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Near-Room Temperature Ferromagnetic Insulating State in Highly Distorted LaCoO2.5 with CoO5 Square Pyramids

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 Added by Er-Jia Guo
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Dedicated control of oxygen vacancies is an important route to functionalizing complex oxide films. It is well-known that tensile strain significantly lowers the oxygen vacancy formation energy, whereas compressive strain plays a minor role. Thus, atomically reconstruction by extracting oxygen from a compressive-strained film is challenging. Here we report an unexpected LaCoO2.5 phase with a zigzag-like oxygen vacancy ordering through annealing a compressive-strained LaCoO3 in vacuum. The synergetic tilt and distortion of CoO5 square pyramids with large La and Co shifts are quantified using scanning transmission electron microscopy. The large in-plane expansion of CoO5 square pyramids weaken the crystal-field splitting and facilitated the ordered high-spin state of Co2+, which produces an insulating ferromagnetic state with a Curie temperature of ~284 K and a saturation magnetization of ~0.25 {mu}B/Co. These results demonstrate that extracting targeted oxygen from a compressive-strained oxide provides an opportunity for creating unexpected crystal structures and novel functionalities.

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Ferromagnetic insulators (FMIs) are one of the most important components in developing dissipationless electronic and spintronic devices. However, since ferromagnetism generally accompanies metallicity, FMIs are innately rare to find in nature. Here, novel room-temperature FMI films are epitaxially synthesized by deliberate control of the ratio of two B-site cations in the double perovskite Sr2FeReO6. In contrast to the known ferromagnetic metallic phase in stoichiometric Sr2FeReO6, a FMI state with a high Curie temperature (Tc~400 K) and a large saturation magnetization (MS~1.8 {mu}B/f.u.) is found in highly cation-ordered Fe-rich phases. The stabilization of the FMI state is attributed to the formation of extra Fe3+-Fe3+ and Fe3+-Re6+ bonding states, which originate from the excess Fe. The emerging FMI state by controlling cations in the epitaxial oxide perovskites opens the door to developing novel oxide quantum materials & heterostructures.
We report an above-room-temperature ferromagnetic state realized in a proximitized Dirac semimetal, which is fabricated by growing typical Dirac semimetal Cd$_3$As$_2$ films on a ferromagnetic garnet with strong perpendicular magnetization. Observed anomalous Hall conductivity with substantially large Hall angles is found to be almost proportional to magnetization and opposite in sign to it. Theoretical calculations based on first-principles electronic structure also demonstrate that the Fermi-level dependent anomalous Hall conductivity reflects the Berry curvature originating in the split Weyl nodes. The present Dirac-semimetal/ferromagnetic-insulator heterostructure will provide a novel platform for exploring Weyl-node transport phenomena and spintronic functions lately proposed for topological semimetals.
In multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films grown on highly mismatched LaAlO3 substrates, we reveal the coexistence of two differently distorted polymorphs that leads to striking features in the temperature dependence of the structural and multiferroic properties. Notably, the highly distorted phase quasi-concomitantly presents an abrupt structural change, transforms from a hard to a soft ferroelectric and transitions from antiferromagnetic to paramagnetic at 360+/-20 K. These coupled ferroic transitions just above room temperature hold promises of giant piezoelectric, magnetoelectric and piezomagnetic responses, with potential in many applications fields.
Insulating uniaxial room-temperature ferromagnets are a prerequisite for commonplace spin wave-based devices, the obstacle in contemporary ferromagnets being the coupling of ferromagnetism with large conductivity. We show that the uniaxial $A^{1+2x}$Ti$^{4+}$$_{1-x}$O$_3$ (ATO), $A=$Ni$^{2+}$,Co$^{2+}$ and $0.6<x leq 1$, thin films are electrically insulating ferromagnets already at room-temperature. The octahedra network of the ATO and ilmenite structures are similar yet different octahedra-filling proved to be a route to switch from the antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic regime. Octahedra can continuously be filled up to $x=1$, or vacated $(-0.24<x<0)$ in the ATO structure. TiO-layers, which separate the ferromagnetic (Ni,Co)O-layers and intermediate the antiferromagnetic coupling between the ferromagnetic layers in the NiTiO$_3$ and CoTiO$_3$ ilmenites, can continuously be replaced by (Ni,Co)O-layers to convert the ATO-films to ferromagnetic insulator with abundant direct cation interactions.
120 - M. Ohno , M. Uchida , Y. Nakazawa 2021
While the family of layered pnictides $ABX_2$ ($A$ : rare or alkaline earth metals, $B$ : transition metals, $X$ : Sb/Bi) can host Dirac dispersions based on Sb/Bi square nets, nearly half of them has not been synthesized yet for possible combinations of the $A$ and $B$ cations. Here we report the fabrication of EuCdSb$_{mathrm{2}}$ with the largest $B$-site ionic radius, which is stabilized for the first time in thin film form by molecular beam deposition. EuCdSb$_{mathrm{2}}$ crystallizes in an orthorhombic $Pnma$ structure and exhibits antiferromagnetic ordering of the Eu magnetic moments at $T_mathrm{N}=15$K. Our successful growth will be an important step for further exploring novel Dirac materials using film techniques.
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