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Equi-Joins Over Encrypted Data for Series of Queries

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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Encryption provides a method to protect data outsourced to a DBMS provider, e.g., in the cloud. However, performing database operations over encrypted data requires specialized encryption schemes that carefully balance security and performance. In this paper, we present a new encryption scheme that can efficiently perform equi-joins over encrypted data with better security than the state-of-the-art. In particular, our encryption scheme reduces the leakage to equality of rows that match a selection criterion and only reveals the transitive closure of the sum of the leakages of each query in a series of queries. Our encryption scheme is provable secure. We implemented our encryption scheme and evaluated it over a dataset from the TPC-H benchmark.

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Spatial queries like range queries, nearest neighbor, circular range queries etc. are the most widely used queries in the location-based applications. Building secure and efficient solutions for these queries in the cloud computing framework is critical and has been an area of active research. This paper focuses on the problem of Secure Circular Range Queries (SCRQ), where client submits an encrypted query (consisting of a center point and radius of the circle) and the cloud (storing encrypted data points) has to return the points lying inside the circle. The existing solutions for this problem suffer from various disadvantages such as high processing time which is proportional to square of the query radius, query generation phase which is directly proportional to the number of points covered by the query etc. This paper presents solution for the above problem which is much more efficient than the existing solutions. Three protocols are proposed with varying characteristics. It is shown that all the three protocols are secure. The proposed protocols can be extended to multiple dimensions and thus are able to handle Secure Hypersphere Range Queries (SHRQ) as well. Internally the proposed protocols use pairing-based cryptography and a concept of lookup table. To enable the efficient use of limited size lookup table, a new storage scheme is presented. The proposed storage scheme enables the protocols to handle query with much larger radius values. Using the SHRQ protocols, we also propose a mechanism to answer the Secure range Queries. Extensive performance evaluation has been done to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed protocols
Emerging neural networks based machine learning techniques such as deep learning and its variants have shown tremendous potential in many application domains. However, they raise serious privacy concerns due to the risk of leakage of highly privacy-sensitive data when data collected from users is used to train neural network models to support predictive tasks. To tackle such serious privacy concerns, several privacy-preserving approaches have been proposed in the literature that use either secure multi-party computation (SMC) or homomorphic encryption (HE) as the underlying mechanisms. However, neither of these cryptographic approaches provides an efficient solution towards constructing a privacy-preserving machine learning model, as well as supporting both the training and inference phases. To tackle the above issue, we propose a CryptoNN framework that supports training a neural network model over encrypted data by using the emerging functional encryption scheme instead of SMC or HE. We also construct a functional encryption scheme for basic arithmetic computation to support the requirement of the proposed CryptoNN framework. We present performance evaluation and security analysis of the underlying crypto scheme and show through our experiments that CryptoNN achieves accuracy that is similar to those of the baseline neural network models on the MNIST dataset.
Data protection algorithms are becoming increasingly important to support modern business needs for facilitating data sharing and data monetization. Anonymization is an important step before data sharing. Several organizations leverage on third parties for storing and managing data. However, third parties are often not trusted to store plaintext personal and sensitive data; data encryption is widely adopted to protect against intentional and unintentional attempts to read personal/sensitive data. Traditional encryption schemes do not support operations over the ciphertexts and thus anonymizing encrypted datasets is not feasible with current approaches. This paper explores the feasibility and depth of implementing a privacy-preserving data publishing workflow over encrypted datasets leveraging on homomorphic encryption. We demonstrate how we can achieve uniqueness discovery, data masking, differential privacy and k-anonymity over encrypted data requiring zero knowledge about the original values. We prove that the security protocols followed by our approach provide strong guarantees against inference attacks. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate the performance of our data publishing workflow components.
As cloud computing becomes prevalent in recent years, more and more enterprises and individuals outsource their data to cloud servers. To avoid privacy leaks, outsourced data usually is encrypted before being sent to cloud servers, which disables traditional search schemes for plain text. To meet both end of security and searchability, search-supported encryption is proposed. However, many previous schemes suffer severe vulnerability when typos and semantic diversity exist in query requests. To overcome such flaw, higher error-tolerance is always expected for search-supported encryption design, sometimes defined as fuzzy search. In this paper, we propose a new scheme of multi-keyword fuzzy search over encrypted and outsourced data. Our approach introduces a new mechanism to map a natural language expression into a word-vector space. Compared with previous approaches, our design shows higher robustness when multiple kinds of typos are involved. Besides, our approach is enhanced with novel data structures to improve search efficiency. These two innovations can work well for both accuracy and efficiency. Moreover, these designs will not hurt the fundamental security. Experiments on a real-world dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach, which outperforms currently popular approaches focusing on similar tasks.
Several cybersecurity domains, such as ransomware detection, forensics and data analysis, require methods to reliably identify encrypted data fragments. Typically, current approaches employ statistics derived from byte-level distribution, such as entropy estimation, to identify encrypted fragments. However, modern content types use compression techniques which alter data distribution pushing it closer to the uniform distribution. The result is that current approaches exhibit unreliable encryption detection performance when compressed data appears in the dataset. Furthermore, proposed approaches are typically evaluated over few data types and fragment sizes, making it hard to assess their practical applicability. This paper compares existing statistical tests on a large, standardized dataset and shows that current approaches consistently fail to distinguish encrypted and compressed data on both small and large fragment sizes. We address these shortcomings and design EnCoD, a learning-based classifier which can reliably distinguish compressed and encrypted data. We evaluate EnCoD on a dataset of 16 different file types and fragment sizes ranging from 512B to 8KB. Our results highlight that EnCoD outperforms current approaches by a wide margin, with accuracy ranging from ~82 for 512B fragments up to ~92 for 8KB data fragments. Moreover, EnCoD can pinpoint the exact format of a given data fragment, rather than performing only binary classification like previous approaches.
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