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Frustration, strain and phase co-existence in the mixed valent hexagonal iridate Ba$_{3}$NaIr$_{2}$O$_{9}$

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 Added by Sunil Nair
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Using detailed synchrotron diffraction, magnetization, thermodynamic and transport measurements, we investigate the relationship between the mixed valence of Ir, lattice strain and the resultant structural and magnetic ground states in the geometrically frustrated triple perovskite iridate Ba$_{3}$NaIr$_{2}$O$_{9}$. We observe a complex interplay between lattice strain and structural phase co-existence, which is in sharp contrast to what is typically observed in this family of compounds. The low temperature magnetic ground state is characterized by the absence of long range order, and points towards the condensation of a cluster glass state from an extended regime of short range magnetic correlations.

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Using thermodynamic measurements, neutron diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance, and muon spin relaxation, we establish putative quantum spin-liquid behavior in Ba$_3$InIr$_2$O$_9$, where unpaired electrons are localized on mixed-valence Ir$_2$O$_9$ dimers with Ir$^{4.5+}$ ions. Despite the antiferromagnetic Curie-Weiss temperature on the order of 10 K, neither long-range magnetic order nor spin freezing are observed down to at least 20 mK, such that spins are short-range correlated and dynamic over nearly three decades in temperature. Quadratic power-law behavior of both the spin-lattice relaxation rate and specific heat indicates the gapless nature of the ground state. We envisage that this exotic behavior may be related to an unprecedented combination of the triangular and buckled honeycomb geometries of nearest-neighbor exchange couplings in the mixed-valence setting.
The anomalous thermal expansion in a layered 3$d$-5$d$ based triple perovskite iridate Ba$_{3}$CoIr$_{2}$O$_{9}$ is investigated using high resolution synchrotron diffraction. Below the magneto-structural transition at 107,K, the onset of antiferromagnetic order is associated with a monoclinic distortion of the hexagonal structure. Deeper within the magnetically ordered state, a part of the monoclinic phase distorts even further, and both these structural phases co-exist down to the lowest measured temperatures. We observe negative thermal expansion in this phase co-existence regime, which appears to be intimately connected to the temperature driven relative fractions of these monoclinic phases. The significant NTE observed in this system could be driven by magnetic exchange striction, and is of relevance to a number of systems with pronounced spin orbit interactions.
We report a comprehensive investigation of the triple perovskite iridate Ba$_{3}$CoIr$_{2}$O$_{9}$. Stabilizing in the hexagonal $P6_{3}/mmc$ symmetry at room temperature, this system transforms to a monoclinic $C2/c$ symmetry at the magnetic phase transition. On further reduction in temperature, the system partially distorts to an even lower symmetry ($P2/c$), with both these structurally disparate phases coexisting down to the lowest measured temperatures. The magnetic structure as determined from neutron diffraction data indicates a weakly canted antiferromagnetic structure, which is also supported by first-principles calculations. Theory indicates that the Ir$^{5+}$ carries a finite magnetic moment, which is also consistent with the neutron data. This suggests that the putative $J=0$ state is avoided. Measurements of heat capacity, electrical resistance noise and dielectric susceptibility all point towards the stabilization of a highly correlated ground state in the Ba$_{3}$CoIr$_{2}$O$_{9}$ system.
591 - H. Kuroe , K. Aoki , T. Sato 2013
We present the muon spin relaxation/rotation spectra in the multiferroic compound (Cu,Zn)$_{3}$Mo$_{2}$O$_{9}$. The parent material Cu$_{3}$Mo$_{2}$O$_{9}$ has a multiferroic phase below $T_{rm N}$ = 8.0 K, where the canted antiferromagnetism and the ferroelectricity coexist. The asymmetry time spectra taken at RIKEN-RAL pulsed muon facility show a drastic change at $T_{rm N}$. At low temperatures the weakly beating oscillation caused by the static internal magnetic fields in the antiferromagnetic phase was observed in Cu$_{3}$Mo$_{2}$O$_{9}$ and the lightly ($0.5%$) Zn-doped sample. From the fitting of the oscillating term, we obtain the order parameter in these samples: ferromagnetic moment in two sublattices of antiferromagnet. In the heavily ($5.0%$) Zn-doped sample, the muon-spin oscillation is rapidly damped. The frequency-domain spectrum of this sample suggests a formation of magnetic superstructure.
We report on thermodynamic, magnetization, and muon spin relaxation measurements of the strong spin-orbit coupled iridate Ba$_3$IrTi$_2$O$_9$, which constitutes a new frustration motif made up a mixture of edge- and corner-sharing triangles. In spite of strong antiferromagnetic exchange interaction of the order of 100~K, we find no hint for long-range magnetic order down to 23 mK. The magnetic specific heat data unveil the $T$-linear and -squared dependences at low temperatures below 1~K. At the respective temperatures, the zero-field muon spin relaxation features a persistent spin dynamics, indicative of unconventional low-energy excitations. A comparison to the $4d$ isostructural compound Ba$_3$RuTi$_2$O$_9$ suggests that a concerted interplay of compass-like magnetic interactions and frustrated geometry promotes a dynamically fluctuating state in a triangle-based iridate.
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