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Well-posed constrained evolution of 3+1 formulations of General Relativity

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 Publication date 2005
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present an analysis of well-posedness of constrained evolution of 3+1 formulations of GR. In this analysis we explicitly take into account the energy and momentum constraints as well as possible algebraic constraints on the evolution of high-frequency perturbations of solutions of Einsteins equations. In this respect, our approach is principally different from standard analyses of well-posedness of free evolution in general relativity. Our study reveals the existence of subsets of the linearized Einsteins equations that control the well-posedness of constrained evolution. It is demonstrated that the well-posedness of ADM, BSSN and other 3+1 formulations derived from ADM by adding combinations of constraints to the right-hand-side of ADM and/or by linear transformation of the dynamical ADM variables depends entirely on the properties of the gauge. For certain classes of gauges we formulate conditions for well-posedness of constrained evolution. This provides a new basis for constructing stable numerical integration schemes for a classical Arnowitt--Deser--Misner (ADM) and many other 3+1 formulations of general relativity.

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Maximally dissipative boundary conditions are applied to the initial-boundary value problem for Einsteins equations in harmonic coordinates to show that it is well-posed for homogeneous boundary data and for boundary data that is small in a linearized sense. The method is implemented as a nonlinear evolution code which satisfies convergence tests in the nonlinear regime and is robustly stable in the weak field regime. A linearized version has been stably matched to a characteristic code to compute the gravitational waveform radiated to infinity.
169 - J. Frauendiener 2008
The purpose of this note is to point out that a naive application of symplectic integration schemes for Hamiltonian systems with constraints such as SHAKE or RATTLE which preserve holonomic constraints encounters difficulties when applied to the numerical treatment of the equations of general relativity.
149 - Eric Gourgoulhon 2007
This lecture is devoted to the problem of computing initial data for the Cauchy problem of 3+1 general relativity. The main task is to solve the constraint equations. The conformal technique, introduced by Lichnerowicz and enhanced by York, is presented. Two standard methods, the conformal transverse-traceless one and the conformal thin sandwich, are discussed and illustrated by some simple examples. Finally a short review regarding initial data for binary systems (black holes and neutron stars) is given.
54 - Mark A. Scheel 1997
We describe a numerical code that solves Einsteins equations for a Schwarzschild black hole in spherical symmetry, using a hyperbolic formulation introduced by Choquet-Bruhat and York. This is the first time this formulation has been used to evolve a numerical spacetime containing a black hole. We excise the hole from the computational grid in order to avoid the central singularity. We describe in detail a causal differencing method that should allow one to stably evolve a hyperbolic system of equations in three spatial dimensions with an arbitrary shift vector, to second-order accuracy in both space and time. We demonstrate the success of this method in the spherically symmetric case.
We produce the first astrophysically-relevant numerical binary black hole gravitational waveform in a higher-curvature theory of gravity beyond general relativity. We simulate a system with parameters consistent with GW150914, the first LIGO detection, in order-reduced dynamical Chern-Simons gravity, a theory with motivations in string theory and loop quantum gravity. We present results for the leading-order corrections to the merger and ringdown waveforms, as well as the ringdown quasi-normal mode spectrum. We estimate that such corrections may be discriminated in detections with signal to noise ratio $gtrsim 180-240$, with the precise value depending on the dimension of the GR waveform family used in data analysis.
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