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The distance to the LMC cluster NGC 1866 and the surrounding field

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 Added by Gabriella Raimondo
 Publication date 2003
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors M. Salaris

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We use the Main Sequence stars in the LMC cluster NGC 1866 and of Red Clump stars in the local field to obtain two independent estimates of the LMC distance. We apply an empirical Main Sequence-fitting technique based on a large sample of subdwarfs with accurate {sl Hipparcos} parallaxes in order to estimate the cluster distance modulus, and the multicolor Red Clump method to derive distance and reddening of the LMC field. We find that the Main Sequence-fitting and the Red Clump distance moduli are in significant disagreement; NGC 1866 distance is equal to $rm (m-M)_{0,NGC 1866}=18.33pm$0.08 (consistent with a previous estimate using the same data and theoretical Main Sequence isochrones), while the field stars provide $rm (m-M)_{0,field}=18.53pm$0.07. This difference reflects the more general dichotomy in the LMC distance estimates found in the literature. Various possible causes for this disagreement are explored, with particular attention paid to the still uncertain metallicity of the cluster and the star formation history of the field stars.

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We used Optical, Near Infrared photometry and radial velocity data for a sample of 11 Cepheids belonging to the young LMC blue populous cluster NGC 1866 to estimate their radii and distances on the basis of the CORS Baade-Wesselink method. This technique, based on an accurate calibration of the surface brightness as a function of (U-B), (V-K) colors, allows us to estimate, simultaneously, the linear radius and the angular diameter of Cepheid variables, and consequently to derive their distance. A rigorous error estimate on radius and distances was derived by using Monte Carlo simulations. Our analysis gives a distance modulus for NGC 1866 of 18.51+/-0.03 mag, which is in agreement with several independent results.
Hubble Space Telescope V,I photometry of stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud Cluster NGC 1866 shows a well defined cluster main sequence down to V=25 mag, with little contamination from field or foreground stars. We use the main sequence fitting procedure to link the distance of NGC 1866 to the Hipparcos determination of the distance for the Hyades MS stars, making use of evolutionary prescriptions to allow for differences in the chemical composition. On this basis we find a true distance modulus for NGC 1866 of 18.35 +/- 0.05 mag. If the cluster is assumed to lie in the LMC plane then the LMC modulus is 0.02 mag less.
Context: Cepheids are excellent tracers of young stellar populations. They play a crucial role in astrophysics as standard candles. The chemistry of classical Cepheids in the Milky Way is now quite well-known. Despite a much larger sample, the chemical composition of Magellanic Cepheids has been only scarcely investigated. Aims: For the first time, we study the chemical composition of several Cepheids located in the same populous cluster: NGC 1866, in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). To also investigate the chemical composition of Cepheids at lower metallicity, four targets are located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). Our sample allows us to increase the number of Cepheids with known metallicities in the LMC/SMC by 20%/25% and the number of Cepheids with detailed chemical composition in the LMC/SMC by 46%/50%. Methods: We use canonical spectroscopic analysis to determine the chemical composition of Cepheids and provide abundances for a good number of $alpha$, iron-peak and neutron-capture elements. Results: We find that six Cepheids in the LMC cluster NGC 1866 have a very homogeneous chemical composition, also consistent with red giant branch (RGB) stars in the cluster. Period--age relations that include no or average rotation indicate that all the Cepheids in NGC 1866 have a similar age and therefore belong to the same stellar population. Our results are in good agreement with theoretical models accounting for luminosity and radial velocity variations. Using distances based on period-luminosity relations in the near- or mid-infrared, we investigate for the first time the metallicity distribution of the young population in the SMC in the depth direction. Preliminary results show no metallicity gradient along the SMC main body, but our sample is small and does not contain Cepheids in the inner few degrees of the SMC.
178 - E. Chiosi 2012
In this paper we present a study and comparison of the star formation rates (SFR) in the fields around NGC 1898 and NGC 2154, two intermediate-age star clusters located in very different regions of the Large Magellanic Cloud. We also present a photometric study of NGC 1898, and of seven minor clusters which happen to fall in the field of NGC 1898, for which basic parameters were so far unknown. We do not focus on NGC 2154, because this cluster was already investigated in Baume et al. 2007, using the same theoretical tools. The ages of the clusters were derived by means of the isochrone fitting method on their $clean$ color-magnitude diagrams. Two distinct populations of clusters were found: one cluster (NGC 2154) has a mean age of 1.7 Gyr, with indication of extended star formation over roughly a 1 Gyr period, while all the others have ages between 100 and 200 Myr. The SFRs of the adjacent fields were inferred using the downhill-simplex algorithm. Both SFRs show enhancements at 200, 400, 800 Myr, and at 1, 6, and 8 Gyr. These bursts in the SFR are probably the result of dynamical interactions between the Magellanic Clouds (MCs), and of the MCs with the Milky Way.
72 - Vincenzo Testa 2006
Near infrared (IR) studies of Cepheid variables in the LMC take advantage of the reduced light curve amplitude and metallicity dependence at these wavelengths. This work presents such photometry for two young clusters known to contain sizeable Cepheid populations: NGC 1866 and NGC 2031. Our goal is to determine light curves and period-luminosity (PL) relations in the near-IR, to assess the similarity between cluster and field pulsators, and to examine the predictive capability of current pulsation models. The light curves are obtained from multiwavelength broadband J,H,Ks photometry of Cepheids in both clusters, with periods previously established from optical photometry. Mean magnitudes for the Cepheids are used to construct PL relations in the near-IR. The properties in the PL planes are compared with the behavior of field Cepheids in the LMC and with the predictions of recent pulsational models, both canonical and overluminous. Cluster and field Cepheids are homogeneous and the inclusion of the cluster Cepheids in the field sample extends nicely the PL relation. The slope of the PL relation is constant over the whole period range and does not show -- at least in the adopted IR bands -- the break in slope at P ~ 10 d reported by some authors. A comparison with the predictions of pulsation models allows an estimate for the distance moduli of NGC 1866 and NGC 2031. The two clusters are found to lie at essentially the same distance. Fitting of theoretical models to the data gives, for the K filter, (m-M)_0 = 18.62+-0.10 if canonical models are used and (m-M)_0 = 18.42+-0.10 if overluminous models are used. On the basis of this result, some considerations on the relationship between the clusters and the internal structure of the LMC are presented.
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