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The existence of smooth but nowhere analytic functions is well-known (du Bois-Reymond, Math. Ann., 21(1):109-117, 1883). However, smooth solutions to the heat equation are usually analytic in the space variable. It is also well-known (Kowalevsky, Crelle, 80:1-32, 1875) that a solution to the heat equation may not be time-analytic at $t=0$ even if the initial function is real analytic. Recently, it was shown in cite{Zha20, DZ20, DP20} that solutions to the heat equation in the whole space, or half space with zero boundary value, are analytic in time under essentially optimal conditions. In this paper, we show that time analyticity is not always true in domains with general boundary conditions or without suitable growth conditions. More precisely, we construct two bounded solutions to the heat equation in the half plane which are nowhere analytic in time. In addition, for any $delta>0$, we find a solution to the heat equation on the whole plane, with exponential growth of order $2+delta$, which is nowhere analytic in time.
In this article, we are concerned with a certain type of boundary behavior of positive solutions of the heat equation on a stratified Lie group at a given boundary point. We prove that a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the parabolic limit of a positive solution $u$ at a point on the boundary is the existence of the strong derivative of the boundary measure of $u$ at that point. Moreover, the parabolic limit and the strong derivative are equal.
In this paper we prove the following long-standing conjecture: stable solutions to semilinear elliptic equations are bounded (and thus smooth) in dimension $n leq 9$. This result, that was only known to be true for $nleq4$, is optimal: $log(1/|x|^2)$ is a $W^{1,2}$ singular stable solution for $ngeq10$. The proof of this conjecture is a consequence of a new universal estimate: we prove that, in dimension $n leq 9$, stable solutions are bounded in terms only of their $L^1$ norm, independently of the nonlinearity. In addition, in every dimension we establish a higher integrability result for the gradient and optimal integrability results for the solution in Morrey spaces. As one can see by a series of classical examples, all our results are sharp. Furthermore, as a corollary we obtain that extremal solutions of Gelfand problems are $W^{1,2}$ in every dimension and they are smooth in dimension $n leq 9$. This answers to two famous open problems posed by Brezis and Brezis-Vazquez.
We prove a Harnack inequality for solutions to $L_A u = 0$ where the elliptic matrix $A$ is adapted to a convex function satisfying minimal geometric conditions. An application to Sobolev inequalities is included.
Analytic solutions for Burgers equations with source terms, possibly stiff, represent an important element to assess numerical schemes. Here we present a procedure, based on the characteristic technique to obtain analytic solutions for these equations with smooth initial conditions.
In this paper we study global well-posedness and long time asymptotic behavior of solutions to the nonlinear heat equation with absorption, $ u_t - Delta u + |u|^alpha u =0$, where $u=u(t,x)in {mathbb R}, $ $(t,x)in (0,infty)times{mathbb R}^N$ and $alpha>0$. We focus particularly on highly singular initial values which are antisymmetric with respect to the variables $x_1,; x_2,; cdots,; x_m$ for some $min {1,2, cdots, N}$, such as $u_0 = (-1)^mpartial_1partial_2 cdots partial_m|cdot|^{-gamma} in {{mathcal S}({mathbb R}^N)}$, $0 < gamma < N$. In fact, we show global well-posedness for initial data bounded in an appropriate sense by $u_0$, for any $alpha>0$. Our approach is to study well-posedness and large time behavior on sectorial domains of the form $Omega_m = {x in {{mathbb R}^N} : x_1, cdots, x_m > 0}$, and then to extend the results by reflection to solutions on ${{mathbb R}^N}$ which are antisymmetric. We show that the large time behavior depends on the relationship between $alpha$ and $2/(gamma+m)$, and we consider all three cases, $alpha$ equal to, greater than, and less than $2/(gamma+m)$. Our results include, among others, new examples of self-similar and asymptotically self-similar solutions.