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Semantic segmentation is a challenging problem due to difficulties in modeling context in complex scenes and class confusions along boundaries. Most literature either focuses on context modeling or boundary refinement, which is less generalizable in open-world scenarios. In this work, we advocate a unified framework(UN-EPT) to segment objects by considering both context information and boundary artifacts. We first adapt a sparse sampling strategy to incorporate the transformer-based attention mechanism for efficient context modeling. In addition, a separate spatial branch is introduced to capture image details for boundary refinement. The whole model can be trained in an end-to-end manner. We demonstrate promising performance on three popular benchmarks for semantic segmentation with low memory footprint. Code will be released soon.
We introduce a fast and efficient convolutional neural network, ESPNet, for semantic segmentation of high resolution images under resource constraints. ESPNet is based on a new convolutional module, efficient spatial pyramid (ESP), which is efficient in terms of computation, memory, and power. ESPNet is 22 times faster (on a standard GPU) and 180 times smaller than the state-of-the-art semantic segmentation network PSPNet, while its category-wise accuracy is only 8% less. We evaluated ESPNet on a variety of semantic segmentation datasets including Cityscapes, PASCAL VOC, and a breast biopsy whole slide image dataset. Under the same constraints on memory and computation, ESPNet outperforms all the current efficient CNN networks such as MobileNet, ShuffleNet, and ENet on both standard metrics and our newly introduced performance metrics that measure efficiency on edge devices. Our network can process high resolution images at a rate of 112 and 9 frames per second on a standard GPU and edge device, respectively.
Deep neural networks have been a prevailing technique in the field of medical image processing. However, the most popular convolutional neural networks (CNNs) based methods for medical image segmentation are imperfect because they model long-range dependencies by stacking layers or enlarging filters. Transformers and the self-attention mechanism are recently proposed to effectively learn long-range dependencies by modeling all pairs of word-to-word attention regardless of their positions. The idea has also been extended to the computer vision field by creating and treating image patches as embeddings. Considering the computation complexity for whole image self-attention, current transformer-based models settle for a rigid partitioning scheme that potentially loses informative relations. Besides, current medical transformers model global context on full resolution images, leading to unnecessary computation costs. To address these issues, we developed a novel method to integrate multi-scale attention and CNN feature extraction using a pyramidal network architecture, namely Pyramid Medical Transformer (PMTrans). The PMTrans captured multi-range relations by working on multi-resolution images. An adaptive partitioning scheme was implemented to retain informative relations and to access different receptive fields efficiently. Experimental results on three medical image datasets (gland segmentation, MoNuSeg, and HECKTOR datasets) showed that PMTrans outperformed the latest CNN-based and transformer-based models for medical image segmentation.
Image segmentation is often ambiguous at the level of individual image patches and requires contextual information to reach label consensus. In this paper we introduce Segmenter, a transformer model for semantic segmentation. In contrast to convolution-based methods, our approach allows to model global context already at the first layer and throughout the network. We build on the recent Vision Transformer (ViT) and extend it to semantic segmentation. To do so, we rely on the output embeddings corresponding to image patches and obtain class labels from these embeddings with a point-wise linear decoder or a mask transformer decoder. We leverage models pre-trained for image classification and show that we can fine-tune them on moderate sized datasets available for semantic segmentation. The linear decoder allows to obtain excellent results already, but the performance can be further improved by a mask transformer generating class masks. We conduct an extensive ablation study to show the impact of the different parameters, in particular the performance is better for large models and small patch sizes. Segmenter attains excellent results for semantic segmentation. It outperforms the state of the art on both ADE20K and Pascal Context datasets and is competitive on Cityscapes.
The convolution operation suffers from a limited receptive filed, while global modeling is fundamental to dense prediction tasks, such as semantic segmentation. In this paper, we apply graph convolution into the semantic segmentation task and propose an improved Laplacian. The graph reasoning is directly performed in the original feature space organized as a spatial pyramid. Different from existing methods, our Laplacian is data-dependent and we introduce an attention diagonal matrix to learn a better distance metric. It gets rid of projecting and re-projecting processes, which makes our proposed method a light-weight module that can be easily plugged into current computer vision architectures. More importantly, performing graph reasoning directly in the feature space retains spatial relationships and makes spatial pyramid possible to explore multiple long-range contextual patterns from different scales. Experiments on Cityscapes, COCO Stuff, PASCAL Context and PASCAL VOC demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods on semantic segmentation. We achieve comparable performance with advantages in computational and memory overhead.
Transformers have shown impressive performance in various natural language processing and computer vision tasks, due to the capability of modeling long-range dependencies. Recent progress has demonstrated to combine such transformers with CNN-based semantic image segmentation models is very promising. However, it is not well studied yet on how well a pure transformer based approach can achieve for image segmentation. In this work, we explore a novel framework for semantic image segmentation, which is encoder-decoder based Fully Transformer Networks (FTN). Specifically, we first propose a Pyramid Group Transformer (PGT) as the encoder for progressively learning hierarchical features, while reducing the computation complexity of the standard visual transformer(ViT). Then, we propose a Feature Pyramid Transformer (FPT) to fuse semantic-level and spatial-level information from multiple levels of the PGT encoder for semantic image segmentation. Surprisingly, this simple baseline can achieve new state-of-the-art results on multiple challenging semantic segmentation benchmarks, including PASCAL Context, ADE20K and COCO-Stuff. The source code will be released upon the publication of this work.