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Reachability Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks

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 Added by Xiaodong Yang
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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Deep convolutional neural networks have been widely employed as an effective technique to handle complex and practical problems. However, one of the fundamental problems is the lack of formal methods to analyze their behavior. To address this challenge, we propose an approach to compute the exact reachable sets of a network given an input domain, where the reachable set is represented by the face lattice structure. Besides the computation of reachable sets, our approach is also capable of backtracking to the input domain given an output reachable set. Therefore, a full analysis of a networks behavior can be realized. In addition, an approach for fast analysis is also introduced, which conducts fast computation of reachable sets by considering selected sensitive neurons in each layer. The exact pixel-level reachability analysis method is evaluated on a CNN for the CIFAR10 dataset and compared to related works. The fast analysis method is evaluated over a CNN CIFAR10 dataset and VGG16 architecture for the ImageNet dataset.

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Verifying correctness of deep neural networks (DNNs) is challenging. We study a generic reachability problem for feed-forward DNNs which, for a given set of inputs to the network and a Lipschitz-continuous function over its outputs, computes the lower and upper bound on the function values. Because the network and the function are Lipschitz continuous, all values in the interval between the lower and upper bound are reachable. We show how to obtain the safety verification problem, the output range analysis problem and a robustness measure by instantiating the reachability problem. We present a novel algorithm based on adaptive nested optimisation to solve the reachability problem. The technique has been implemented and evaluated on a range of DNNs, demonstrating its efficiency, scalability and ability to handle a broader class of networks than state-of-the-art verification approaches.
Deep convolutional neural networks are hindered by training instability and feature redundancy towards further performance improvement. A promising solution is to impose orthogonality on convolutional filters. We develop an efficient approach to impose filter orthogonality on a convolutional layer based on the doubly block-Toeplitz matrix representation of the convolutional kernel instead of using the common kernel orthogonality approach, which we show is only necessary but not sufficient for ensuring orthogonal convolutions. Our proposed orthogonal convolution requires no additional parameters and little computational overhead. This method consistently outperforms the kernel orthogonality alternative on a wide range of tasks such as image classification and inpainting under supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised settings. Further, it learns more diverse and expressive features with better training stability, robustness, and generalization. Our code is publicly available at
We propose contextual convolution (CoConv) for visual recognition. CoConv is a direct replacement of the standard convolution, which is the core component of convolutional neural networks. CoConv is implicitly equipped with the capability of incorporating contextual information while maintaining a similar number of parameters and computational cost compared to the standard convolution. CoConv is inspired by neuroscience studies indicating that (i) neurons, even from the primary visual cortex (V1 area), are involved in detection of contextual cues and that (ii) the activity of a visual neuron can be influenced by the stimuli placed entirely outside of its theoretical receptive field. On the one hand, we integrate CoConv in the widely-used residual networks and show improved recognition performance over baselines on the core tasks and benchmarks for visual recognition, namely image classification on the ImageNet data set and object detection on the MS COCO data set. On the other hand, we introduce CoConv in the generator of a state-of-the-art Generative Adversarial Network, showing improved generative results on CIFAR-10 and CelebA. Our code is available at
Crop failure owing to pests & diseases are inherent within Indian agriculture, leading to annual losses of 15 to 25% of productivity, resulting in a huge economic loss. This research analyzes the performance of various optimizers for predictive analysis of plant diseases with deep learning approach. The research uses Convolutional Neural Networks for classification of farm or plant leaf samples of 3 crops into 15 classes. The various optimizers used in this research include RMSprop, Adam and AMSgrad. Optimizers Performance is visualised by plotting the Training and Validation Accuracy and Loss curves, ROC curves and Confusion Matrix. The best performance is achieved using Adam optimizer, with the maximum validation accuracy being 98%. This paper focuses on the research analysis proving that plant diseases can be predicted and pre-empted using deep learning methodology with the help of satellite, drone based or mobile based images that result in reducing crop failure and agricultural losses.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been proven to be extremely successful at solving computer vision tasks. State-of-the-art methods favor such deep network architectures for its accuracy performance, with the cost of having massive number of parameters and high weights redundancy. Previous works have studied how to prune such CNNs weights. In this paper, we go to another extreme and analyze the performance of a network stacked with a single convolution kernel across layers, as well as other weights sharing techniques. We name it Deep Anchored Convolutional Neural Network (DACNN). Sharing the same kernel weights across layers allows to reduce the model size tremendously, more precisely, the network is compressed in memory by a factor of L, where L is the desired depth of the network, disregarding the fully connected layer for prediction. The number of parameters in DACNN barely increases as the network grows deeper, which allows us to build deep DACNNs without any concern about memory costs. We also introduce a partial shared weights network (DACNN-mix) as well as an easy-plug-in module, coined regulators, to boost the performance of our architecture. We validated our idea on 3 datasets: CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and SVHN. Our results show that we can save massive amounts of memory with our model, while maintaining a high accuracy performance.
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