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Two- and three-nucleon contact interactions and ground-state energies of light- and medium-mass nuclei

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 Added by Rocco Schiavilla
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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Classes of two-nucleon ($2N$) contact interactions are developed in configuration space at leading order (LO), next-to-leading order (NLO), and next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3LO) by fitting the experimental singlet $np$ scattering length and deuteron binding energy at LO, and $np$ and $pp$ scattering data in the laboratory-energy range 0--15 MeV at NLO and 0--25 MeV at N3LO. These interactions are regularized by including two Gaussian cutoffs, one for $T,$=$,0$ and the other for $T,$=$,1$ channels. The cutoffs are taken to vary in the ranges $R_0,$=$(1.5$--2.3) fm and $R_1,$=$(1.5$--3.0) fm. The 780 (1,100) data points up to 15 (25) MeV energy, primarily differential cross sections, are fitted by the NLO (N3LO) models with a $chi^2$/datum about 1.7 or less (well below 1.5), when harder cutoff values are adopted. As a first application, we report results for the binding energies of nuclei with mass numbers $A,$=$,3$--6 and 16 obtained with selected LO and NLO $2N$ models both by themselves as well as in combination with a LO three-nucleon ($3N$) contact interaction. The latter is characterized by a single low-energy constant that is fixed to reproduce the experimental $^3$H binding energy. The inclusion of the $3N$ interaction largely removes the sensitivity to cutoff variations in the few-nucleon systems and leads to predictions for the $^3$He and $^4$He binding energies that cluster around 7.8 MeV and 30 MeV, respectively. However, in $^{16}$O this cutoff sensitivity remains rather strong. Finally, predictions at LO only are also reported for medium-mass nuclei with $A,$=$,40$, 48, and 90.

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We compute the binding energies, radii, and densities for selected medium-mass nuclei within coupled-cluster theory and employ the bare chiral nucleon-nucleon interaction at order N3LO. We find rather well-converged results in model spaces consisting of 15 oscillator shells, and the doubly magic nuclei 40Ca, 48Ca, and the exotic 48Ni are underbound by about 1 MeV per nucleon within the CCSD approximation. The binding-energy difference between the mirror nuclei 48Ca and 48Ni is close to theoretical mass table evaluations. Our computation of the one-body density matrices and the corresponding natural orbitals and occupation numbers provides a first step to a microscopic foundation of the nuclear shell model.
Fragmentation reactions induced on light and medium nuclei by protons and light nuclei of energies around 1 GeV/nucleon and below are studied with the Los Alamos transport code MCNP6 and with its CEM03.03 and LAQGSM03.03 event generators. CEM and LAQGSM assume that intermediate-energy fragmentation reactions on light nuclei occur generally in two stages. The first stage is the intranuclear cascade (INC), followed by the second, Fermi breakup disintegration of light excited residual nuclei produced after the INC. CEM and LAQGSM account also for coalescence of light fragments (complex particles) up to 4He from energetic nucleons emitted during INC. We investigate the validity and performance of MCNP6, CEM, and LAQGSM in simulating fragmentation reactions at intermediate energies and discuss possible ways of further improving these codes
We study ground- and excited-state properties of all sd-shell nuclei with neutron and proton numbers 8 <= N,Z <= 20, based on a set of low-resolution two- and three-nucleon interactions that predict realistic saturation properties of nuclear matter. We focus on estimating the theoretical uncertainties due to variation of the resolution scale, the low-energy couplings, as well as from the many-body method. The experimental two-neutron and two-proton separation energies are reasonably well reproduced, with an uncertainty range of about 5 MeV. The first excited 2+ energies also show overall agreement, with a more narrow uncertainty range of about 500 keV. In most cases, this range is dominated by the uncertainties in the Hamiltonian.
Talk given at the International Workshop on (e,ep) Processes, July 2-6, 2017, Bled, Slovenia. Various many-body calculations are compared and the results provided by the Normalization Conserving Linked Cluster Expansion with realistic NN interactions are reviewed and analyzed in detail, as far as ground state energies, momentum distributions and spectral functions of few-nucleon system and complex nuclei are concerned.
101 - T. Miyagi , T. Abe , M. Kohno 2019
The ground-state energies and radii for $^{4}$He, $^{16}$O, and $^{40}$Ca are calculated with the unitary-model-operator approach (UMOA). In the present study, we employ the similarity renormalization group (SRG) evolved nucleon-nucleon ($NN$) and three-nucleon ($3N$) interactions based on the chiral effective field theory. This is the first UMOA calculation with both $NN$ and $3N$ interactions. The calculated ground-state energies and radii are consistent with the recent {it ab initio} results with the same interaction. We evaluate the expectation values with two- and three-body SRG evolved radius operators, in addition to those with the bare radius operator. With the aid of the higher-body evolution of radius operator, it is seen that the calculated radii tend to be SRG resolution-scale independent. We find that the SRG evolution gives minor modifications for the radius operator.
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