriving conditions under which it outperforms the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. For example, the scan procedure is superior in power-law location models.
In this paper we propose a new test for the hypothesis of a constant coefficient of variation in the common nonparametric regression model. The test is based on an estimate of the $L^2$-distance between the square of the regression function and variance function. We prove asymptotic normality of a standardized estimate of this distance under the null hypothesis and fixed alternatives and the finite sample properties of a corresponding bootstrap test are investigated by means of a simulation study. The results are applicable to stationary processes with the common mixing conditions and are used to construct tests for ARCH assumptions in financial time series.
We study an online multiple testing problem where the hypotheses arrive sequentially in a stream. The test statistics are independent and assumed to have the same distribution under their respective null hypotheses. We investigate two procedures LORD and LOND, proposed by (Javanmard and Montanari, 2015), which are proved to control the FDR in an online manner. In some (static) model, we show that LORD is optimal in some asymptotic sense, in particular as powerful as the (static) Benjamini-Hochberg procedure to first asymptotic order. We also quantify the performance of LOND. Some numerical experiments complement our theory.