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Nonlinear reversed shear Alfven eigenmode saturation due to spontaneous zonal current generation

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 Added by Zhiyong Qiu
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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General nonlinear equations describing reversed shear Alfven eigenmode (RSAE) self-modulation via zero frequency zonal structure (ZFZS) generation are derived using nonlinear gyrokinetic theory, which are then applied to study the spontaneous ZFZS excitation as well as RSAE nonlinear saturation. It is found that both electrostatic zonal flow (ZF) and electromagnetic zonal current (ZC) can be preferentially excited by finite amplitude RSAE, depending on specific plasma parameters. The modification to local shear Alfven wave continuum is evaluated using the derived saturation level of ZC, which is shown to play a comparable role in saturating RSAE with the ZFZS scattering.

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Two novel nonlinear mode coupling processes for reversed shear Alfven eigenmode (RSAE) nonlinear saturation are proposed and investigated. In the first process, RSAE nonlinearly couples to a co-propagating toroidal Alfven eigenmode (TAE) with the same toroidal and poloidal mode numbers, and generates a geodesic acoustic mode (GAM). In the second process, RSAE couples to a counter-propagating TAE and generates an ion acoustic wave quasi-mode (IAW). The condition for the two processes to occur is favored during current ramp. Both processes contribute to effectively saturate the Alfvenic instabilities, as well as nonlinearly transfer of energy from energetic fusion alpha particles to fuel ions in burning plasmas.
Hybrid MHD-gyrokinetic code simulations are used to investigate the dynamics of frequency sweeping reversed shear Alfven eigenmode (RSAE) strongly driven by energetic particles (EPs) during plasma current ramp-up in a conventional tokamak configuration. A series of weakly reversed shear equilibria representing time slices of long timescale MHD equilibrium evolution is considered, where the self-consistent RSAE-EP resonant interactions on the short timescale are analyzed in detail. Both linear and nonlinear RSAE dynamics are shown to be subject to the non-perturbative effect of EPs by maximizing wave-EP power transfer. In linear stage, EPs induce evident mode structure and frequency shifts; meanwhile, RSAE saturates by radial decoupling with resonant EPs due to weak magnetic shear, and gives rise to global EP convective transport and non-adiabatic frequency chirping. The spatiotemporal scales of phase space wave-EP interactions are characterized by the perpendicular wavelength and wave-particle trapping time. The simulations provide insights into general as well as specific features of RSAE spectra and EP transport from experimental observations, and illustrate the fundamental physics of wave-EP resonant interaction with the interplay of magnetic geometry, plasma non-uniformity and non-perturbative EPs.
Nonlinear saturation of toroidal Alfven eigenmode (TAE) via ion induced scatterings is investigated in the short-wavelength gyrokinetic regime. It is found that the nonlinear evolution depends on the thermal ion b{eta} value. Here, b{eta} is the plasma thermal to magnetic pressure ratio. Both the saturation levels and associated energetic-particle transport coefficients are derived and estimated correspondingly.
444 - J. L. Peterson 2011
The first nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations of electron internal transport barriers (e-ITBs) in the National Spherical Torus Experiment show that reversed magnetic shear can suppress thermal transport by increasing the nonlinear critical gradient for electron-temperature-gradient-driven turbulence to three times its linear critical value. An interesting feature of this turbulence is nonlinearly driven off-midplane radial streamers. This work reinforces the experimental observation that magnetic shear is likely an effective way of triggering and sustaining e-ITBs in magnetic fusion devices.
Zero frequency zonal flow (ZFZF) excitation by trapped energetic electron driven beta-induced Alfven eigenmode (eBAE) is investigated using nonlinear gyrokinetic theory. It is found that, during the linear growth stage of eBAE, resonant energetic electrons (EEs) not only effectively drive eBAE unstable, but also contribute to the nonlinear coupling, leading to ZFZF excitation. The trapped EE contribution to ZFZF generation is dominated by EE responses to eBAE in the ideal region, and is comparable to thermal plasma contribution to Reynolds and Maxwell stresses.
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