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We introduce the package SWANLOP to calculate scattering waves and corresponding observables for nucleon elastic collisions off spin-zero nuclei. The code is capable of handling local and nonlocal optical potentials superposed to long-range Coulomb interaction. Solutions to the implied Schrodinger integro-differential equation are obtained by solving an integral equation of Lippmann-Schwinger type for the scattering wavefunctions, $psi=phi_{C} + {G}_{C} {U}_{S}psi$, providing and exact treatment to the Coulomb force [Phys. Lett. B 789, 256 (2019)]. The package has been developed to handle potentials either in momentum or coordinate representations, providing flexible options under each of them. The code is fully self-contained, being dimensioned to handle any $A!geq!4$ target for nucleon beam energies of up to 1.1 GeV. Accuracy and benchmark applications are presented and discussed.
An exact solution for the scattering wavefunction from a nonlocal potential in the presence of Coulomb interaction is presented. The approach is based on the construction of a Coulomb Greens function in coordinate space whose associated kernel involves any nonlocal optical potential superposed to the Coulomb-screened interaction. The scattering wavefunction, exact solution of the integro-differential Schrodingers equation, poses no restrictions on the type of nonlocality of the interaction nor on the beam energy.
The differential cross section and the analyzing power are calculated for elastic scattering of $^6$He from a proton target using a microscopic folding optical potential, in which the $^6$He nucleus is described in terms of a $^4$He-core with two additional neutrons in the valence p-shell. In contrast to previous work of that nature, all contributions from the interaction of the valence neutrons with the target protons are taken into account.
The nuclear interactions of atomic and low energy antiprotons are studied. Measurements of level shifts and widths in the lightest elements are analyzed and compared with new results obtained in heavy nuclei. Simple geometric properties of antiproton - nucleus interactions are demonstrated. Upon this background one finds some anomalies that indicate strong energy dependence in the subthreshold antiproton - nucleon interactions. The use of of antiproton in studies of the nuclear surface is briefly discussed.
The optical potential of halo and weakly bound nuclei has a long range part due to the coupling to breakup that damps the elastic scattering angular distributions. In order to describe correctly the breakup channel in the case of scattering on a heavy target, core recoil effects have to be taken into account. We show here that core recoil and nuclear breakup of the valence nucleon can be consistently taken into account. A microscopic absorptive potential is obtained within a semiclassical approach and its characteristics can be understood in terms of the properties of the halo wave function and of the reaction mechanism. Results for the case of medium to high energy reactions are presented.
We present a reliable double-folding (DF) model for $^{4}$He-nucleus scattering, using the Melbourne $g$-matrix nucleon-nucleon interaction that explains nucleon-nucleus scattering with no adjustable parameter. In the DF model, only the target density is taken as the local density in the Melbourne $g$-matrix. For $^{4}$He elastic scattering from $^{58}$Ni and $^{208}$Pb targets in a wide range of incident energies from 20~MeV/nucleon to 200~MeV/nucleon, the DF model with the target-density approximation (TDA) yields much better agreement with the experimental data than the usual DF model with the frozen-density approximation in which the sum of projectile and target densities is taken as the local density. We also discuss the relation between the DF model with the TDA and the conventional folding model in which the nucleon-nucleus potential is folded with the $^{4}$He density.