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The Luminosities and Diameters of Mira Variables from Hipparcos Parallaxes

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 Added by Patricia Whitelock
 Publication date 1997
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Hipparcos trigonometrical parallaxes of Mira-type variables have been combined with ground-based angular diameter measurements to derive linear diameters. Of eight stars with ground-based data, six have diameters indicating overtone pulsation whilst two, both with periods over 400 day, are pulsating in the fundamental. Hipparcos parallaxes of 11 Miras have been combined with extensive infrared photometry to determine the zero-point of the Mira period-luminosity relation. Adopting the relation at K (2.2 micron), since this is less likely to be subject to abundance effects than that at Mbol, leads to a distance modulus for the LMC of 18.6 mag with a uncertainty of slightly less than 0.2 mag. A brief discussion is given of the preliminary analysis of the parallaxes of a much larger sample of Miras. Some consideration is given to possible problems in interpreting the Hipparcos data which arise because of the physical characteristics of the Mira variables. Finally the apparent low-luminosity of the carbon Mira, R Lep, implied by the Hipparcos results leads to an interesting problem in AGB evolution.

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We investigate the properties of K0V stars with Hipparcos parallaxes and spectral types taken from the Michigan Spectral Survey. The sample of 200 objects allows the empirical investigation of the magnitude selection (Malmquist) bias, which appears clearly present. By selecting those objects that are not affected by bias, we find a mean absolute magnitude of Mv~5.7, a downward revision from 5.9 mag. listed in Schmidt-Kaler (1982). Some objects have absolute magnitudes far brighter than Mv~5.7, and it is suggested that these objects (~20% of the total sample) are K0IV stars which may have been mis-classified as a K0V star. The presence of the Malmquist bias in even this high quality sample suggests that no sample can be expected to be bias-free.
142 - S.E. Schroeder 2004
We compare the absolute visual magnitude of the majority of bright O stars in the sky as predicted from their spectral type with the absolute magnitude calculated from their apparent magnitude and the Hipparcos parallax. We find that many stars appear to be much fainter than expected, up to five magnitudes. We find no evidence for a correlation between magnitude differences and the stellar rotational velocity as suggested for OB stars by Lamers et al. (1997), whose small sample of stars is partly included in ours. Instead, by means of a simulation we show how these differences arise naturally from the large distances at which O stars are located, and the level of precision of the parallax measurements achieved by Hipparcos. Straightforwardly deriving a distance from the Hipparcos parallax yields reliable results for one or two O stars only. We discuss several types of bias reported in the literature in connection with parallax samples (Lutz-Kelker, Malmquist) and investigate how they affect the O star sample. In addition, we test three absolute magnitude calibrations from the literature (Schmidt-Kaler et al. 1982; Howarth & Prinja 1989; Vacca et al. 1996) and find that they are consistent with the Hipparcos measurements. Although O stars conform nicely to the simulation, we notice that some B stars in the sample of Lamers et al. (1997) have a magnitude difference larger than expected.
We report periods and JHKL observations for 648 oxygen-rich Mira variables found in two outer bulge fields at b=-7 degrees and l=+/-8 degrees and combine these with data on 8057 inner bulge Miras from the OGLE, Macho and 2MASS surveys, which are concentrated closer to the Galactic centre. Distance moduli are estimated for all these stars. Evidence is given showing that the bulge structure is a function of age. The longer period Miras (log P > 2.6, age about 5 Gyr and younger) show clear evidence of a bar structure inclined to the line of sight in both the inner and outer regions. The distribution of the shorter period (metal-rich globular cluster age) Miras, appears spheroidal in the outer bulge. In the inner region these old stars are also distributed differently from the younger ones and possibly suggest a more complex structure. These data suggest a distance to the Galactic centre, R0, of 8.9 kpc with an estimated uncertainty of 0.4 kpc. The possible effect of helium enrichment on our conclusions is discussed.
94 - M. W. Feast 1997
A summary is given of an analysis of the Hipparcos trigonometrical parallaxes and proper motions of classical Cepheids. It is possible for the first time to derive zero-points for the period-luminosity and period-luminosity-colour relations from parallaxes alone, avoiding the problems of less direct methods. The results imply an increase of 8 to 10 percent in the extragalactic distance scale based on Cepheids. The proper motions are used to derive the constants of galactic rotation. Comparison with radial velocity data leads to a confirmation of the Cepheid distance scale derived from the parallaxes and indicates a kinematic distance to the galactic centre of 8.5 +/- 0.5 kpc. From the new Cepheid distances to the LMC and M31, the absolute magnitude of RR Lyrae variables in metal-poor globular clusters is derived. Applying this to data on metal-poor clusters in our own Galaxy leads to an age of about 11 Gyr for these clusters, considerably less than previously thought. Other evidence from Hipparcos on these matters is briefly reviewed and it is suggested that the Cepheid results currently provide the most reliable scale on which to base distances and ages.
The tension between the Hipparcos parallax of the Pleiades and other independent distance estimates continues even after the new reduction of the Hipparcos astrometric data and the development of a new geometric distance measurement for the cluster. A short Pleiades distance from the Hipparcos parallax predicts a number of stars in the solar neighborhood that are sub-luminous at a given photospheric abundance. We test this hypothesis using spectroscopic abundances for a subset of stars in the Hipparcos catalog, which occupy the same region as the Pleiades in the color-magnitude diagram. We derive stellar parameters for 170 nearby G and K type field dwarfs in the Hipparcos catalog based on high-resolution spectra obtained using KPNO 4-m echelle spectrograph. Our analysis shows that, when the Hipparcos parallaxes are adopted, most of our sample stars follow empirical color-magnitude relations. A small fraction of stars are too faint compared to main-sequence fitting relations by $Delta M_V geq 0.3$ mag, but the differences are marginal at a $2sigma$ level partly due to relatively large parallax errors. On the other hand, we find that photometric distances of stars showing signatures of youth as determined from lithium absorption line strengths and $R_{rm HK}$ chromospheric activity indices are consistent with the Hipparcos parallaxes. Our result is contradictory to a suggestion that the Pleiades distance from main-sequence fitting is significantly altered by stellar activity and/or the young age of its stars, and provides an additional supporting evidence for the long distance scale of the Pleiades.
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