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Convergence of numerical approximations to non-Markovian bosonic gaussian environments

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 Added by Rahul Trivedi
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Non-Markovian effects are important in modeling the behavior of open quantum systems arising in solid-state physics, quantum optics as well as in study of biological and chemical systems. A common approach to the analysis of such systems is to approximate the non-Markovian environment by discrete bosonic modes thus mapping it to a Lindbladian or Hamiltonian simulation problem. While systematic constructions of such modes have been proposed in previous works [D. Tamascelli et al, PRL (2012), A. W. Chin et al, J. of Math. Phys (2010)], the resulting approximation lacks rigorous convergence guarantees. In this paper, we initiate a rigorous study of the convergence properties of these methods. We show that under some physically motivated assumptions on the system-environment interaction, the finite-time dynamics of the non-Markovian open quantum system computed with a sufficiently large number of modes is guaranteed to converge to the true result. Furthermore, we show that, for most physically interesting models of non-Markovian environments, the approximation error falls off polynomially with the number of modes. Our results lend rigor to numerical methods used for approximating non-Markovian quantum dynamics and allow for a quantitative assessment of classical as well as quantum algorithms in simulating non-Markovian quantum systems.

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It is known that one can characterize the decoherence strength of a Markovian environment by the product of its temperature and induced damping, and order the decoherence strength of multiple environments by this quantity. We show that for non-Markovian environments in the weak coupling regime there also exists a natural (albeit partial) ordering of environment-induced irreversibility within a perturbative treatment. This measure can be applied to both low-temperature and non-equilibrium environments.
The dynamics of two interacting spins coupled to separate bosonic baths is studied. An analytical solution in Born approximation for arbitrary spectral density functions of the bosonic environments is found. It is shown that in the non-Markovian cases concurrence lives longer or reaches greater values.
We consider two qubits interacting with a common bosonic bath, but not directly between themselves. We derive the (bipartite) entanglement generation conditions for Gaussian non-Markovian dynamical maps and show that they are similar as in the Markovian regime; however, they depend on different physical coefficients and hold on different time scales. Indeed, for small times, in the non-Markovian regime entanglement is possibly generated on a shorter time scale ($propto t^2$) than in the Markovian one ($propto t$). Moreover, although the singular coupling limit of non-Markovian dynamics yields Markovian ones, we show that the same limit does not lead from non-Markovian entanglement generation conditions to Markovian ones. Also, the entanglement generation conditions do not depend on the initial time for non-Markovian open dynamics resulting from couplings to bosonic Gaussian baths, while they may depend on time for open dynamics originated by couplings to classical, stochastic Gaussian environments.
The force estimation problem in quantum metrology with an arbitrary non-Markovian Gaussian bath is considered. No assumptions are made on the bath spectrum and coupling strength with the probe. Considering the natural global unitary evolution of both bath and probe and assuming initial global Gaussian states we are able to solve the main issues of any quantum metrological problem: the best achievable precision determined by the quantum Fisher information, the best initial state and the best measurement. Studying the short time behavior and comparing to regular Markovian dynamics we observe an increase of quantum Fisher information. We emphasize that this phenomenon is due to the ability to perform measurements below the correlation time of the bath, activating non-Markovian effects. This brings huge consequences for the sequential preparation-and- measurement scenario as the quantum Fisher information becomes unbounded when the initial probe mean energy goes to infinity, whereas its Markovian counterpart remains bounded by a constant. The long time behavior shows the complexity and potential variety of non-Markovian effects, somewhere between the exponential decay characteristic of Markovian dynamics and the sinusoidal oscillations characteristic of resonant narrow bands.
91 - Jinna Fan , Shaoxiong Wu , 2020
We study the effect of an ancillary system on the quantum speed limit time in different non-Markovian environments. Through employing an ancillary system coupled with the quantum system of interest via hopping interaction and investigating the cases that both the quantum system and ancillary system interact with their independent/common environment, and the case that only the system of interest interacts with the environment, we find that the quantum speed limit time will become shorter with enhancing the interaction between the system and environment and show periodic oscillation phenomena along with the hopping interaction between the quantum system and ancillary system increasing. The results indicate that the hopping interaction with the ancillary system and the structure of environment determine the degree of which the evolution of the quantum system can be accelerated.
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