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Orbital Evolution of Satellite Galaxies in Self-Interacting Dark Matter Models

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 Added by Oren Slone
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Dark matter self interactions can leave distinctive signatures on the properties of satellite galaxies around Milky Way--like hosts through their impact on tidal stripping, ram pressure, and gravothermal collapse. We delineate the regions of self-interacting dark matter parameter space---specified by interaction cross section and a velocity scale---where each of these effects dominates, and show how the relative mass loss depends on the satellites initial mass, density profile and orbit. We obtain novel, conservative constraints in this parameter space using Milky Way satellite galaxies with notably high central densities and small pericenter distances. Our results for self-interacting dark matter models, in combination with constraints from clusters of galaxies, favor velocity-dependent cross sections that lead to gravothermal core collapse in the densest satellites.

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76 - Mark R.Lovell 2015
The sterile neutrino is a viable dark matter candidate that can be produced in the early Universe via non-equilibrium processes, and would therefore possess a highly non-thermal spectrum of primordial velocities. In this paper we analyse the process of structure formation with this class of dark matter particles. To this end we construct primordial dark matter power spectra as a function of the lepton asymmetry, $L_6$, that is present in the primordial plasma and leads to resonant sterile neutrino production. We compare these power spectra with those of thermally produced dark matter particles and show that resonantly produced sterile neutrinos are much colder than their thermal relic counterparts. We also demonstrate that the shape of these power spectra is not determined by the free-streaming scale alone. We then use the power spectra as an input for semi-analytic models of galaxy formation in order to predict the number of luminous satellite galaxies in a Milky Way-like halo. By assuming that the mass of the Milky Way halo must be no more than $2times10^{12}M_{odot}$ (the adopted upper bound based on current astronomical observations) we are able to constrain the value of $L_6$ for $M_sle 8$~keV. We also show that the range of $L_6$ that is in best agreement with the 3.5~keV line (if produced by decays of 7~keV sterile neutrino) requires that the Milky Way halo has a mass no smaller than $1.5times10^{12}M_{odot}$. Finally, we compare the power spectra obtained by direct integration of the Boltzmann equations for a non-resonantly produced sterile neutrino with the fitting formula of Viel~et~al. and find that the latter significantly underestimates the power amplitude on scales relevant to satellite galaxies.
We study the evolution of cosmological perturbations in dark-matter models with elastic and velocity-independent self interactions. Such interactions are imprinted in the matter-power spectrum as dark acoustic oscillations, which can be experimentally explored to determine the strength of the self scatterings. Models with self interactions have similarities to warm dark matter, as they lead to suppression of power on small scales when the dark-matter velocity dispersion is sizable. Nonetheless, both the physical origin and the extent of the suppression differ for self-interacting dark matter from conventional warm dark matter, with a dark sound horizon controlling the reduction of power in the former case, and a free-streaming length in the latter. We thoroughly analyze these differences by performing computations of the linear power spectrum using a newly developed Boltzmann code. We find that while current Lyman-$alpha$ data disfavor conventional warm dark matter with a mass less than 5.3 keV, when self interactions are included at their maximal value consistent with bounds from the Bullet Cluster, the limits are relaxed to 4.4 keV. Finally, we make use of our analysis to set novel bounds on light scalar singlet dark matter.
We develop the framework for testing Lorentz invariance in the dark matter sector using galactic dynamics. We consider a Lorentz violating (LV) vector field acting on the dark matter component of a satellite galaxy orbiting in a host halo. We introduce a numerical model for the dynamics of satellites in a galactic halo and for a galaxy in a rich cluster to explore observational consequences of such an LV field. The orbital motion of a satellite excites a time dependent LV force which greatly affects its internal dynamics. Our analysis points out key observational signatures which serve as probes of LV forces. These include modifications to the line of sight velocity dispersion, mass profiles and shapes of satellites. With future data and a more detailed modeling these signatures can be exploited to constrain a new region of the parameter space describing the LV in the dark matter sector.
The neutrino minimal standard model ($ u$MSM) has been tightly constrained in the recent years, either from dark matter (DM) production or from X-ray and small-scale observations. However, current bounds on sterile neutrino DM can be significantly modified when considering a $ u$MSM extension, in which the DM candidates interact via a massive (axial) vector field. In particular, standard production mechanisms in the early Universe can be affected through the decay of such a massive mediator. We perform an indirect detection analysis to study how the $ u$MSM parameter-space constraints are affected by said interactions. We compute the X-ray fluxes considering a DM profile that self-consistently accounts for the particle physics model by using an updated version of the Ruffini-Arguelles-Rueda (RAR) fermionic (ino) model, instead of phenomenological profiles such as the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) distribution. We show that the RAR profile accounting for interacting DM, is compatible with measurements of the Galaxy rotation curve and constraints on the DM self-interacting cross section from the Bullet cluster. A new analysis of the X-ray NuSTAR data in the central parsec of the Milky Way, is here performed to derive constraints on the self-interacting sterile neutrino parameter-space. Such constraints are stronger than those obtained with commonly used DM profiles, due to the dense DM core characteristic of the RAR profiles.
211 - Rouven Essig 2010
We use new kinematic data from the ultra-faint Milky Way satellite Segue 1 to model its dark matter distribution and derive upper limits on the dark matter annihilation cross-section. Using gamma-ray flux upper limits from the Fermi satellite and MAGIC, we determine cross-section exclusion regions for dark matter annihilation into a variety of different particles including charged leptons. We show that these exclusion regions are beginning to probe the regions of interest for a dark matter interpretation of the electron and positron fluxes from PAMELA, Fermi, and HESS, and that future observations of Segue 1 have strong prospects for testing such an interpretation. We additionally discuss prospects for detecting annihilation with neutrinos using the IceCube detector, finding that in an optimistic scenario a few neutrino events may be detected. Finally we use the kinematic data to model the Segue 1 dark matter velocity dispersion and constrain Sommerfeld enhanced models.
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