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High Probability of Detecting Lensed Supermassive Black Hole Binaries by LISA

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 Added by Xian Chen
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves (GWs) is a powerful probe of the matter distribution in the universe. Here we study the lensing effect induced by dark matter (DM) halos on the GW signals from merging massive black holes, and we revisit the possibility of detection using the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). In particular, we include the halos in the low-mass range of $10^5-10^9, M_odot$ since they are the most numerous according to the cold DM model. In addition, we employ the matched-filtering technique to search for weak diffraction signatures when the MBHBs have large impact parameters ($ysim10^2$). We find that about $(20-40)%$ of the MBHB in the mass range of $10^5-10^6M_odot$ and the redshift range of $4-10$ should show detectable wave-optics effects. The uncertainty comes mainly from the mass function of DM halos. Not detecting any signal during the LISA mission would imply that DM halos are significantly more massive than $10^8,M_odot$.

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Stellar-mass black hole binaries (BHBs) near supermassive black holes (SMBH) in galactic nuclei undergo eccentricity oscillations due to gravitational perturbations from the SMBH. Previous works have shown that this channel can contribute to the overall BHB merger rate detected by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and Virgo Interferometer. Significantly, the SMBH gravitational perturbations on the binarys orbit may produce eccentric BHBs which are expected to be visible using the upcoming Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) for a large fraction of their lifetime before they merge in the LIGO/Virgo band. For a proof-of-concept, we show that the eccentricity oscillations of these binaries can be detected with LISA for BHBs in the local universe up to a few Mpcs, with observation periods shorter than the mission lifetime, thereby disentangling this merger channel from others. The approach presented here is straightforward to apply to a wide variety of compact object binaries with a tertiary companion.
GW190521 is the compact binary with the largest masses observed to date, with at least one in the pair-instability gap. This event has also been claimed to be associated with an optical flare observed by the Zwicky Transient Facility in an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN), possibly due to the post-merger motion of the merger remnant in the AGN gaseous disk. We show that the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will detect up to ten of such gas-rich black hole binaries months to years before their detection by LIGO/Virgo-like interferometers, localizing them in the sky within $approx1$ deg$^2$. LISA will also measure directly deviations from purely vacuum and stationary waveforms, arising from gas accretion, dynamical friction, and orbital motion around the AGNs massive black hole (acceleration, strong lensing, and Doppler modulation). LISA will therefore be crucial to alert and point electromagnetic telescopes ahead of time on this novel class of gas-rich sources, to gain direct insight on their physics, and to disentangle environmental effects from corrections to General Relativity that may also appear in the waveforms at low frequencies.
138 - R. OShaughnessy 2011
In the last few years before merger, supermassive black hole binaries will rapidly inspiral and precess in a magnetic field imposed by a surrounding circumbinary disk. Multiple simulations suggest this relative motion will convert some of the local energy to a Poynting-dominated outflow, with a luminosity 10^{43} erg/s * (B/10^4 G)^2(M/10^8 Msun)^2 (v/0.4 c)^2, some of which may emerge as synchrotron emission at frequencies near 1 GHz where current and planned wide-field radio surveys will operate. On top of a secular increase in power on the gravitational wave inspiral timescale, orbital motion will produce significant, detectable modulations, both on orbital periods and (if black hole spins are not aligned with the binarys total angular momenta) spin-orbit precession timescales. Because the gravitational wave merger time increases rapidly with separation, we find vast numbers of these transients are ubiquitously predicted, unless explicitly ruled out (by low efficiency $epsilon$) or obscured (by accretion geometry f_{geo}). If the fraction of Poynting flux converted to radio emission times the fraction of lines of sight accessible $f_{geo}$ is sufficiently large (f_{geo} epsilon > 2times 10^{-4} for a 1 year orbital period), at least one event is accessible to future blind surveys at a nominal 10^4 {deg}^2 with 0.5 mJy sensitivity. Our procedure generalizes to other flux-limited surveys designed to investigate EM signatures associated with many modulations produced by merging SMBH binaries.
We investigate the ability of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) to measure the center of mass acceleration of stellar-origin black hole binaries emitting gravitational waves. Our analysis is based on the idea that the acceleration of the center of mass induces a time variation in the redshift of the gravitational wave, which in turn modifies its waveform. We confirm that while the cosmological acceleration is too small to leave a detectable imprint on the gravitational waveforms observable by LISA, larger peculiar accelerations may be measurable for sufficiently long lived sources. We focus on stellar mass black hole binaries, which will be detectable at low frequencies by LISA and near coalescence by ground based detectors. These sources may have large peculiar accelerations, for instance, if they form in nuclear star clusters or in AGN accretion disks. If that is the case, we find that in an astrophysical population calibrated to the LIGO-Virgo observed merger rate, LISA will be able to measure the peculiar acceleration of a small but significant fraction of the events if the mission lifetime is extended beyond the nominal duration of 4 years. In this scenario LISA will be able to assess whether black hole binaries form close to galactic centers, particularly in AGN disks, and will thus help discriminate between different formation mechanisms. Although for a nominal 4 years LISA mission the peculiar acceleration effect cannot be measured, a consistent fraction of events may be biased by strong peculiar accelerations which, if present, may imprint large systematic errors on some waveform parameters. In particular, estimates of the luminosity distance could be strongly biased and consequently induce large systematic errors on LISA measurements of the Hubble constant with stellar mass black hole binaries.
157 - Takamitsu Tanaka 2011
Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) are expected to detect gravitational waves (GWs) from individual low-redshift (z<1.5) compact supermassive (M>10^9 Msun) black hole (SMBH) binaries with orbital periods of approx. 0.1 - 10 yrs. Identifying the electromagnetic (EM) counterparts of these sources would provide confirmation of putative direct detections of GWs, present a rare opportunity to study the environments of compact SMBH binaries, and could enable the use of these sources as standard sirens for cosmology. Here we consider the feasibility of such an EM identification. We show that because the host galaxies of resolved PTA sources are expected to be exceptionally massive and rare, it should be possible to find unique hosts of resolved sources out to redshift z=0.2. At higher redshifts, the PTA error boxes are larger, and may contain as many as 100 massive-galaxy interlopers. The number of candidates, however, remains tractable for follow-up searches in upcoming wide-field EM surveys. We develop a toy model to characterize the dynamics and the thermal emission from a geometrically thin, gaseous disc accreting onto a PTA-source SMBH binary. Our model predicts that at optical and infrared frequencies, the source should appear similar to a typical luminous active galactic nucleus (AGN). However, owing to the evacuation of the accretion flow by the binarys tidal torques, the source might have an unusually low soft X-ray luminosity and weak UV and broad optical emission lines, as compared to an AGN powered by a single SMBH with the same total mass. For sources near z=1, the decrement in the rest-frame UV should be observable as an extremely red optical color. These properties would make the PTA sources stand out among optically luminous AGN, and could allow their unique identification.
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