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Current, Pion and Photon Transitions between Heavy Baryons

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 Added by Stefan Groote
 Publication date 1996
and research's language is English
 Authors J.G. Korner

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I discuss the structure of current-induced bottom baryon to charm baryon transitions, and the structure of pion and photon transitions between heavy charm or bottom baryons in the Heavy Quark Symmetry limit as $m_Qrightarrowinfty$. The emphasis is on the structural similarity of the Heavy Quark Symmetry predictions for the three types of transitions. The discussion involves the ground state $s$-wave heavy baryons as well as the excited $p$-wave heavy baryon states. Using a constituent quark model picture for the light diquark system with an underlying $SU(2N_f)otimes O(3)$ symmetry one arrives at a number of new predictions that go beyond the Heavy Quark Symmetry predictions.

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The transition magnetic moments between negative parity, spin-1/2 heavy baryons are studied in framework of the light cone QCD sum rules. By constructing the sum rules for different Lorentz structures, the unwanted contributions coming from negative (positive) to positive (negative) parity transitions are removed. It is found that the magnetic moments between neutral negative parity heavy $Xi_Q^{prime 0}$ and $Xi_Q^0$ baryons are very small. Magnetic moments of the $Sigma_Q to Lambda_Q$ and $ Xi_Q^{prime pm} to Xi_Q^pm$ transitions are quite large and can be measured in further experiments.
We construct analytic (3+1)-dimensional inhomogeneous and topologically non-trivial pion systems using chiral perturbation theory. We discuss the effect of isospin asymmetry with vanishing electromagnetic interactions as well as some particular configurations with non-vanishing electromagnetic interactions. The inhomogeneous configurations of the pion fields are characterized by a non-vanishing topological charge that can be identified with baryons surrounded by a cloud of pions. This system supports a topologically protected persistent superflow. When the electromagnetic field is turned on the superflow corresponds to an electromagnetic supercurrent.
Using the calculated values of the strong coupling constants of the heavy sextet spin-3/2 baryons to sextet and antitriplet heavy spin-1/2 baryons with light mesons within the light cone QCD sum rules method, and vector meson dominance assumption, the radiative decay widths are calculated. These widths are compared with the direct radiative decay widths predicted in the framework of the light cone QCD sum rules.
464 - Harald Fritzsch 2008
We discuss the mass differences for isospin multiplets of the charmed and b-flavored baryons. The mass of the neutral b-flavored sigma baryon, which is not measured, is calculated. We point out, that the measurements of the mass differences between the charmed sigma and chi baryons might be wrong.
314 - T. M. Aliev ((1 2013
The magnetic dipole G_M(Q^2), electric quadrupole G_E(Q^2), and Coulomb quadrupole G_C(Q^2) form factors, describing the spin-3/2 to spin-1/2 electromagnetic transitions, are investigated within the light cone QCD sum rules. The Q^2 dependence of these form factors, as well as ratios of electric quadrupole and Coulomb quadrupole form factors to the magnetic dipole form factors are studied. We also compare our results on the magnetic dipole form factor with the prediction of the covariant spectator quark model.
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