The role of Klein factors is investigated for the bosonized Hamiltonian of the dimerized Hubbard model. Contrary to previous approaches we take into account their number changing property, i.e. we do not replace them by Majorana fermions. We show how to treat Klein factors in the framework of the self-consistent harmonic approximation, both for finite systems and in the thermodynamic limit.
We design an efficient and balanced approach that captures major effects of collective electronic fluctuations in strongly correlated fermionic systems using a simple diagrammatic expansion on a basis of dynamical mean-field theory. For this aim we perform a partial bosonization of collective fermionic fluctuations in leading channels of instability. We show that a simultaneous account for different bosonic channels can be done in a consistent way that allows to avoid the famous Fierz ambiguity problem. The present method significantly improves a description of an effective screened interaction $W$ in both, charge and spin channels, and has a great potential for application to realistic $GW$-like calculations for magnetic materials.
We use numerically unbiased methods to show that the one-dimensional Hubbard model with periodically distributed on-site interactions already contains the minimal ingredients to display the phenomenon of magnetoresistance; i.e., by applying an external magnetic field, a dramatic enhancement on the charge transport is achieved. We reach this conclusion based on the computation of the Drude weight and of the single-particle density of states, applying twisted boundary condition averaging to reduce finite-size effects. The known picture that describes the giant magnetoresistance, by interpreting the scattering amplitudes of parallel or antiparallel polarized currents with local magnetizations, is obtained without having to resort to different entities; itinerant and localized charges are indistinguishable.
Using large-scale determinant quantum Monte Carlo simulations in combination with the stochastic analytical continuation, we study two-particle dynamical correlation functions in the anisotropic square lattice of weakly coupled one-dimensional (1D) Hubbard chains at half-filling and in the presence of weak frustration. The evolution of the static spin structure factor upon increasing the interchain coupling is suggestive of the transition from the power-law decay of spin-spin correlations in the 1D limit to long-range antiferromagnetic order in the quasi-1D regime and at $T=0$. In the numerically accessible regime of interchain couplings, the charge sector remains gapped. The low-energy momentum dependence of the spin excitations is well described by the linear spin-wave theory with the largest intensity located around the antiferromagnetic wave vector. This magnon mode corresponds to a bound state of two spinons. At higher energies the spinons deconfine and we observe signatures of the two-spinon continuum which progressively fade away as a function of interchain hopping.
We introduce a variational state for one-dimensional two-orbital Hubbard models that intuitively explains the recent computational discovery of pairing in these systems when hole doped. Our Ansatz is an optimized linear superposition of Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki valence bond states, rendering the combination a valence bond liquid dubbed Orbital Resonant Valence Bond. We show that the undoped (one electron/orbital) quantum state of two sites coupled into a global spin singlet is exactly written employing only spin-1/2 singlets linking orbitals at nearest-neighbor sites. Generalizing to longer chains defines our variational state visualized geometrically expressing our chain as a two-leg ladder, with one orbital per leg. As in Andersons resonating valence-bond state, our undoped variational state contains preformed singlet pairs that via doping become mobile leading to superconductivity. Doped real materials with one-dimensional substructures, two near-degenerate orbitals, and intermediate Hubbard U/W strengths -- W the carriers bandwidth -- could realize spin-singlet pairing if on-site anisotropies are small. If these anisotropies are robust, spin-triplet pairing emerges.
The challenge of simulating many-body models with analogue physical systems requires both experimental precision and very low operational temperatures. Atomically precise placement of dopants in Si permits the construction of nanowires by design. We investigate the suitability of these interacting electron systems as simulators of a fermionic extended Hubbard model on demand. We describe the single particle wavefunctions as a Linear Combination of Dopant Orbitals (LCDO). The electronic states are calculated within configuration interaction (CI). Due to the peculiar oscillatory behavior of each basis orbital, properties of these chains are strongly affected by the interdonor distance $R_0$, in a non-monotonic way. Ground state (T=0K) properties such as charge and spin correlations are shown to remain robust under temperatures up to 4K for specific values of $R_0$. The robustness of the model against disorder is also tested, allowing some fluctuation of the placement site around the target position. We suggest that finite donor chains in Si may serve as an analog simulator for strongly correlated model Hamiltonians. This simulator is, in many ways, complementary to those based on cold atoms in optical lattices---the trade-off between the tunability achievable in the latter and the survival of correlation at higher operation temperatures for the former suggests that both technologies are applicable for different regimes.