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Direct Evidence for a Polar Spot on SV Cam

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 Added by Sandra Jeffers
 Publication date 2005
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We have used spectrophotometric data from the Hubble Space Telescope to eclipse-map the primary component of the RS CVn binary SV Cam over 9 HST orbits. We find from these observations and the HIPPARCOS parallax that the surface flux in the eclipsed low-latitude region of the primary is about 30% lower than computed from a PHOENIX model atmosphere at the effective temperature that best fits the spectral energy distribution of the eclipsed flux. This can only be accounted for if about a third of the primarys surface is covered with unresolved dark star-spots. Extending this to the full surface of the primary, we find that even taking into account this spot filling factor there is an additional flux deficit on the primary star. This can only be explained if there is a large polar spot on the primary star extending from the pole to latitude 48 degrees.

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Using a time series of high-resolution spectra and high-quality multi-colour photometry, we reconstruct surface maps of the primary component of the RS CVn type rapidly rotating eclipsing binary, SV Cam (F9V + K4V). We measure a mass ratio, q, of 0.641(2) using our highest quality spectra and obtain surface brightness maps of the primary component, which exhibit predominantly high-latitude spots located between 60-70-degree latitudes with a mean filling factor of about 35%. This is also indicated by the R-band light curve inversion, subjected to rigourous numerical tests. The spectral subtraction of the H-alpha line reveals strong activity of the secondary component. The excess H-alpha absorption detected near the secondary minimum hints to the presence of cool material partially obscuring the primary star. The flux ratios of Ca II IRT excess emission indicate that the contribution of chromospheric plage regions associated with star-spots is dominant, even during the passage of the filament-like absorption feature.
During October 2019 and March 2020, the luminous red supergiant Betelgeuse demonstrated an unusually deep minimum of its brightness. It became fainter by more than one magnitude and this is the most significant dimming observed in the recent decades. While the reason for the dimming is debated, pre-phase of supernova explosion, obscuring dust, or changes in the photosphere of the star were suggested scenarios. Here, we present spectroscopic studies of Betelgeuse using high-resolution and high signal-to- noise ratio near-infrared spectra obtained at Weihai Observatory on four epochs in 2020 covering the phases of during and after dimming. We show that the dimming episode is caused by the dropping of its effective temperature by at least 170 K on 2020 January 31, that can be attributed to the emergence of a large dark spot on the surface of the star.
127 - Ruari Mackenzie 2017
We report the results of the 2dF-VST ATLAS Cold Spot galaxy redshift survey (2CSz) based on imaging from VST ATLAS and spectroscopy from 2dF AAOmega over the core of the CMB Cold Spot. We sparsely surveyed the inner 5$^{circ}$ radius of the Cold Spot to a limit of $i_{AB} le 19.2$, sampling $sim7000$ galaxies at $z<0.4$. We have found voids at $z=$ 0.14, 0.26 and 0.30 but they are interspersed with small over-densities and the scale of these voids is insufficient to explain the Cold Spot through the $Lambda$CDM ISW effect. Combining with previous data out to $zsim1$, we conclude that the CMB Cold Spot could not have been imprinted by a void confined to the inner core of the Cold Spot. Additionally we find that our control field GAMA G23 shows a similarity in its galaxy redshift distribution to the Cold Spot. Since the GAMA G23 line-of-sight shows no evidence of a CMB temperature decrement we conclude that the Cold Spot may have a primordial origin rather than being due to line-of-sight effects.
Observations from the Hinode/XRT telescope and STEREO/SECCHI/EUVI are utilized to study polar coronal jets and plumes. The study focuses on the temporal evolution of both structures and their relationship. The data sample, spanning April 7-8 2007, shows that over 90% of the 28 observed jet events are associated with polar plumes. EUV images (STEREO/SECCHI) show plume haze rising from the location of approximately 70% of the polar X-ray (Hinode/XRT) and EUV jets, with the plume haze appearing minutes to hours after the jet was observed. The remaining jets occurred in areas where plume material previously existed causing a brightness enhancement of the latter after the jet event. Short-lived, jet-like events and small transient bright points are seen (one at a time) at different locations within the base of pre-existing long-lived plumes. X-ray images also show instances (at least two events) of collimated-thin jets rapidly evolving into significantly wider plume-like structures that are followed by the delayed appearance of plume haze in the EUV. These observations provide evidence that X-ray jets are precursors of polar plumes, and in some cases cause brightenings of plumes. Possible mechanisms to explain the observed jet and plume relationship are discussed.
We have used maximum entropy eclipse mapping to recover images of the visual surface brightness distribution of the primary component of the RS CVn eclipsing binary SV Cam, using high-precision photometry data obtained during three primary eclipses with STIS aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. These were augmented by contemporaneous ground-based photometry secured around the rest of the orbit. The goal of these observations was to determine the filling factor and size distribution of starspots too small to be resolved by Doppler imaging. The information content of the final image and the fit to the data were optimised with respect to various system parameters using the chi^2 landscape method, using an eclipse mapping code that solves for large-scale spot coverage. It is only with the unprecedented photometric precision of the HST data (0.00015 mag) that it is possible to see strong discontinuities at the four contact points in the residuals of the fit to the lightcurve. These features can only be removed from the residual lightcurve by the reduction of the photospheric temperature, to synthesise high unresolvable spot coverage, and the inclusion of a polar spot. We show that this spottedness of the stellar surface can have a significant impact on the determination of the stellar binary parameters and the fit to the lightcurve by reducing the secondary radius from 0.794 +/- 0.009 Rsun to 0.727 +/- 0.009 Rsun. This new technique can also be applied to other binary systems with high precision spectrophotometric observations.
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