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Self-powered Filterless On-chip Full-Stokes Polarimeter

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 Added by Dehui Li
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The detection of polarization states of light is essential in photonic and optoelectronic devices. Currently, the polarimeters are usually constructed with the help of waveplates or a comprehensive metasurface, which will inevitably increase the fabrication complexity and unnecessary energy loss. Here, we have successfully demonstrated a self-powered filterless on-chip full-Stokes polarimeter based on a single-layer MoS2/few-layer MoS2 homojunction. Combining the built-in electric field enhanced circular photogalvanic effect with the intrinsic optical anisotropy of MoS2 between in-plane and out-of-plane direction, the device is able to conveniently sense four Stokes parameters of incident light at zero bias without requiring an extra filtering layer, and can function in the wavelength range of 650-690 nm with acceptable average errors. Besides, this homojunction device is easy to integrate with silicon-based chips and could have much smaller sizes than metasurface based polarimeters. Our study thus provides an excellent paradigm for high-performance on-chip filterless polarimeters.

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One important building block for future integrated nanophotonic devices is the scalable on-chip interfacing of single photon emitters and quantum memories with single optical modes. Here we present the deterministic integration of a single solid-state qubit, the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center, with a photonic platform consisting exclusively of SiO$_2$ grown thermally on a Si substrate. The platform stands out by its ultra-low fluorescence and the ability to produce various passive structures such as high-Q microresonators and mode-size converters. By numerical analysis an optimal structure for the efficient coupling of a dipole emitter to the guided mode could be determined. Experimentally, the integration of a preselected NV emitter was performed with an atomic force microscope and the on-chip excitation of the quantum emitter as well as the coupling of single photons to the guided mode of the integrated structure could be demonstrated. Our approach shows the potential of this platform as a robust nanoscale interface of on-chip photonic structures with solid-state qubits.
117 - F. P. Mezzapesa 2020
The ability to engineer quantum-cascade-lasers (QCLs) with ultrabroad gain spectra and with a full compensation of the group velocity dispersion, at Terahertz (THz) frequencies, is a fundamental need for devising monolithic and miniaturized optical frequency-comb-synthesizers (FCS) in the far-infrared. In a THz QCL four-wave mixing, driven by the intrinsic third-order susceptibility of the intersubband gain medium, self-lock the optical modes in phase, allowing stable comb operation, albeit over a restricted dynamic range (~ 20% of the laser operational range). Here, we engineer miniaturized THz FCSs comprising a heterogeneous THz QCL integrated with a tightly-coupled on-chip solution-processed graphene saturable-absorber reflector that preserves phase-coherence between lasing modes even when four-wave mixing no longer provides dispersion compensation. This enables a high-power (8 mW) FCS with over 90 optical modes to be demonstrated, over more than 55% of the laser operational range. Furthermore, stable injection-locking is showed, paving the way to impact a number of key applications, including high-precision tuneable broadband-spectroscopy and quantum-metrology.
Single-photon emitters integrated into quantum optical circuits will enable new, miniaturized quantum optical devices. Here, we numerically investigate semiconductor quantum dots embedded to low refractive index contrast waveguides. We discuss a model to compute the coupling efficiency of the emitted light field to the fundamental propagation mode of the waveguide, and we optimize the waveguide dimensional parameters for maximum coupling efficiency. Further, we show that for a laterally cropped waveguide the interplay of Purcell-enhancement and optimized field profile can enhance the coupling efficiency by a factor of about two.
408 - Yi Zhu , Vidur Raj , Ziyuan Li 2021
Highly sensitive photodetectors with single photon level detection is one of the key components to a range of emerging technologies, in particular the ever-growing field of optical communication, remote sensing, and quantum computing. Currently, most of the single-photon detection technologies require external biasing at high voltages and/or cooling to low temperatures, posing great limitations for wider applications. Here, we demonstrate InP nanowire array photodetectors that can achieve single-photon level light detection at room temperature without an external bias. We use top-down etched, heavily doped p-type InP nanowires and n-type AZO/ZnO carrier selective contact to form a radial p-n junction with a built-in electric field exceeding 3x10^5 V/cm at 0 V. The device exhibits broadband light sensitivity and can distinguish a single photon per pulse from the dark noise at 0 V, enabled by its design to realize near-ideal broadband absorption, extremely low dark current, and highly efficient charge carrier separation. Meanwhile, the bandwidth of the device reaches above 600 MHz with a timing jitter of 538 ps. The proposed device design provides a new pathway towards low-cost, high-sensitivity, self-powered photodetectors for numerous future applications.
Soliton microcombs constitute chip-scale optical frequency combs, and have the potential to impact a myriad of applications from frequency synthesis and telecommunications to astronomy. The requirement on external driving lasers has been significantly relaxed with the demonstration of soliton formation via self-injection locking of the pump laser to the microresonator. Yet to date, the dynamics of this process has not been fully understood. Prior models of self-injection locking were not able to explain sufficiently large detunings, crucial for soliton formation. Here we develop a theoretical model of self-injection locking to a nonlinear microresonator (nonlinear self-injection locking) for the first time and show that self- and cross-phase modulation of the clockwise and counter-clockwise light enables soliton formation. Using an integrated soliton microcomb of directly detectable 30 GHz repetition rate, consisting of a DFB laser self-injection-locked to a Si3N4 microresonator chip, we study the soliton formation dynamics via self-injection locking, as well as the repetition rate evolution, experimentally. We reveal that Kerr nonlinearity in microresonator significantly modifies locking dynamics, making laser emission frequency red detuned. We propose and implement a novel technique for measurements of the nonlinear frequency tuning curve and concurrent observation of microcomb states switching in real time.
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