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The effective interaction between two probe particles in a one-dimensional driven system is studied. The analysis is carried out using an asymmetric simple exclusion process with nearest-neighbor interactions. It is found that the driven fluid mediates an effective long-range attraction between the two probes, with a force that decays at large distances x as -b/x, where b is a function of the interaction parameters. Depending on the amplitude b the two probes may form one of three states: (a) an unbound state, where the distance grows diffusively with time; (b) a weakly bound state, in which the distance grows sub-diffusively; and (c) a strongly bound state, where the average distance stays finite in the long time limit. Similar results are found for the behavior of any finite number of probes.
Many biological systems fold thin sheets of lipid membrane into complex three-dimensional structures. This microscopic origami is often mediated by the adsorption and self-assembly of proteins on a membrane. As a model system to study adsorption-mediated interactions, we study the collective behavior of micrometric particles adhered to a lipid vesicle. We estimate the colloidal interactions using a maximum likelihood analysis of particle trajectories. When the particles are highly wrapped by a tense membrane, we observe strong long-range attractions with a typical binding energy of 150 $k_B T$ and significant forces extending a few microns.
The effective force between two parallel DNA molecules is calculated as a function of their mutual separation for different valencies of counter- and salt ions and different salt concentrations. Computer simulations of the primitive model are used and the shape of the DNA molecules is accurately modelled using different geometrical shapes. We find that multivalent ions induce a significant attraction between the DNA molecules whose strength can be tuned by the averaged valency of the ions. The physical origin of the attraction is traced back either to electrostatics or to entropic contributions. For multivalent counter- and monovalent salt ions, we find a salt-induced stabilization effect: the force is first attractive but gets repulsive for increasing salt concentration. Furthermore, we show that the multivalent-ion-induced attraction does not necessarily correlate with DNA overcharging.
We study theoretically quantum states of a pair of photons interacting with a finite periodic array of two-level atoms in a waveguide. Our calculation reveals two-polariton eigenstates that have a highly irregular wave-function in real space. This indicates the Bethe ansatz breakdown and the onset of quantum chaos, in stark contrast to the conventional integrable problem of two interacting bosons in a box. We identify the long-range waveguide-mediated coupling between the atoms as the key ingredient of chaos and nonintegrability. Our results provide new insights in the interplay between order, chaos and localization in many-body quantum systems and can be tested in state-of-the-art setups of waveguide quantum electrodynamics.
We study the spin excitation spectra and the dynamical exchange coupling between iron adatoms on a Bi bilayer nanoribbon. We show that the topological character of the edge states is preserved in the presence of the magnetic adatoms. Nevertheless, they couple significantly to the edge spin currents, as witnessed by the large and long-ranged dynamical coupling we obtain in our calcula- tions. The large effective magnetocrystalline anisotropy of the magnetic adatoms combined with the transport properties of the topologically protected edge states make this system a strong candidate for implementation of spintronics devices and quantum information and/or computation protocols.
We propose a mean-field analytical model to account for the observed asymmetry in the ability to form long-range attraction by the negatively charged colloidal particles and not their equivalently charged positive counterpart. We conjecture that this asymmetry is due to solvation effects, and we phenomenologically capture its physics by considering the relative strength of this water-induced short-range repulsion between the different charge species. We then apply our model to the colloidal system of negatively charged disks that are neutralized by a sea of counterions and strongly absorbed to an interface in a compressible binary system. We demonstrate the resulting coexistence between a dilute isotropic ionic phase and a condensed hexagonal lattice phase as a function of density and interaction strength.