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Microscopic Optical Potentials for Helium-6 Scattering off Protons

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 Added by Charlotte Elster
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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The differential cross section and the analyzing power are calculated for elastic scattering of $^6$He from a proton target using a microscopic folding optical potential, in which the $^6$He nucleus is described in terms of a $^4$He-core with two additional neutrons in the valence p-shell. In contrast to previous work of that nature, all contributions from the interaction of the valence neutrons with the target protons are taken into account.

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We present a reliable double-folding (DF) model for $^{4}$He-nucleus scattering, using the Melbourne $g$-matrix nucleon-nucleon interaction that explains nucleon-nucleus scattering with no adjustable parameter. In the DF model, only the target density is taken as the local density in the Melbourne $g$-matrix. For $^{4}$He elastic scattering from $^{58}$Ni and $^{208}$Pb targets in a wide range of incident energies from 20~MeV/nucleon to 200~MeV/nucleon, the DF model with the target-density approximation (TDA) yields much better agreement with the experimental data than the usual DF model with the frozen-density approximation in which the sum of projectile and target densities is taken as the local density. We also discuss the relation between the DF model with the TDA and the conventional folding model in which the nucleon-nucleus potential is folded with the $^{4}$He density.
We construct a microscopic optical potential including breakup effects for elastic scattering of weakly-binding projectiles within the Glauber model, in which a nucleon-nucleus potential is derived by the $g$-matrix folding model. The derived microscopic optical potential is referred to as the eikonal potential. For $d$ scattering, the calculation with the eikonal potential reasonably reproduces the result with an exact calculation estimated by the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method. As the properties of the eikonal potential, the inaccuracy of the eikonal approximation used in the Glauber model is partially excluded. We also analyse the $^6$He scattering from $^{12}$C with the eikonal potential and show its applicability to the scattering with many-body projectiles.
We construct nucleonic microscopic optical potentials by combining the Greens function approach with the coupled-cluster method for $rm{^{40}Ca}$ and $rm{^{48}Ca}$. For the computation of the ground-state of $rm{^{40}Ca}$ and $rm{^{48}Ca}$, we use the coupled-cluster method in the singles-and-doubles approximation, while for the A = $pm 1$ nuclei we use particle-attached/removed equation-of-motion method truncated at two-particle-one-hole and one-particle-two-hole excitations, respectively. Our calculations are based on the chiral nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon interaction $rm{NNLO_{sat}}$, which reproduces the charge radii of $^{40}$Ca and $^{48}$Ca, and the chiral nucleon-nucleon interaction $rm{NNLO_{opt}}$. In all cases considered here, we observe that the overall form of the neutron scattering cross section is reproduced for both interactions, but the imaginary part of the potential, which reflects the loss of flux in the elastic channel, is negligible. The latter points to neglected many-body correlations that would appear beyond the coupled-cluster truncation level considered in this work. We show that, by artificially increasing the parameter $eta$ in the Greens function, practical results can be further improved.
Microscopic optical potentials have been successful in describing nucleon-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus scattering. Some essential ingredients of the framework, however, have not been examined in detail. Applicability of the microscopic folding model is systematically investigated. Effect of an antisymmetrization factor (ASF) appearing in multiple scattering theory, theoretical uncertainty regarding the local density approximation (LDA), and the validity of a prescription for nonlocality, the Brieva-Rook (BR) localization, of the microscopic potential, are quantitatively estimated for nucleon-nucleus scattering; investigation on the ASF is carried out for also deuteron-nucleus scattering. A single folding model with the Melbourne g-matrix interaction and the SLy4 Skyrme-type Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubiv (SLy4-HFB) density is employed for evaluating a nucleon-nucleus microscopic optical potential. Deuteron-nucleus scattering is described by the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method incorporating the microscopic proton-nucleus and neutron-nucleus potentials. The ASF is found to affect proton total reaction cross sections for a 12C target below 200 MeV by about 10%. Effect of the ASF on total reaction cross sections is negligibly small if a target nucleus is heavy or scattering energy is above 200 MeV; elastic cross sections are hardly affected by the ASF for all the reaction systems considered. Below 65 MeV, still the BR localization works quite well. However, at energies below about 50 MeV, the LDA becomes less accurate for evaluating elastic cross sections at backward angles. This is the case also for the total reaction cross sections of p-12C below about 200 MeV. The microscopic model is applicable to nucleon-nucleus scattering above 25 MeV for target nuclei in a wide range of mass numbers. Deviation of calculated results from experimental data is less than about 10%.
Elastic scattering observables (differential cross section and analyzing power) are calculated for the reaction $^6$He(p,p)$^6$He at projectile energies starting at 71 MeV/nucleon. The optical potential needed to describe the reaction is based on a microscopic Watson first-order folding potential, which explicitly takes into account that the two neutrons outside the $^4$He-core occupy an open p-shell. The folding of the single-particle harmonic oscillator density matrix with the nucleon-nucleon t-matrix leads for this case to new terms not present in traditional folding optical potentials for closed shell nuclei. The effect of those new terms on the elastic scattering observables is investigated. Furthermore, the influence of an exponential tail of the p-shell wave functions on the scattering observables is studied, as well as the sensitivity of the observables to variations of matter and charge radius. Finally elastic scattering observables for the reaction $^8$He(p,p)$^8$He are presented at selected projectile energies.
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