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Nonlinear Quantum Optimization Algorithms via Efficient Ising Model Encodings

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 Added by Taylor Patti
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Despite extensive research efforts, few quantum algorithms for classical optimization demonstrate realizable advantage. The utility of many quantum algorithms is limited by high requisite circuit depth and nonconvex optimization landscapes. We tackle these challenges to quantum advantage with two new variational quantum algorithms, which utilize multi-basis graph encodings and nonlinear activation functions to outperform existing methods with shallow quantum circuits. Additionally, both algorithms provide a polynomial reduction in measurement complexity and either a factor of two speedup textit{or} a factor of two reduction in quantum resources. Typically, the classical simulation of such algorithms with many qubits is impossible due to the exponential scaling of traditional quantum formalism and the limitations of tensor networks. Nonetheless, the shallow circuits and moderate entanglement of our algorithms, combined with efficient tensor method-based simulation, enable us to successfully optimize the MaxCut of high-connectivity graphs with up to $512$ nodes (qubits) on a single GPU.

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368 - Patrick Rall 2020
We present quantum algorithms for the estimation of n-time correlation functions, the local and non-local density of states, and dynamical linear response functions. These algorithms are all based on block-encodings - a versatile technique for the manipulation of arbitrary non-unitary matrices on a quantum computer. We describe how to sketch these quantities via the kernel polynomial method which is a standard strategy in numerical condensed matter physics. These algorithms use amplitude estimation to obtain a quadratic speedup in the accuracy over previous results, can capture any observables and Hamiltonians presented as linear combinations of Pauli matrices, and are modular enough to leverage future advances in Hamiltonian simulation and state preparation.
The time-frequency degree of freedom is a powerful resource for implementing high-dimensional quantum information processing. In particular, field-orthogonal pulsed temporal modes offer a flexible framework compatible with both long-distance fibre networks and integrated waveguide devices. In order for this architecture to be fully utilised, techniques to reliably generate diverse quantum states of light and accurately measure complex temporal waveforms must be developed. To this end, nonlinear processes mediated by spectrally shaped pump pulses in group-velocity engineered waveguides and crystals provide a capable toolbox. In this review, we examine how tailoring the phasematching conditions of parametric downconversion and sum-frequency generation allows for highly pure single-photon generation, flexible temporal-mode entanglement, and accurate measurement of time-frequency photon states. We provide an overview of experimental progress towards these goals, and summarise challenges that remain in the field.
Quantum annealing and the variational quantum eigensolver are two promising quantum algorithms to find the ground state of complicated Hamiltonians on near-term quantum devices. However, it is necessary to limit the evolution time or the circuit depth as much as possible since otherwise decoherence will degrade the computation. Even when this is done, there always exists a non-negligible estimation error in the ground state energy. Here we propose a scalable extrapolation approach to mitigate this error. With an appropriate regression, we can significantly improve the estimation accuracy for quantum annealing and variational quantum eigensolver for fixed quantum resources. The inference is achieved by extrapolating the annealing time to infinity or extrapolating the variance to zero. The only additional overhead is an increase in the number of measurements by a constant factor. We verified the validity of our method with the transverse-field Ising model. The method is robust to noise, and the techniques are applicable to other physics problems. Analytic derivations for the quadratic convergence feature of the residual energy in quantum annealing and the linear convergence feature of energy variance are given.
We show that nonlinear problems including nonlinear partial differential equations can be efficiently solved by variational quantum computing. We achieve this by utilizing multiple copies of variational quantum states to treat nonlinearities efficiently and by introducing tensor networks as a programming paradigm. The key concepts of the algorithm are demonstrated for the nonlinear Schr{o}dinger equation as a canonical example. We numerically show that the variational quantum ansatz can be exponentially more efficient than matrix product states and present experimental proof-of-principle results obtained on an IBM Q device.
143 - G. Pagano , A. Bapat , P. Becker 2019
Quantum computers and simulators may offer significant advantages over their classical counterparts, providing insights into quantum many-body systems and possibly improving performance for solving exponentially hard problems, such as optimization and satisfiability. Here we report the implementation of a low-depth Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) using an analog quantum simulator. We estimate the ground state energy of the Transverse Field Ising Model with long-range interactions with tunable range and we optimize the corresponding combinatorial classical problem by sampling the QAOA output with high-fidelity, single-shot individual qubit measurements. We execute the algorithm with both an exhaustive search and closed-loop optimization of the variational parameters, approximating the ground state energy with up to 40 trapped-ion qubits. We benchmark the experiment with bootstrapping heuristic methods scaling polynomially with the system size. We observe, in agreement with numerics, that the QAOA performance does not degrade significantly as we scale up the system size, and that the runtime is approximately independent from the number of qubits. We finally give a comprehensive analysis of the errors occurring in our system, a crucial step in the path forward towards the application of the QAOA to more general problem instances.
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