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Heterogeneous Graph Representation Learning with Relation Awareness

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 Added by Le Yu
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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Representation learning on heterogeneous graphs aims to obtain meaningful node representations to facilitate various downstream tasks, such as node classification and link prediction. Existing heterogeneous graph learning methods are primarily developed by following the propagation mechanism of node representations. There are few efforts on studying the role of relations for improving the learning of more fine-grained node representations. Indeed, it is important to collaboratively learn the semantic representations of relations and discern node representations with respect to different relation types. To this end, in this paper, we propose a novel Relation-aware Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network, namely R-HGNN, to learn node representations on heterogeneous graphs at a fine-grained level by considering relation-aware characteristics. Specifically, a dedicated graph convolution component is first designed to learn unique node representations from each relation-specific graph separately. Then, a cross-relation message passing module is developed to improve the interactions of node representations across different relations. Also, the relation representations are learned in a layer-wise manner to capture relation semantics, which are used to guide the node representation learning process. Moreover, a semantic fusing module is presented to aggregate relation-aware node representations into a compact representation with the learned relation representations. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on a variety of graph learning tasks, and experimental results demonstrate that our approach consistently outperforms existing methods among all the tasks.

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125 - Zezhi Shao , Yongjun Xu , Wei Wei 2021
Graph neural networks for heterogeneous graph embedding is to project nodes into a low-dimensional space by exploring the heterogeneity and semantics of the heterogeneous graph. However, on the one hand, most of existing heterogeneous graph embedding methods either insufficiently model the local structure under specific semantic, or neglect the heterogeneity when aggregating information from it. On the other hand, representations from multiple semantics are not comprehensively integrated to obtain versatile node embeddings. To address the problem, we propose a Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network with Multi-View Representation Learning (named MV-HetGNN) for heterogeneous graph embedding by introducing the idea of multi-view representation learning. The proposed model consists of node feature transformation, view-specific ego graph encoding and auto multi-view fusion to thoroughly learn complex structural and semantic information for generating comprehensive node representations. Extensive experiments on three real-world heterogeneous graph datasets show that the proposed MV-HetGNN model consistently outperforms all the state-of-the-art GNN baselines in various downstream tasks, e.g., node classification, node clustering, and link prediction.
Knowledge representation of graph-based systems is fundamental across many disciplines. To date, most existing methods for representation learning primarily focus on networks with simplex labels, yet real-world objects (nodes) are inherently complex in nature and often contain rich semantics or labels, e.g., a user may belong to diverse interest groups of a social network, resulting in multi-label networks for many applications. The multi-label network nodes not only have multiple labels for each node, such labels are often highly correlated making existing methods ineffective or fail to handle such correlation for node representation learning. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-label graph convolutional network (ML-GCN) for learning node representation for multi-label networks. To fully explore label-label correlation and network topology structures, we propose to model a multi-label network as two Siamese GCNs: a node-node-label graph and a label-label-node graph. The two GCNs each handle one aspect of representation learning for nodes and labels, respectively, and they are seamlessly integrated under one objective function. The learned label representations can effectively preserve the inner-label interaction and node label properties, and are then aggregated to enhance the node representation learning under a unified training framework. Experiments and comparisons on multi-label node classification validate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
Recent years have witnessed the emerging success of graph neural networks (GNNs) for modeling structured data. However, most GNNs are designed for homogeneous graphs, in which all nodes and edges belong to the same types, making them infeasible to represent heterogeneous structures. In this paper, we present the Heterogeneous Graph Transformer (HGT) architecture for modeling Web-scale heterogeneous graphs. To model heterogeneity, we design node- and edge-type dependent parameters to characterize the heterogeneous attention over each edge, empowering HGT to maintain dedicated representations for different types of nodes and edges. To handle dynamic heterogeneous graphs, we introduce the relative temporal encoding technique into HGT, which is able to capture the dynamic structural dependency with arbitrary durations. To handle Web-scale graph data, we design the heterogeneous mini-batch graph sampling algorithm---HGSampling---for efficient and scalable training. Extensive experiments on the Open Academic Graph of 179 million nodes and 2 billion edges show that the proposed HGT model consistently outperforms all the state-of-the-art GNN baselines by 9%--21% on various downstream tasks.
Incompleteness is a common problem for existing knowledge graphs (KGs), and the completion of KG which aims to predict links between entities is challenging. Most existing KG completion methods only consider the direct relation between nodes and ignore the relation paths which contain useful information for link prediction. Recently, a few methods take relation paths into consideration but pay less attention to the order of relations in paths which is important for reasoning. In addition, these path-based models always ignore nonlinear contributions of path features for link prediction. To solve these problems, we propose a novel KG completion method named OPTransE. Instead of embedding both entities of a relation into the same latent space as in previous methods, we project the head entity and the tail entity of each relation into different spaces to guarantee the order of relations in the path. Meanwhile, we adopt a pooling strategy to extract nonlinear and complex features of different paths to further improve the performance of link prediction. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets show that the proposed model OPTransE performs better than state-of-the-art methods.
76 - Xiang Gao , Wei Hu , Guo-Jun Qi 2021
We present the Topology Transformation Equivariant Representation learning, a general paradigm of self-supervised learning for node representations of graph data to enable the wide applicability of Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (GCNNs). We formalize the proposed model from an information-theoretic perspective, by maximizing the mutual information between topology transformations and node representations before and after the transformations. We derive that maximizing such mutual information can be relaxed to minimizing the cross entropy between the applied topology transformation and its estimation from node representations. In particular, we seek to sample a subset of node pairs from the original graph and flip the edge connectivity between each pair to transform the graph topology. Then, we self-train a representation encoder to learn node representations by reconstructing the topology transformations from the feature representations of the original and transformed graphs. In experiments, we apply the proposed model to the downstream node and graph classification tasks, and results show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised approaches.

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