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Photon Absorption of Two-dimensional Nonsymmorphic Dirac Semimetals

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 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Two-dimensional Dirac semimetals have attracted much attention because of their linear energy dispersion and non-trivial Berry phase. Graphene-like 2D Dirac materials are gapless only within certain approximations, e.g., if spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is neglected. It has recently been reported that materials with nonsymmorphic crystal lattice possess symmetry-enforced Dirac-like band dispersion around certain high-symmetry momenta even in the presence of SOC. Here we calculate the optical absorption coefficient of nonsymmorphic semimetals, such as $alpha$-bismuthene, which hosts two anisotropic Dirac cones with different Fermi velocities along $x$ and $y$ directions.We find that the optical absorption coefficient depends strongly on the anisotropy factor and the photon polarization. When a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the plane of the material, the absorption coefficient also depends on an internal parameter we termed the mixing angle of the band structure. We further find that an in-plane magnetic field, while leaving the system gapless, can induce a Van-Hove singularity in the joint density of states: this causes a significant enhancement of the optical absorption at the frequency of the singularity for one direction of polarization but not for the orthogonal one, making the optical properties even more strongly dependent on polarization. Due to the anisotropy present in our model, the Dirac cones at two high-symmetry momenta in the Brillouin zone contribute very differently to the optical absorbance. Consequently, it might be possible to preferentially populate one valley or the other by varying photon polarization and frequency. These results suggest that nonsymmorphic 2D Dirac semimetals are excellent candidate materials for tunable magneto-optic devices.

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We consider the effect of the Coulomb interaction in a nonsymmorphic Dirac semimetal, leading to collective charge oscillation modes (plasmons), focusing on the model originally predicted by Young and Kane [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 126803 (2015)]. We model the system in a two-dimensional square-lattice and evaluate the density-density correlation function within the random-phase approximation (RPA) in presence of the Coulomb interaction. The non-interacting band-structure consists of three band-touching points, near which the electronic states follow Dirac equations. Two of these Dirac nodes, at the momentum points $X_1$ and $X_2$ are anisotropic, i.e, disperses with different velocities in different directions, whereas the third Dirac point at $M$ is isotropic. Interestingly we find that, the system of these three Dirac nodes hold a single low-energy plasmon mode, within its particle-hole gap, that disperses in isotropic manner, in the case when the nodes at $X_1$ and $X_2$ are related by symmetry. We also show this analytically using a long-wavelength approximation. We discuss effects of perturbations that can give rise to anisotropic plasmon dispersions and comment on possible experimental observation of our prediction.
Realizing stable two-dimensional (2D) Dirac points against spin-orbit coupling (SOC) has attracted much attention because it provides a platform to study the unique transport properties. In previous work, Young and Kane [Phys. Rev. Lett. textbf{115}, 126803 (2015)] proposed stable 2D Dirac points with SOC, in which the Berry curvature and edge states vanish due to the coexistence of inversion and time-reversal symmetries. Herein, using the tight-binding model and k$cdot$p effective Hamiltonian, we present that 2D Dirac points can survive in the presence of SOC without inversion symmetry. Such 2D Dirac semimetals possess nonzero Berry curvature near the crossing nodes, and two edge states are terminated at one pair of Dirac points. In addition, according to symmetry arguments and high-throughput first-principles calculations, we identify a family of ideal 2D Dirac semimetals, which has nonzero Berry curvature in the vicinity of Dirac points and visible edge states, thus facilitating the experimental observations. Our work shows that 2D Dirac points can emerge without inversion symmetry, which not only enriches the classification of 2D topological semimetals but also provides a promising avenue to observe exotic transport phenomena beyond graphene, e.g., nonlinear Hall effect.
The band-touching points of stable, three-dimensional, Kramers-degenerate, Dirac semimetals are singularities of a five-component, unit vector field and non-Abelian, $SO(5)$-Berrys connections, whose topological classification is an important, open problem. We solve this problem by performing second homotopy classification of Berrys connections. Using Abelian projected connections, the generic planes, orthogonal to the direction of nodal separation, and lying between two Dirac points are shown to be higher-order topological insulators, which support quantized, chromo-magnetic flux or relative Chern number, and gapped, edge states. The Dirac points are identified as a pair of unit-strength, $SO(5)$- monopole and anti-monopole, where the relative Chern number jumps by $pm 1$. Using these bulk invariants, we determine the topological universality class of different types of Dirac semimetals. We also describe a universal recipe for computing quantized, non-Abelian flux for Dirac materials from the windings of spectra of planar Wilson loops, displaying $SO(5)$-gauge invariance. With non-perturbative, analytical solutions of surface-states, we show the absence of helical Fermi arcs, and predict the fermiology and the spin-orbital textures. We also discuss the similarities and important topological distinction between the surface-states Hamiltonian and the generator of Polyakov loop of Berrys connections.
Using evolutionary algorithm and first-principles calculations, we predict a family group of two-dimensional node-line semimetals MX (M=Pd, Pt; X=S, Se, Te), which has zig-zag type mono-layer structure in Pmm2 layer group. Band structure analysis reveals that node-line features are caused by band inversion and the inversion exists even in the absence of spin-orbital-coupling. Tests are carried out to confirm that the node-line loop is protected by crystal symmetry. This work extends our knowledge of node-line materials to two-dimensional cases, i.e., a group of metal-group VI compounds sharing the same lattice structure which has time reversion and crystal-mirror inversion symmetries.
Graphene with honeycomb structure, being critically important in understanding physics of matter, exhibits exceptionally unusual half-integer quantum Hall effect and unconventional electronic spectrum with quantum relativistic phenomena. Particularly, graphene-like structure can be used for realizing topological insulator which inspires an intrinsic topological protection mechanism with strong immunity for maintaining coherence of quantum information. These various peculiar physics arise from the unique properties of Dirac cones which show high hole degeneracy, massless charge carriers and linear intersection of bands. Experimental observation of Dirac cones conventionally focuses on the energy-momentum space with bulk measurement. Recently, the wave function and band structure have been mapped into the real-space in photonic system, and made flexible control possible. Here, we demonstrate a direct observation of the movement of Dirac cones from single-photon dynamics in photonic graphene under different biaxial strains. Sharing the same spirit of wave-particle nature in quantum mechanics, we identify the movement of Dirac cones by dynamically detecting the edge modes and extracting the diffusing distance of the packets with accumulation and statistics on individual single-particle registrations. Our results of observing movement of Dirac cones from single-photon dynamics, together with the method of direct observation in real space by mapping the band structure defined in momentum space, pave the way to understand a variety of artificial structures in quantum regime.
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